Chapter 30: Drinks for Today

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At the Hot Pot restaurant.

It's full of steam and the savory smell of food permeates the air.

The five members of the Black Shield Team sit in a table together with individual pots in front of each of them. Jungkook is chatting softly with Cold Face regarding investigating the surveillance videos, Lisa is browsing Taobao (Chinese eBay), and Bambam is immersed in reading up on the internet about the latest movements of the serial shooter on his tablet. Chatterbox is listening to Jungkook and Cold Face's conversation while using his chopsticks to stir his hot pot every now then, murmuring, "Why isn't it boiling yet?"

Following the event of two new victims, the case has moved onto the next phase. On one hand, the police have figured out T's pattern, so the remainder of the targets are now under protection and there will be no more new victims; on the other hand, they can only wait to see what T will do next. Therefore, after Namjoon finished listening to their reports at night today, he announced, "Everyone, go home and sleep! There will be another hard battle to fight starting tomorrow!"

"It's boiling, it's boiling! It's all boiling! Hurry and eat! It smells delicious." Chatterbox picks up a roll of lamb meat with his chopsticks and drops it in. The other four also stop what they were doing and pick up their chopsticks.

Come to think of it, it's actually the Black Shield Team's first time eating together.

Chatterbox raises his glass of tea, "Leader, why don't you say a few things." The others also raise their glasses and look over to Jungkook. Lisa is also looking at him, while her free hand is stroking the table lightly.

Jungkook leans forward and picks up his glass. Instead of looking back at them, he stares at the orange coloured liquid in the glass.

"Safety and happiness, and get what you wish for." He raises his glass and drinks to the bottom of it.

Everyone is silent for a few seconds.

Chatterbox is the first to speak, in his usual fawning tone, "Leader is a true leader!" He pats Bambam's back, who's beside him, and continues, "Simple, clear, and to the point, yet with so much depth!" He also drinks to the bottom of his cup. He puts it down and says, "That's right. Us criminal investigators have low wages and very little chances of getting raises or promotions. What else can we hope for besides safety and happiness?! As for my wish......wife and kids, and a home. Holy! I've got a long way to go, don't I?!"

Everyone starts laughing; even Cold Face is revealing his right dimple.

Chatterbox is actually refined looking: thin eyebrows, long and narrow eyes, straight-edged nose, thin lips, and a thin body. If he dresses well, he can be considered as handsome. But he's too talkative and very crude. A refined and handsome man with a talkative and crude personality really makes it hard for one to explain how he/she feels about him.

The group starts eating.

Lisa throws a couple slices of lamb meat and wood ear (fungus) and puts down her chopsticks. Jungkook's words resonate in her mind again.

Safety and happiness, and get what you wish for.

She shifts her gaze at him. She watches him finish cooking the lamb meat on his chopsticks, put it into his bowl and dip it into the sesame sauce. He suddenly lifts his head and looks back at her.

Even with the steam hovering the table, his eyes look rich brown and beautiful.

Lisa looks away. She picks up the lamb meat and starts eating with her head down.

Get what you wish for.

These are very simple words. But reciting them more carefully seems to bring a mix of warmth and sourness to them.

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