Chapter 152; He's Waiting For You

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On the subway.

The roaring sound brushes past them. Two subway trains meet on the tracks. Due to it being too close and too fast, everybody on the train shrieks.

Cold sweat runs down Chatterbox's spine as the tunnel becomes dark and clear of barriers again. They managed to connect through to the subway control station. Based on the commands, the two subway trains are able to avoid each other.

But this is clearly just the beginning.

"Cold Face, what should we do now?" he asks.

Cold Face is navigating the train, but lets go of it suddenly, "You drive." Chatterbox takes over right away as he watches the track ahead. Cold Face flips open the thick driver's manual on the dash at the same time.

Chatterbox murmurs feeling anxious, "Big Brother, we're already at a time like this. What do you want to do? Don't tell me you want to be a top award-winning subway driver now. Shit!"

"Shut up."

Chatterbox shuts his mouth. But he can't help feeling this way. Cold Face is still standing there not budging; he does carry the same superb aura as Jungkook.

And Cold Face really does carry out something superb.

After a while, Cold Face stops on the page showing the "subway schedule." He looks at Chatterbox and says. "The schedule for every day, every time, and every station is fixed. This means that if we continue at this speed, we'll be able to tell which station and what other trains we will encounter."

Chatterbox understands right away. He says smiling, "I'll contact the subway control station right away to get them to reroute the other trains. This way, we won't collide with them."

Cold Face's expression is still stern. He stares at the map of subway tracks spread across the whole city and says, "Not only that. After we avoid them, our route is fixed. Ask the subway company to take a look at where our train is heading. Where is our final destination," he pauses before continuing, "and that may be the seven-member organization's goal."

Chatterbox nods in agreement.

Chatterbox finishes connecting with the main station and sees Cold Face putting the manual down. Cold Face says, "Let me drive."

"Oh, okay," Chatterbox gives the seat back to him.

He then hears him say, "I took a look at the blueprint of this subway train. The cars were built separately. There's a hook connecting the fifth and sixth cars, and it can be released. Go back into the car and get everyone to head to the back of the train. And then think of a way to unlock the hook to separate it from the train."

Chatterbox opens his eyes wide.

Holy shit!

Cold Face can even think of a way like this. This is too great! This way, the latter half of the train will slow down and come to a stop. It also won't explode due to a collision. The passengers on the train will all be saved! They'll think of a way to deal with the front end of the train.

"T'll go right away!" he leaves the cabin with excitement but hears Cold Face's deep and indifferent voice say, "After you unlock it, you don't need to come back. Go with the rest of them."

Chatterbox's body freezes. He instantly turns his head to look at him. "What are you going to do then?"

Cold Face replies, "I will continue ahead."

Chatterbox stands there for a few seconds. His lips move but no words come out of it. He slides open the door and leaves.

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