Chapter 39: A Bunch of Idiots

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The noise comes and goes. It seems to be coming from Seulgi's direction. All of a sudden, that weak shrieking cry disappears. Instead, it's been replaced with the sound of quick breathing; as if something terrifying has appeared, making one become dumbstruck and unable to break free.

There's no time for Lisa to hesitate. She grabs onto the flashlight and just when she is about to shine it in that direction, she senses a strong force amid the darkness, striking towards her and Jungkook's head!

It's as if the time has stopped; Seulgi's breathing, faint footsteps, and the attack from above their heads all seem to be still beside her ear.

Before Lisa's mind decides on what to do, her body has already acted on its own -she pounces forward and uses her back to cover Jungkook's head and body.


It's the sound of a wooden bat hitting against her body.

Lisa wraps her arms around Jungkook's head as she lets out a soft cough.

The person above them pauses for a split second before taking another forceful strike. Lisa struggles as she attempts to roll away embracing Jungkook. She suddenly feels a pair of strong arms wrapping around her waist. taking her with him as they roll away quickly. In the blink of an eye, they have already stopped and landed on the side of the wall.

"Bang!" the wooden bat hits the cement floor.

Jungkook is in a lot better condition after taking a sleep. When he was still lying on the floor just now, he felt something shaking on top of his body suddenly. When he opened his eyes, it was pitch black, and he could only sense Lisa breathing onto his face. She was trying to push him; as if she wanted to push him away with all her might. At that instant, he also noticed the force coming from above their heads. Therefore, he reacted immediately.

He sits up against the wall while still embracing her. She is leaning against his chest and not moving. And he can clearly sense her abnormally hot body . It's obvious that she's having a fever; her whole body is like a puddle of mud.

Jungkook feels his heart pinch. Keeping his arms around her, he lets her lean on his shoulder while holding the back of her head with his left hand and his fingers in her long hair.

Lisa's hands are pressing against his chest as she breathes deeply. She's feeling a bit better after getting all stuffy from getting hit.

None of them say anything or make any move.

In the darkness, they can hear the sound of breathing, footsteps, something being dragged on the floor, the wooden bat tapping against the floor, and the sound of others waking up from the noise. No one speaks in the house, but it's clear that everything is in a mess.

The pitch black and stifling room seems as if it's covering up all the chaos that's secretly filling up everyone's heart.

Jungkook thinks quietly for a moment.

He releases his hold and pulls her hand to help her stand up. Lisa almost falls from losing her balance. She has to hold onto the wall to stand up. His body cannot be seen in the darkness, but his hand squeezes hers lightly.

Are you okay?

Lisa lifts her thumb and strokes his thumb lightly.

I'm fine.

He immediately holds her hand and walks forward guiding her along the wall

They soon arrive at the side of the door.

Jungkook pulls her behind him with force, covering her completely. He then pulls out a knife from his boot while he reaches for the light switch with the other.

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