Chapter 72: Killing by Imitation Part 3

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At a farmhouse less than 2 km away from Taeyong's mansion.

Lisa has her gloves and shoe covers on standing outside of the house and looking afar. All she sees are mountain tops over the short fence around the backyard. There's a long and narrow path outside of the gate where tall weeds and trees grow. It's about a hundred meters from the next farmhouse.

It is completely suitable for carrying out the crimes of the case.

The local police team has already sealed off this farmhouse, attracting many onlookers. This area is the responsiblity of the Black Shield Team. Therefore, there isn't a lot of people in the backyard. Besides the Black Shield Team, only the three investigators brought along by Namjoon, two forensic officers, Taehyung, Yoshi and Kim Seokjin are here.

"When we arrived, the house was empty and he has never been back before," Cold Face comes over to say, "We've already requested for an arrest order to go hunt Chen down at his workplace and/or places that he frequents,"

Jungkook and Namjoon nod.

"I've already taken a look at the tire marks on the dirt road," Chatterbox comes and says, "They're from a larger sized car. It should be an SUV.

The group of them walk into the house.

This two-story building doesn't look anything different from an ordinary farmhouse on the surface level. White walls, black bricks, cement flooring, and the furniture are all very simple looking. But once the officers break the lock to the basement and walk down the narrow and dark staircase, everybody is shocked from what they see.

It looks not much far off from being a living hell. It even seems to imitate the crime setting seen in westem movies and tv shows.

It's very dark. All of the windows are completely sealed. Just like what Jungkook said, the place has been renovated for soundproofing. In the middle of the ceiling, an extremely bright white light lamp hangs from it, illuminating all the different shapes and sizes of knives, metal rods, and axes. Some of them even have fresh blood stains on them.

Right underneath the lamp, there is a very big and heavy chair. Some ropes are lying loosely on it. From the looks of it, they must have been used to tie up the victims.

There are many spots of blood staining the floor. And when a forensic officer turns on the ultraviolet light, big spots like swamps of blood stains are uncovered. The sight of it gives chills to everyone's heart.

Lisa walks to a table by the wall. There are a few women's purses lying on top. She picks one up. In contrast to the mess of this place, the purses are very clean and are wrapped inside plastic bags standing neatly. Not a single spot of dirt is on them. Inside every plastic bag, there is also a small card that has some brief information of the victim written on it. The one in her hand says: " Park Hea 29 years old. Very pretty."

Her heart shivers. She puts the bag down, turns around and looks at Jungkook, "Perhaps his original intention was to seek revenge. He wanted to take revenge on Taeyong and also those women. But in essence, he has already become a psychopath. "

The criminal investigators and forensic investigators stay at the scene for a long time. They have to bring all the exhibits and tools used for committing the crime back.

The sky turns dark very quickly.

Lisa wanders inside of the house for a long while before seeing Chatterbox lying beside the stairs to the basement while using a flashlight.

"What's the matter?" she asks.

Chatterbox answers, "There seems to be something here. Hold this for me."

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