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Alexander's POV
I just don't understand women sometimes.Why would she just take a sixty degree turn and cut the call when all I wanted to do was compliment her.

Maybe she thought you were objectifying her.

But I didn't even have any bad intentions with my words, I just wanted to compliment her because the need was too much for me to ignore. This woman has done something to me and I can't even explain what all this means. All I know is that am so mesmerized and captivated by her grace and beauty, her will and strength in raising such a caring and sweet little girl all the while managing a multi-million dollar empire which she build from the ground. Just looking at her makes me want to be close and learn what makes her happy and what put that beautiful smile on her face. She's just like an angel sent to me by my dear Kimberly but that is another issue.

I feel so guilty about the way I treated her, the love of my life and my angel. The moments and memories keep replaying in my head and it seems like a movie and sometimes I sleep and dream of her and wake up hoping it's just not a dream and maybe the heavens have decided to forgive me and gift me my love back but it's just a dream. I feel so guilty for even taking an interest in Miss Black because I feel like I'm not worthy of any good woman because I poison roses and they die. That guilt I don't know if it will ever go away but I always hope that wherever my Kimberly is she forgives me.

I finished the little bit of work I had then decided to go to my room to take a nap. That is the only way I can feel peaceful in this hell I call a life since I have the solace of seeing her in my dreams and only she calls me down. It's truly amazing how much we value something or someone one when we lose them. It was truly a peaceful slumber before I woke up to the shrill ringing of my phone. Checking the caller ID it was Harry and I knew he had his merry band of clowns with him and if he's calling me it must just be to annoy me.

"What does a man have to do to die peacefully in his own home?"I asked and immediately I heard him gasp and call over the others, " What do you mean die peacefully?" Kyle asked and before I could ask Mariano followed, " I Know you still feel the pain if losing her but do you think she wants you to follow her," do they generally not understand any figure of speech but I guess am not in the position to joke with issues like death because everyone still regards me as a flight risk to the world of the dead.
"Not like that you imbeciles, I meant can't I sleep in peace without you blowing up my phone every two minutes, am fine. I don't want to be treated like a suicidal weakling," they exhaled but I knew this all came from a place of love and they meant well.

"Well okay sleeping beauty we won't be disturbing you anymore, we'll just book appointments and schedule calls with our friend,"Harry always being dramatic answered and I rolled my eyes," That would be appreciated," I joked and he just scoffed and left the phone and walked away.

"Hey man, don't be like that you know how sensitive he is. He means well and just misses the old you and wants you to be okay again," Kyle explained and I made a mental note of talking to him later.

"I know but it's just that you guys worry so much about me and it's suffocating sometimes because it makes me feel I can't do anything it's like am disabled. I just wish you would let me heal in my own way without hovering but am grateful for your support guys,"I really am lucky to have such friends.

" Aaaaw, I knew you loved us you just needed a little bit of pushing to tell us," Harry spoke again and I just knew I won't hear the end of that one, "Anyway I called to tell you that it seems that your saving grace might actually have saved someone else. Insta is blowing up since apparently your new crush posted really intimate content on her gram and hate to break to you but he may be the infamous baby daddy,"I didn't even need to think on it and I just hang up and immediately went to her feed. There they are. She was in the arms of another man and she seemed happy and the way they were together just screamed happy and obsessed with each other. Her stories we're filled with them having a good time and I just couldn't believe that the one woman I take an interest in end up being Enzo's woman.

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