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Kimberly has really grown to be a very important person in my life. Every second I spent with her makes me fall in love with her again and not only as a friend but the love of my life. It's official, I fucking love Kimberly. I find myself inclined to do anything with and for her because I always want her to be happy and smiling. That smile of hers is always my undoing and if she asked for the fucking stars and moon I would move heaven and earth to bring them for her so it's no surprise that once she said she was going back home, I wanted to go with her. So after she left I got packing and informed my PA of my travel plans and she prepped everything and soon after I had checked out I went to the helipad and soon Kiki joined me and since the helicopter had arrived we left for the airport. The look in her eyes as she looked out at the world beneath her made her look more beautiful and this particular scene never fails to make my heart skip a beat.

Soon we landed in a nearby helipad and took a car that been arranged to the airport and soon we were the jet and finally take off. We spend the time playing board games and discussing my childhood which she made so much fun of. Sooner rather later we landed and I decided to first head to my place so that she can at least rest because it was such a long journey but somewhere deep down I didn't want our time together to end. When we arrived home she immediately went to the kitchen and took a bottle of water and informed me she was going to her bedroom to have a rest and after freshening up I busied myself with making lunch because I was sure once she woke up she would be hungry. When I first saw she was a breath of fresh air and a ray of sunshine and I immediately felt attracted to her. She was such a beautiful site and all I wanted was to be with her, protect and make her happy but when I found out about her being married I was heartbroken but the realisation of how he treated her, it broke my heart even more.

Kimberly has been such a remarkable and important person in my life and I endeavor to make her happy as long as she let's me and she'll always have my support whenever she needs it. She will always have me by her side even if it's only as fr....

I was brought out of my thoughts by cries of hurt and agony coming from upstairs and I immediately dropped everything and rushed to her. When I entered her room the sight in front of me was devastating. She was having a nightmare which I assume could be an event from her past and she was crying so much and when I sat beside her and tried waking up all I could her her mutter was the phrase ' why do I exist ' and all I wanted to do at that time was to wipe away all her sad and painful past. She finally woke up and the first thing she did was wrap her arms around me and she started sobbing and it hurt you see her like this but I knew all she needed right now was me holding her and giving her the comfort of knowing that am here. Soon she came down and after some few words to make her feel better, we went downstairs to eat and even though it was silent it was comfortable and am glad I was of some help in bringing back her smile. We ended up doing the dishes together only because she was adamant not to let me do everything and soon we left for her house. It was so much fun driving while she was with me because she convinced me to sing along to songs in the radio, we also argued over stupid and irrelevant stuff but it was just fine because at least she forgot about her earlier grief and soon enough we were entering the compound. I helped her with her bags once we pulled over in her driveway and as expected she thanked me so much even though I always tell her she doesn't have to because it's no bother.

I left afterwards and headed back home where she resided a few hours ago. Even though am not the one she loves am happy that her husband finally treats her the way she deserves but I still can't help but feel so frustrated at all this feelings I have for her that I can't contain anymore. So as soon I arrived I went and changed went to the gym to relieve some the tension and frustrations. A few hours later I was done and I hit the shower and after I got dressed I was heading downstairs towards the living room to watch a movie when I the doorbell and when I was met with a broken Kimberly but what worried me was that she looked dead on the inside and she wasn't even crying to at least let everything out and the only she said was," Take me out of LA because if you won't I will end it all," I just grabbed my phone,our passports and keys and as I drove out of my compound I texted them to prepare my jet because I was going to Greece. She needs to be somewhere she is surrounded by love and support and I know the best place was my childhood home and to top it all off,my mom has been dying to meet her. She has been receiving calls and she just watches them ring and she doesn't care. I have never seen her this withdrawn and hurt even when she was telling me the story of her life and it seems this time she has finally lost all hope and will and the Kimberly Rossi we once knew has been casted to the shadows and she will not be seen for a long time it otherwise ever.

THE UNWANTED BRIDEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora