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That was my first thought when I opened my eyes and saw an unfamiliar but still familiar room. I had slept with my Xander and am still on our marital bed where it all started for Bella Black and ended for Kimberly Rossi. This where Kayla was conceived, the most precious thing in my life and where I was played for a fool over and over again but still this is the most content I've felt after waking up.

I turn and reach out but the only thing that greets my palm is an empty space and I realize Xander is not in the room. I get up and walk to the bathroom with my clothes from last night to freshen up since there is a huge chance I will run into my daughter and I don't want to scar or give her hope that her father and I were back together. We only hooked up and it was divine but we hadn't discussed what this meant for us and our daughter. She was the most important and if this was only a short fling, it wasn't worth filling my daughter with hope of her family being reunited only for it to be shattered. Not again.

I get dressed and then collect my shoes and start heading downstairs in search of Xander and that's when I hear them both in the kitchen. He's telling her something and she's giggling so much. "But daddy, I want to go see mommy, would you hurry up with her special breakfast" "Patience little one, mommy's breakfast should be perfect." I assumed he was shuffling to finish with the food since it was silent for a while, then I heard him speak again, "Come on let's go am done now," I could hear their footsteps moving towards the stairs and it's only when they begin the climb, they see me.

"Mommy, you're awake. We made you breakfast," Kayla said once she reached me. "Wow, that's nice of you both, how thoughtful. I think I should have stayed in bed and not ruined the surprise but thank you for the gesture," I took Kayla's hand and continued descending and when I reached where Xander was still standing staring at me, "Good morning, if I knew the itinerary, I would have stayed put but since am up let's have it together," I placed my shoes down and let go of Kay's hand and took the tray from his arms. He still didn't respond and was still staring. "Daddy, I know mommy is beautiful but it's rude to stare. She wants to have breakfast so let's go," Kayla shook him out of his thoughts, "Am sorry it's only that she's so breathtaking," I can't believe I blushed but he took Kayla's hand and went downstairs where we had breakfast together.

Xander had bought Kayla's uniform and put them at his house for the days she would sleep over during school nights which was super convenient this morning. After she was dressed and we bid each other goodbyes and I love yous, he drove her to school and I was left after offering to do the dishes. Once I was done, I grabbed my phone where I had left it last night and I found missed calls from Gian and decided to call him back.

"Sorry for missing your calls, I forgot my phone downstairs but I hope you got in without any issues."

"Sure, but Adrian and I will be staying with you for a while am due to go to Russia. I'll be back soon and tell the American I love the same way I fuck; hard so, he better be on his best behavior with my girls," why the heck do I always end up with such possessive men? "Sure, have a safe trip and don't worry your son will be taken care of. I'll miss you," his only reply was a 'hmm' then he hung up. Honestly, Mr. Sunshine sometimes gets on my nerves.

"Am sorry if I took long to return, Kayla had a lot to say this morning," I turned to see Xander walking into the living room and I smiled gently. "She can be quite a handful sometimes but only with people she loves," he comes and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him and I immediately wrap my arms around his neck. He nuzzles his face in my neck and takes a huge whiff before starting to nibble on my skin but before this can go any further, we do have to talk.

"As much as I would like a repeat of yesternight, we do have a conversation pending," he stops and drops his hands from my waist and tugs me towards the sofa. "I do understand your concerns and believe me I will work hard to earn you trust back. I know I have not been a good husband or an easy person to love and I did hurt you very much but what I do know is that I love you very much and do want this with you. I want us together. I want to pick up from where we left off and raise our family together, give Kayla the family she craves and I want to be the man you deserve. I do want this," I pulled my hand from his and faced away but not because I didn't want this but because he was saying all the right things but I'm not sure if I could trust him again. I still fear the pain I felt when he cheated, I feel afraid of buying this fantasy for it to be taken away.

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