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Sometimes we let the waters rise and drift so that we can survive. Being in there where it all began; I could barely keep myself afloat because it was like watching a horror movie where you're the character but at least in movies actors get to revert back to their realities but in mine it was my reality. As I went downstairs, I decided to make spaghetti and meat balls as he showers. I still don't know what persona am going to tread with while we confront the lowest moment in our relationship. Back then I knew he didn't want anything to do with me because he made it pretty clear I was not his choice. I was simply someone his parents forced to take responsibility of so that he can mend his ways and also atone for his cruelty. He made me feel like I was a worthless, unwanted bride.
It was torture but then again, I was used to it after all. Maybe running to hide back then was the wrong decision. I could have stayed in school and faced my bullying head on but instead I hid and gave my torturer the upper hand on me emotionally, mentally and psychologically even though I knew he was always watching me. Soon I stopped being the object of his obsession and he found another hobby; humping and dumping. It was the new order in Alexander Rossi's realm.

Marrying him, I knew he had grown accustomed to some sort of lifestyle and he wouldn't just stop because he's married most especially to me. It was right there in front of my eyes, the flirting, the encounters between him and our maid even when he fired her then soon, she was back, it was right there in front of me. That day was dawning very soon but I failed to catch on the hint.


My destruction began when I started cultivated hope that we could work. That maybe he was the one meant for me, he could change and he would grow to love and care for me. Hope that one day we would work out and grow our family and finally what I've been looking for all my life will be gifted to me but no, it ain't always that easy for me at least. I'm always a means to an end and I should have accepted that instead of building castles in the air. There was a time I thought maybe Xavier was what I really needed to finally live the life I've always wanted but the heart wants what it wants and it wasn't Xavier. While I continued making him some food, he came down freshly showered dressed in casual clothes. He entered the kitchen and went straight to the fridge and grabbed water before he sat on the stools by the kitchen island which seem to be a new addition because they weren't there earlier. I continued with the task at hand while he just sat there quietly observing me.

 I continued with the task at hand while he just sat there quietly observing me

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"I want to know everything," I breathed while my back was still turned to him.
"Where exactly do you want me to start?" he asked and I stopped what I was doing and turned to look at him but his gaze was pinned on the half empty bottle of water.
"Well, why don't you start from when we were kids and why you made it your job to torture me," I voiced, "...then work your way to the defining moment, when you decided to fuck the help in OUR marital bed," I emphasized and for a moment his gaze flickered to mine but as soon as it happened, he shifted it somewhere else. I loathed talking about that moment back my revenge will go forward no matter what. As he thought over how to start, I went back to my cooking.

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