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To be honest, it wasn't my intention to find out about what Xavier and Love were up to but I did anyway. I had just arrived from Paris for two shows and decided to drop by Xav's place because I knew he's still beating himself up about how we left things and I just needed my friend right now. I actually didn't want to do the shows but with how things went down that day, I just had to get away because what Marvel said was true. I was opened the door and headed inside only to find abandoned glasses on the table and discarded clothes so I just assumed Xav had girl over and so I decided to check in on Love even if she was asleep. On my way to the guest bedroom, I had voices coming from Xavier's room and I recognized the girl's voice.

They were hooking up.

I was confused but not that shocked. Love has always loved Xavier; I could tell since the beginning so it made sense why she would do this but Xavier was another mystery. When exactly did this happen? Were they together all along but didn't tell me? But then again, I would have noticed. This mystery was not going to solve itself but I wouldn't intrude. I would wait for them to tell me about it. It would be great if they got together mostly because I didn't want Xavier to continue suffering over his feelings for me yet I couldn't reciprocate them and also, I would want to see him happy with a woman who loves him and that happens to be my girlfriend, Love. It would be such a great thing for both my friends to finally be happy and fulfilled but if this goes sideways then more than their relationship would be jeopardized and that won't be favorable for anyone.

Carefully I walked downstairs and picked up all their abandoned clothes and took them to the laundry room then came back took the glasses to the kitchen and cleaned up and then left to go home because tomorrow bright and early, I wanted to visit Nicky to finally get things out of the way and get home early to catch up reports and paperwork. Today, I visited Nicky and we talked and cleared everything up and she finally got to meet my daughter. It was all great till Xavier walked in and he couldn't look me in the eye. It was all awkward and weird for me and Nicky and Marvel. I didn't want to push him because I knew what this was and I could see he didn't want to talk to me so I left but I reminded him he was my friend and he could talk to me when he felt ready.

 I didn't want to push him because I knew what this was and I could see he didn't want to talk to me so I left but I reminded him he was my friend and he could talk to me when he felt ready

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"I'll never understand how you remain so beautiful yet you barely sleep. It's all work with you Miss Black, seriously would you relax you have very capable workers," Luke's voice broke my concentration and I looked up to find him leaning on my office door with a goofy smile on his face. "Don't judge, you know am the boss and I can slack off especially when I have employees who work so hard to prepare these reports for me. It would be plain rude not give them feedback so that they can move on to other tasks plus I can look this beautiful without resting because I got its natural talent so am good," I jested and he laughed out loud now entering my home office.

"True, true but you should rest. You do know you just came from two shows, then went to visit Nicky and Xavier and you've only slept for three hours, that's not healthy at all," he explained but I ignored him and kept working. He shut my laptop suddenly, "Okay I won't sit here and be ignored while you keep on working. At least tell me you fixed things with Xavier, the guy has been such a Debby downer of late, jeez," he said exasperated and I just chuckled at his behavior. I stopped working and placed all the file in my cabinet then turned to him, "Well I do have some news but I don't know what to make of it," he raised his eyebrows at me waiting for me to explain further, "Okay, he and Love slept together last night but they don't know I know and I was there but today when I went to Nicky's and Xavier found me there, he couldn't even look at me. I think he regrets it," I finished and Luke sat down to process through what I just dumped on him.

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