Chapter 118: A's Song of Sadness

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He wakes up and finds himself in a completely dark place.

He can't see his fingers even when he holds them up. It's cold and there's an awful smell.

Where is this place?

He reaches his hand to the back of his head and stands up. His head hurts. The blurry memory of what happened before he became unconscious is slowly becoming clear. But it makes his body cover in cold sweat.

He clearly remembers that he was on his way home.

And then, under a streetlamp, a shadow came near. He didn't pay too much attention to it.

"Bang!" it was a loud strike on his neck echoing in his ears. And then he was half unconscious. He could feel blood dripping down from the top of his head and drowning his eyes. He only remembers the person being very violent and impatient as he dragged him on the ground. His head bumped into many different rocks and other things on the road........

And then, he woke up at this place.


"Wh-Who are you?" he hears himself ask in a trembling voice.

"Pzzzzzt" the sound of the weak electricity circuit comes on and the room lights up.

It's bright like a white painting.

His hand reaches up to block his eyes as they're not used to the brightness.

And then, his heart almost stops from fright when he sees what's in front of him.

It's because there's a man in front of him.

A man in a clown costume. His colorful wardrobe, laughable hat that's slanted, and his face has heavy makeup like he's a ghost.

He stares at the clown and the clown stares back at him.

He suddenly remembers the news about a clown who exploded several days ago. He examines the clown and as expected, he sees that the clown's upper body is bulged up.

There's clearly something stuffed inside.

Therefore, his whole body starts shaking.

As if to imitate him, the clown seems to be shaking as well.

He raises his hand, "Wh-Who are you?"

The clown raises his hand at the same time. His lips move but no sound comes out.

A certain unstoppable feeling of fright rams into his heart at an instant.

He lowers his arm and the clown lowers his arm as well. The clown's eyes are full of fright.

With his body shaking vigorously, he lowers his head with much difficulty. Across from him, the clown in the mirror lowers his head as well.

He sees the clown costume on his own body. And through the slit of his clothes, he sees the explosives wrapped around his whole body.

Tears flow from his eyes immediately. At the same time, he notices that he's standing in front of a mirror of a public washroom. It's very dark outside and not a sound can be heard.

"Ha......." a man chuckles.

He turns around from fright. He looks around but can't make out where the sound is coming from or where the man is.

"Wh-Who are you? I beg you to let me go! You and I don't have any grudges against each other, right? Why don't you kidnap somebody else! I'm willing to give you all of my assets!" he says almost crying. His legs lose their ability to stand as he kneels on the floor.

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