Chapter 59: His True Face Part 1

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Darkness fills the sky.

Sitting in the bar street near CBD makes them feel as if they also have a dab of aloofness and temperament of the rich. The neon lights on each side of the street don't sting their eyes too much, and the music isn't too loud. The tree canopies cast shadows around them, making everything seem like a prosperous illusion.

Chatterbox, Cold Face, Bambam, and Jungkook are sitting in the car, keeping watch of "Crystal Private Clubhouse," the tallest building that's not far away. Compared to the bars around, the square shaped clubhouse seems quieter and low-profile. Only the lights on the main entrance shine brilliantly . There are cars continuously stopping at the front, and most of them who get out of the cars are well-dressed men and sometimes women.

Chatterbox has his eyes fixed on the parking lot by the entrance as he says clicking his tongue, "These fellows. All these prestigious cars: Cayenne, BMW, Chryslers...... Even the lowest of them all is at least a Passat. This sure is leading a life of a whore yet claiming chastity (idiom. doing something bad but wanting good reputation)."

After finding out that the three suspects are members of this clubhouse this morning, the police started investigating the place immediately, detaining the person in charge

What's funny is that after searching the place, the police found that the clubhouse's operation model was actually legal. There are no escorts and no obscene erotic activities. This is really high-end classy place just for drinking, dancing, and chatting. However, the minimum standards for a membership are very high. Male members must have at least 3 million dollars worth of property; female members must have high education, a decent job, and pretty.

As for what the male and female members do after leaving the clubhouse...... "How could we butt into our customer's private lives?" the owner of the clubhouse says.

Therefore, there are some things in this society where if you say it's false, then it's false; if you say it's true, then it's true. And the higher your status is, the more high-sounding these muddled feelings become, and the stronger they get.

To avoid alerting the suspects, the police has been investigating secretly. Therefore, the clubhouse will operate as usual tonight. It'll even carry out its usual monthly event. According to the clubhouse's booking, Jackson Wang, Kim Jongin, and Lee Taeyong will all be coming. The few of them wait for another while Bambam murmurs, "How come Lisa is still not here?"

Chatterbox snickers, "Doesn't she have to dress up and change into a dress or something? If she goes inside in her usual clothes, people will be able to tell that she's a tough and masculine woman."

The others laugh as well. Jungkook also smiles slightly. He rests his arm on the door frame and looks out the window.

Suddenly, his gaze is captivated by a woman walking on the street.

The woman has just gotten out of a cab. She's wearing a knee-high royal blue dress and a short white jacket. She's wearing high heels, accenting her well-proportioned calves. Her slightly wavy hair is spread across her shoulders, and she's wearing a pair of sunglasses.

Jungkook taps his hand on the door frame as he watches her come near.

Chatterbox is sitting in the backseat by the window and also notices the woman. He can't help but sigh, "Just look at this woman. She's dressed like a superstar. So pretty."

Cold Face and Bambam also look over. Cold Face nods and Bambam expresses agreement, "Such great demeanor!"

The corners of Jungkook's mouth curve up.

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