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Well things have been weird ever since I discovered Kayla was Miss Black's daughter. My friends won't talk to me and the parents won't stop nagging me about this situation. Am currently at home enjoying some whiskey on my balcony when all of a sudden I saw her. The daydream that has been haunting my nightmares. I don't understand how I feel so attracted to her yet I only met her recently. Right now she's looking so glorious and the light of the sun just elevates that sparkle of her skin and the way she walks with the grace of a swan and she handles everything with the delicateness of an angel I can't get enough of her. She's currently painting a portrait and that just reminds me of my Kimberly. I can't quite make out who she's drawing but I can tell its a man, probably the father of her daughter or her lover. She's just so concentrated and it her facial expression just shows how sad she is drawing it. He must have hurt her so much or he left her but those tears are definitely for someone she loves with all her heart and weirdly enough I feel a tinge of jealousy knowing she  might still love him but on the other hand I feel like running over there are drying all her tears and pull her into my embrace to make her feel better. At this point my feelings are confusing me since I am still in love with Kimberly but I have started developing something for Miss Black.

I can't get a hold of my own emotions and it's starting to irritate me since a part of me wants to pursue this newly found feelings but another part of me keeps taunting me saying that am cheating on her all over again and tainting her pure memory. Even in death I still can't respect her. With this thoughts I move away from the balcony and go back to the house. I decide to continue working since it's the only reasonable hint my mind can take to stop thinking about my dead love and my new interest.  I finished at around midnight and decided to go to sleep since I was feeling tired and so I packed up all the files into my briefcase and exited the office. On my way to my room, I found the door to the master bedroom open and I assumed I just forgot to lock it when I was here in the morning and so I entered to ensure everything was in its place and also the window was closed. As I was locking it, that's when I saw it. It was blurry since it was quite far but I couldn't take my eyes off it.

   Few years back 

"Babe, I don't think that is such a good idea," I told Kimberly but she wouldn't listen. She had been trying to get a cobweb from the corner of our bedroom and she couldn't reach it so she decided to step on a three legged stool so that she could reach it. She was being so stubborn and she didn't want to get down until she got it. I decided it would be better if I ask for the vacuum cleaner to reach it. I started moving towards the door as I asked her to get down " Babe get down I'll ask one of the servants to bring the vacuum cleaner since it's more likely to reach and you don't have to put yourself in danger..." I didn't get to finish that sentence before I heard a loud thud behind me and I saw her sprawled on the floor. I quickly rushed to her side and helped her up before I sat her down on the bed only to realize she had a cut on the left side of her back. " I always tell you to be careful but you don't listen. Now look baby you're hurt we need to get you to the hospital. Please apply pressure here before you bleed out. I carried her out into the car and sooner or later we were pulling up- i n the hospital parking lot. I rushed her inside since that nasty cut might be infected and I don't her to be much more worse than before. 

The cut was taken care of and she was given some antibiotics after being patched up. We soon left and went home and after three weeks she had healed but what I do remember is that it left a scar on her back.

End of flashback  

I kid you not right now as am looking at Miss Black's back I see a similar scar and this confusing emotions are running through my mind and I can feel tears prickling my eyeballs. I don't think I will be able to handle all these emotions. I just miss her so much and now that they is this whole other person who does things exactly the way my wife did is just eating at me. I just hurt her so bad to a point that she  choose death as her only escape. She was the most kind, precious, beautiful and loyal person and I robbed her of all those traits and turned her into a corpse that now keeps haunting my dreams and reality. I don't think I can handle all this anymore. I feel like the walls are closing in on me and air is inadequate in my lungs and I can't breathe. I think am going to die. I try to hold onto the window but my motor functions seem to be shutting down and in the last attempt to save myself I push a vase and as it crashes down it catches the attention of Miss Black and I can see her calling me but I fall and soon I'm gaping for air like am being choked. I have never had panic attacks up until her death and I thought they were gone but it seems am not out of the woods yet.

THE UNWANTED BRIDEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora