Chapter 25 : Lisa's grief ( Part 2)

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There is an additional door on the 8th floor that leads to a spacious platform. It's already 2 to 3pm, and the sun is shining brightly. The instant that Lisa raises her head, she sees Jungkook press his hands against the edge of the balcony and jumping down; his black shadow disappears in the next second.

Luckily, the balcony and the top of the other building is just beside each other and is only about a meter difference in height. Lisa stops at the edge of the balcony, closes her eyes, and jumps down.

She reaches out and presses her hands on the ground right when she lands, and sees that Jungkook has already made it to the other side of the building and is going down the stairs. Seeing that she's fine, he turns his head and disappears.

Lisa is suddenly struck dumb..

She doesn't know why her mind has suddenly gone blank just now. She quickly clears her head and continues chasing after him.

Once they go down to the fifth floor, there's a hallway that leads to the top of another building. There are many buildings in the 90's that are like this. Lisa runs along the hallway and sees that Jungkook is going down the stairs of the rooftop.

Lisa is suddenly stunned.

His face is very clear under the sun. He places one of his hands on the railing as he looks downwards. His short black hair rests on his forehead, and his side profile is prominent.

He turns around to look at her.

And then turns his head back and starts going down.

The sun is above their heads. Lisa looks down and sees his shadow disappear from the rooftop while hers chases closely after it. The prosperous city surrounding them endlessly is empty and quiet.

At this very moment, she feels as if her heart is being squeezed.

Fiercely, without warning, and completely unprepared.

There's an indescribable pain spreading from her heart at an instant; like blood rushing through her whole body.

Lisa halts her footsteps.

But in the next second, she immediately realizes that she is currently working on a case, so she quickly starts running again.

But when she lifts her head again, tears are flowing from her eyes.

What's going on? Why does the imagery of her and Jungkook running and chasing gives her a familiar feeling?

Why does her chest feel tremendous pressure making her almost unable to breathe? Why are tears flowing from her eyes uncontrollably, just like when she was unable to stop crying in her dreams?

Her consciousness is helping her maintain her speed. Perhaps because the rest of the path is rather easy, so Jungkook has increased the distance between them and hasn't noticed anything strange about her.

Her eyes are completely blurry. They leap from one rooftop to another; they jump over one barrier after another. Although she's running on the path right now, it feels as if she's in another setting.

Similarly in the other setting, a calm and athletic man is running in the front while she is following him close behind. Their shadows are just like how they are now; following and chasing one another to reach the same goal.

There is no one else in this world that can replace what they mean to each other.

Lisa can't run any further.

She slowly comes to a stop, buries her face in her palms, and squats down.

The man in her dreams.

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