Chapter 50: Hand in Hand (1 of 2)

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In the classroom, the ceiling fan is spinning and humming above their heads.

This class is about Maoism. Just like the majority of the guys in the class, Lisa is sleeping with her head down on her desk. Someone pokes her arm, "Hey Beauty, Xingxing, the most handsome guy in the 4th class, asked me to give you his love letter. Hurry and read it!"

Lisa is in a bit of a daze from napping. She answers crisply, "Tell him to get lost. Miss Beauty here is already taken."

The classroom falls into complete quietness. Their professor is also struck dumb.

Then followed the thunderous sound of laughter!

Lisa sits back up slowly from her desk and sees the many chuckling faces. As well as......their teacher's angry expression.

"You!" the professor points at her nose, "Go stand outside! You're a student of the police academy and yet you dare have a love relationship?! Unacceptable!"

Lisa feels wronged and bewildered immediately, "I'm not in a relationship professor. I meant that I'm taken by the police workforce! I've decided long ago that I will give my youth to this profession."

The sound of laughter grows louder.

She is kicked out of the room by the professor nevertheless.

She's already a grown-up and yet she is being told to stand outside. Lisa stands in the hallway and rubs her nose feeling embarrassed. At the same time, she hears someone sitting at the end of the classroom blow a whistle. Lisa gets the signal, turns her head and sees Jungkook in his full police uniform walking towards her from the other end of the hallway.

"Yo! The man is here," someone whispers anxiously. Lisa glares at the person before looking at her reflection in the window; she fixes her hair, her shirt collar and then looks at Jungkook with a straight face as he approaches.

Seeing that she has been asked to stand outside, a hint of a smile flashes across Jungkook's eyes. He arrives in front of her looking calm and composed, "Classmate, what are you doing here?"

Lisa answers, "I'm admiring the scenery here. Fellow officer, what are doing at the police academy? Are you investigating a case?"

The smile in Jungkook's eyes grows deeper while his expression continues to be indifferent, "Mm. There's a case that I want to consult with the professor. I'll be on my way now."

He nods at her politely and then continues walking to the other end of the hallway. Lisa watches his back view disappear. She waits for a while so that her professor doesn't catch her; she bends down and escapes. Just when she approaches the corner of the hallway, someone grasps her wrist and pulls her into a room. It's the training room. There isn't anyone in here at this hour.

Jungkook takes off his police hat and throws it onto the table. He pushes her against the back of the door and kisses her. "Jungkook....." she calls out softly.

"Mm?" he answers in a low voice.

"Why are you at the police academy again? I thought we agreed to meet up over the weekend?"

"I miss you, so you think that I should just endure the pain?"

The summer breeze blows quietly. In the large classroom, only the sound of two people murmuring, giggling, and breathing can be heard.

Lisa opens her eyes slowly and sees the light gray ceiling in front of her. There are traces of tears in the corners of her eyes.

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