Chapter 14: Black Gloves

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Lisa is still in a daze when she feels someone holding her wrist tightly.

Her eyes meet with Jungkook's when she turns around.

"Leave," he states.


He releases his hold. It's not until now that Lisa realizes that her hands have been in fists all this time.

So he grabbed her wrist just now to prevent her from acting rashly?

That's impossible. No matter how angry or frustrated she is, she wouldn't act recklessly.

They turn around and leave with the crowd. The factory area behind them is still filled with noise, and the night scenery around them is still empty and quiet as before.

Lisa murmurs, "This really sucks."

"It's not worth it," a deep and slow voice says each word clearly, "The more times he commits an offense, the more evidence he will leave behind. He is bringing about his own destruction."


The third victim is named Kim Lia.

Unlike the previous two victims, she did not actually get assaulted.

This means that before the suspect could commit the crime, she notified the police.

Arriving at the scene, Lisa looks around as she stands in Kim Lia's bedroom. Everything has been kept as is; the lights are on, the bed covers are in a mess, but nothing else is out of place. The window is shut. Kim Lia is sitting on the side of the bed; an outer jacket is covering her small figure; her shirt underneath is ruffled and tear marks can be seen on her face.

Lisa picks up the wooden stick on the bed with her gloved hand, "You used this to hit him?"

Lia nods.

How suspenseful must that have been?

He stalks her without her knowing, and then suddenly entering her place. He's tall with muscular arms. His eyes are full of madness behind the black mask.

He pushes her onto the bed.

When he uses nylon ropes to tie her hands, she tries once to escape; kicking him on the chest. It catches him off guard and he falls to the ground, but quickly climbs back up. Lia wants to run away, but he immediately presses her to the bed. She can't fend him off this time and both of her hands are tied .

He lowers his head and kisses her everywhere. Due to her struggling to escape, it takes him a bit of time to hold her legs down. And when he bends down to tie them, the chance comes. Although Lia's hands are tied, it doesn't stop her from rolling to the inner side of the bed and fetching the wooden stick. She swings it towards him.

Ever since she heard about sexual assaults happening in the area, she, who lives by herself, has kept a wooden stick in her bedroom.

But his reflex is too quick as he dodges; the swing misses him. It's just that Lia's emotions are close to crumbling. She raises the stick and starts to swing it non-stop; using all her might. That man tries to take the stick away from her hands, but doesn't succeed. In the end, he flees from the apartment as she swings the stick frantically at him.

Lisa pats Lia's shoulders, "You did very well."

Lia wipes her tears and says in a raspy voice. "Officer, will you be able to catch him?"

"Of course. "

The moment Lisa pushes open the bedroom door, she sees Bambam running over.

"Leader, I've asked the factory director," he says, "In the beginning, everybody said that they will keep a secret about monitoring Chen Li Jiang. But one or two of them behaved a little weirdly. When I pressed them, it turns out that an assistant factory director had told one of his close subordinates about it, and one of the union leaders told his wife about it too. Although they promised that they did not disclose it to anybody else, I don't think we can trust them a hundred percent."

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