Mini side stories

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Mini Side Story: The First Bet

Actually, when they made their first bet back then, Jungkook was already pretty shameless.

They were just normal friends at the time despite they already had feelings for each other.

It's just that they didn't show it. On a certain day, while investigating a case, Jungkook said suddenly, "Let's make a bet. Let's see who can find the evidence first."

She was so proud and confident of herself, so she responded, "Sure. What are we betting?

Jungkook answered, "If I win, let me look into your eyes up close."

She asked curiously, "Why do you want to look into my eyes?"

Jungkook explained without changing his expression, "It's because I've been studying subtle facial expressions lately. And your eyes are the clearest and purest out of all the women I've seen."

Of course. Jungkook had never read any books on subtle expressions in his entire life. But he pretended that he had and said these words in a serious manner, so he successfully made her blush as well as agreeing with the bet.

In the end. Jungkook won as expected.

On the day of fulling the bet, Jungkook led Lisa to his dorm room. The reason was that his place was well lit. Jungkook had always kept his distance from other women, so she didn't think otherwise and followed him.

They stood in front of the window. He lowered his head while she tilted her chin up.

She thought that all he would be doing was to examine her at a close distance.

But he reached out his arms suddenly and held her face in his palms. A young man's fingers touched upon her cheeks just like that. She was completely dumbstruck. It was because it was the first time that she had let a man touch her face.......

"Close your eyes," he said.

She was stunned, "How would you examine my eyes if I close them......

Seeing his dark brown eyes, she suddenly understood what he was trying to do.

And he stared back at her and knew that she understood. He was such a bastard. He wouldn't let go. He ordered her calmly. "Close your eyes."

She wasn't as calm as him though. She felt as if her heart was about to pop out of her chest.

And then she closed her eyes.

He lowered his head and kissed her.

Mini Side Story: A Man's Secret

Now that they've been in a relationship for a while, Jungkook naturally starts to think about a "certain something." It's just that he has always had very little contact with womer ever since he was little. And he has no experience in this area. But she's so hard to please and pacify. Therefore, he feels a need to study on this subject beforehand.

But among his group of young master buddies, who didn't have a woman beside them when they were teens? For someone in their early twenties to be studying on this certainly makes Jungkook feel like he's lost at the start of the line.

Therefore, in the next few days, every day after work, whenever she can't accompany him he would sit in his single dorm room and start reading and learning..... Which is why she's been feeling that the way he looks at her carries a sense of "deep and unreadable" kind of meaning.

Until the day comes......

In the morning afterward, she wraps herself with a blanket to cover up the hickeys all over her body as she asks with a sullen expression, "Is this really your first time?"

Jungkook even refrains smoking; he puts a piece of xylitol gum in his mouth and chews on it. He feeds her one as well before answering her in a relaxed manner, "Of course."

Just as she wants to press further, his phone rings. It's one of his buddies. A loud voice comes on, "Chief Jeon! How's it going? Wanna come for a game? You're not being a goody two shoes and waiting at your girlfriend's school again, are you?"

She can hear the person talking on the other end of the phone. She asks curiously beside him, "What did he call you? Chief Jeon?"

Jungkook glances at her. He can't suppress his feeling of content, after all, so he puts the phone against her ear and persuades her gently. "He's making fun of me. Here, help me fire back at him and tell him that, 'he's no longer one'."

Although she doesn't quite understand the meaning, she will definitely take her boyfriend's side. Therefore, she shouts crisply toward the phone, "Hmph! He's not one anymore! He wasn't one a long time ago!" Her vibe must have been too strong. The person on the other end has gone silent! She turns around full of proudness. But she sees Jungkook staring at her with his eyes carrying a deep smile that's enough to melt her. He flips himself on top of her, hugging her and kissing her non-stop.......

Not long later, she finally understood the meaning behind "Chief Jeon" through another person's mouth. She was so embarrassed that her face was completely red. She ignored Jungkook for several days. She couldn't believe he made her say those shameless words!

But sometimes, when she thinks about it by herself, she blushes and quietly feels that this nickname is quite suitable.........



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