Mini Side Story: Heartless Cold Face Final Part

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The story returns to that night when the moon was high and passion filled the air........

Cold Face dashes out of the kickboxing stadium, wanting to chase after her. But he doesn't see her anywhere after running for a while. It's not until he arrives below the medical office building that he sees the lights on at her office.

Cold Face smiles suddenly.

Yuqi's face is burning red even after returning to the office. But her emotions are definitely not as worked up as Cold Face. Warmth, sweetness, uncertainty.....and the occasional encounters with him as usual like the past few months.

Let's just leave it like that, she thinks. Being friends is quite good. There's no way for them to advance further. With Cold Face's personality, how can he possibly advance a relationship with a woman.......

Just as she's deep in her thoughts, she hears two knocks on the door.

It's deep and powerful.

Yuqi feels strange: who could it be in the middle of the night?

"Who is it?" she asks raising her voice.

"Cold......." the man outside pauses and corrects himself. "Minghao."

They look at the door as if they can see each other.

Yuqi's heart pounds...... What is he doing here?

The door opens slowly. He's standing in the moonlight; tall and straight. His hair is a little damp from sweating; it seems as if steam is emitting from his body.  He's staring at her with his rich brown eyes.

Yuqi can't look at him directly; especially in the night with just the two of them. A certain feeling of nervousness and heat seem to permeate the air.

She turns around and goes inside without looking at him, "Is something up?"

Cold Face follows her in without a word and closes the door behind him.

Yuqi's heart is beating faster. She can't decide where to stand, so she returns to her seat pretending to flip through a book. Seeing him stand in front of her desk and not saying anything, she asks. "You're......looking for me for something?"

Cold Face remains quiet for a moment.

He pulls out his hands from his pockets and presses them on the table suddenly. He leans over slowly. He's tall, to begin with, so it looks as if he's encasing her by standing below the light like this.

"Why ask the obvious?" his deep and slightly raspy voice says above her head.

Yuqi's mind is going crazy what is the "obvious"? What happened? She simply handed him a bottle of water from Lisa's request. Could it be that he knows her feelings just from this?

That's not surprising though. He is one of the top detectives in the Black Shield Team.

"How come you remember my name?" his raspy voice says carrying a hint of a smile.

Cold Face wants to be clear. If he doesn't say things clearly, he's not a man.

But this question stumps Yuqi, so she responds as a matter of fact, "Ah......I remember everybody's name at the station. You're Minghao. There's also Bambam, and Chatterbox's name is Lucas......"

Before she finishes, she sees the man's expression change slightly.

Yuqi asks, "What's the matter?"

Cold Face is speechless, "......" Yuqi senses the aura from the man across from her change suddenly. When he entered the place just now, he was really imposing. This overbearing pose and his simple words, "why ask the obvious?". it was just.......he was like a wolf revealing its claws suddenly. He was super cool, handsome, and arrogant.

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