Mini Side Story: Whistle Story

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Ever since she started wearing the gold whistle on her neck, whenever Lalisa sees Jungkook, she can't help but feel like "with the whistle in hand, the world is mine" kind of control. The second night after receiving the whistle, the freshness of it hasn't gone down yet, so the following conversation happens.

"Jungkook," she leans against his shoulder and says smiling, "Look, from now on whenever I blow on the whistle, you'll come running to me. The moment I blow on it, you'll come. This feeling..... is like an owner and a pet kind of relationship, isn't it?"

Jungkook has one arm on her shoulder while holding the remote control with his other. Hearing her speak, he answers without turning his head, "I didn't hear you clearly. What did you say?"

Just when Lalisa is about to repeat herself, she realizes suddenly and senses the threat in his tone.

Oh shit! They've been well together for so long, yet he's still so unruly!

It's never too late for revenge. Lalisa shuts her mouth obediently. She holds onto the gold whistle on her neck and spins it.

After a while, Jungkook goes to take a shower.

An idea springs into Lalisa's mind. She hops off the couch, runs to the wall outside of the bathroom, squats and listens.

The sound of water stops very soon. She suspects that he must have soaked his body once and is now covered in soap. She stands up, holds the whistle and blows on it.

The bathroom door swings open immediately. Jungkook, with his head covered in soap is still as handsome as always, he lifts his solemn and damp eyes to look at her.

Lalisa smiles feeling pleased, "Oh, it was an accident. My hand slipped. Go back in and shower. Go shower."

Just as she turns around and is about to walk away, Jungkook takes a step forward, stepping out of the bathroom barefooted, pulls her arm and drags her inside....... Therefore, the first time Lalisa blows on the whistle, the result is her being ravaged........

After being "forced" to take a shower, Lalisa curls herself on the couch. Due to being ravaged, she's full of anger right now. Jungkook, on the other hand, feels completely satisfied. He sits beside her and his whole body is carrying a sense of laziness and sexiness.

Jungkook later goes down to throw out the garbage. She dashes to the front door. She estimates that he is about halfway, four floors down (he usually takes the stairs as a form of exercise).

She holds up the whistle and blows on it.

Lalisa is sure that he isn't going to come. She just wants to tease him. Afterall, they've already fooled around once tonight. But who knew that right after the sound of the whistle, rushing footsteps come. In a blink of an eye, Jungkook has already made it. His one hand is on the railing as he stares at her with his pair of dark brown eyes.

Lalisa still has the whistle in her mouth as she asks feeling a bit stunned,  "..... Why... did you still believe it?"

Jungkook walks over and pulls the whistle out of her mouth, "I'm afraid of you crying wolf."

Although you're reckless, if danger does come, what should you do?

Lalisa feels regret in her heart. She hugs him immediately, "I won't play with it anymore."

At night, Lalisa is acting especially gentle, considerate, and is apologetic. Jungkook lets her serve him and please him. Lalisa thought that this would make up for everything but on the morning of the next day......

When she wakes up. Jungkook takes the gold whistle back from her.

"Why?" she protests, "I already promised that I won't play with it."

Jungkook answers, "It's nothing. I suddenly thought of another way."

He hangs the whistle on his neck.

Lalisa is puzzled, "Huh?"

In the end......

Jungkook is sitting at his desk. Lalisa is just about to go into the kitchen to grab some snacks, but the moment she takes a step out of the study room.


The whistle sounds.

Lalisa's body freezes. She turns around, "What is it?"

Jungkook answers without lifting his head, "Don't leave my sight."

"But I want to grab some snacks.

He takes a look at her, "Endure it. I need you to keep our promise."

Lalisa is speechless, "......" He's too much! He's taking revenge.

A while later.

Jungkook's phone in the living room rings.

But he doesn't budge.

Lalisa glances at him. Why isn't he going to pick it up?

At this moment, she suddenly sees Jungkook holding up the whistle and blowing on it.

Whee Whee..

He says indifferently, "Go get it for me."

Lalisa. "......"

She grabs onto his arm, "Husband, the whistle isn't supposed to be used like this! I'm (self-deprecating) wrong, okay? I will never dare to blow on it without a reason. Please give it back to me, please."

Jungkook smiles.

He then points to his neck, gesturing for her to take it off.

Lalisa puts the gold whistle on her neck again. Seeing his smiling face, she pretends to spit at him, but she can't help but think in her heart: I wish that I will never need to use this whistle.

And as Jungkook looks at her, he thinks to himself: I wish that this whistle will never need to be used.


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