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I know what happened was fucked up and whatever Marvel said was harsh but it was somehow true. When it comes with anything to do with Kimberly and Alexander, things always get complicated and messy for everyone around them but still that doesn't excuse Marvel's behavior towards her. As I watch her drive off back to the house, I know this situation can end in one of two ways; she can go in self-sabotage mode or hope that all the years of planning have punned out and she can pull through this situation. For all our sakes hope I do hope it's the second option or else none of us will ever see her again. I have loved her for a very long time and I still continue to love her even when I know she yearns for someone else. Over the years, I have allowed myself the luxury of wishing she could get over him and finally see me, that in some other worldly way she can see how good we're together but it has never happened.

She's made for him. She's the wind beneath his cape, the Bonnie to his Clyde, the angel to his demons and there is nothing anything of us can do about it.

It's very frustrating and sometimes exhausting but we just have to come to terms with it and that's the only way we can move; I can move on. Sooner or later, it was bound to happen. She was to go back to him because she loves him and their attraction is greater than anything else and their love for each and their daughter Kayla, will always bind them forever to each other so even though the logical thing to do is to follow her and ensure nothing bad happens, it's better I leave her to figure this out alone and I have faith she has the skills and emotional capability to do what's right for her life, her daughter and even else around her. She's a fighter and she can make everything change for the better because she's the angel we've all been blessed with.

"Come on man, I'll take you to mine then we can figure out what the next step is," I urge Marvel towards my car as he's still reeling from Nicole leaving and what he just told Kiki. He really is a good guy but everyone is allowed to vent and am sure Kiki understands that. We move to my car and once he's settled in the passenger side, I enter and start the car. For a while as we are driving to my house, he seems out of sorts and it's like he's now thinking really hard about today's events. I don't blame him for whatever he said and I wouldn't reprimand him because I've been there and I know exactly what he's feeling so I just try to understand him. "Am sorry for what I said earlier to Kimberly. I know it wasn't my place to psychoanalyze your relationship with her. It's only that I was so hurt and frustrated at everything and I guess I just cracked because this secret has been such a huge thing to keep and now my guilt, shame and regret was eating away at me and I just let it out on her and now she might hate me and you must hate me but I swear man, it wasn't my intention," he explained hurriedly but I just continued looking forward. He doesn't have to explain all of this, I get it and that's why he's sitting in my car as we head a totally different direction than the one, I was supposed to be heading.

"Don't worry about it, I know and understand you and regards Kimberly she's smart, kind and intelligent, she gets what you're going through and whatever you said was true but next time work on the delivery because maybe next time you might be punched in the mouth, so be careful," I said jokingly and as we eased into comfortability, tensions from today's events eased up and what was now left is to figure out how to make things up to Nicole.


Sometimes I feel like my life is a movie and today's events just proved that. I have always known there was something quite not right with that Bella Black lady but I never thought it would be this exactly. I had suspected something fishy and maybe considered the possibility of her being Kimberly but I deemed myself crazy and faulted it to be the loss of my dear friend and kicked that thought away. Seeing her so up close felt so good and I almost jumped at the chance to hug her but I had to play this game out too. One night after Marvel and I came back from dinner with his aunt and uncle, I had him talking to somebody regarding Kimberly's accident. I thought that was weird and I was just as curious and so I didn't ask, decided to make an Investigation of my own. I followed him and checked his findings only to realize he's been investigating my brother and another woman in Amsterdam who was now a rising entrepreneur and nothing still made sense. Why would my husband be investigating Kimberly's death, my brother and a mysterious lady from Amsterdam? Were they involved? But it can't be Xavier adored her. He simply worshipped the ground she walks on, so what the hell was going on?

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