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"Kay, daddy is almost here can you both get ready and head downstairs? You can continue doing whatever activity you were up to tomorrow, okay?" "Yes mommy, we'll just put our things away then join you downstairs," she answered and I left her and Tristan heading for the door to let him in. I wait by the door as he finishes parking and soon, he's heading towards me, "Welcome home baby, dinner is ready I know you're hungry," I lead him into the house after I finish giving him a proper welcome. Tristan and Kayla are already at the table waiting for us.

"Hey daddy, I missed you," she had gotten up and ran to him and he picked her up, "Not more than I did my little princess. How was your day?" he asked setting her down and they moved towards the table but before occupying his seat her gave Tristan a nod and I've always felt how they interact is so weird. "It was okay and Tristan was really helpful with a mean boy who was hurting me. He said he handled it and the bully has stopped being mean to me. Isn't that nice of him?" she inquires and Xander turns towards the boy and they look at each other so intensely you would think they are agemates then he just told him thank you and that was the end of the staring contest.

"He's really nice but next time you should inform your mommy or I or even your teacher if someone is bothering you. Can you promise me" "I promise daddy," then we said grace and proceeded to eat. It was a generally a chill night with us cleaning after dinner together, the kids picked a movie and once it was done, we played charades and soon since it was too late, they went to bed and we returned downstairs for some chill time before he has to go home.

"I'm sure that little rascal is up to something," Xander says and the sour expression in his face is laughable but also too cute, "Now what has he done?" I encourage even though I know it's his fatherly instincts showing, "I know he's been sneaking into our daughter's room at night instead of sleeping in his own bed and now Lord knows what he's up to with the whole savior thing he has going on. Charming the pants off my little princess," he looks so cute and childish right now with his hands folded across his chest, his lower lip jutting out and his head turned away like a child throwing a tantrum and I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"You never seem to take me seriously about these things and then he will grow up to be all possessive of our little girl and he'll take her away after he's charmed her so much, she will do whatever he wants. Then you'll finally believe me, just keep laughing now and later you'll be crying," another round of laughter at how weird and impossible this sounded but I had to stop and assure him. "Babe, you know why I find this situation funny? It's because you and Tristan have so much in common yet you never seem to see it," he looked at confused like I was crazy to compare him to a child.

"Tristan is the exact same age as you when you fell for me and started bullying me because I wouldn't give you the attention you demanded just like he at first bullied her before they became friends. Unlike you, he's now graduated to the protector or as you say possessive charmer. He won't allow anyone to hurt our little girl and he always spends all his time with her. He only has eyes for her and I agree it's so weird and I do not condone his behavior like sneaking into her room at night and sleep in her bed but it's not like I can do anything about it. If I forbid him, then I found that she sneaks into his bed instead. I know you're just getting to enjoy her and she's your little girl but she's growing up and you may feel like it's too first but she'll never just agree to run off with some boy. She has fought so much to make sure she was reunited with you and you're her daddy and she'll always need you. She may have found Tristan and will find someone else but you'll always be her first love and that will never change, okay?" I explain and he takes my hands in his and brings them to his mouth for a kiss.

"I know your right babe, but I also think my concerns lie in the fact that the life his father leads may put him and our daughter in danger and I don't want that. Sure, it's all cute and fun right now but being his father's heir, he'll finally take over the family business and I can't help but worry what will happen if they end up together in the future. She's my baby and the thought of her hurt or in danger sends me into a very dark place. I lost her once, I can't bear to lose her again," the fear and devastation runs so deep for him, I've started to feel it too and so I throw myself into his embrace because I need that to keep me grounded and not spiral like he has. "Xander I've raised her for seven years and I can tell you she's smart, sensible, determined and knows how to work a problem. She's too young for such things but even then, I found we work better we I trust my daughter and always be there keeping and ear and eye out making sure she tows the right path. Now that you have come into her life, you have a lot of time to share your wisdom and guide her and she will always seek you out if she needs help. She has a family ready and prepared at all times to come to her rescue. Let's have faith in our daughter and if she has faith in Tristan then we have to respect that."

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