Chapter 85: Unmovable Boulder Part 1

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It's already noon when Lisa wakes up again.

The sunlight floods the entire room. The air is permeated with the fragrance of love. She shifts her eyes sideways and looks at Jungkook who's lying beside her.

He's still sleeping. One of his arms is being used as a pillow under her head, and his other arm is lying on top of her waist. His face is very close to her; his features are distinct and chiseled.

Lisa watches him quietly in mesmerization. She stretches her neck and pecks his cheek.

After a while, she gives a peck on his nose.

And then his mouth and neck. She then picks up his hand and kisses his palm.

Lisa doesn't want to wake him up, so her kisses are light pecks. She finally places his hand back down and gets ready to slip out of bed, but just as she does, someone grabs onto her arm.

"Ah!" she lets out a short scream as he pulls her back into his embrace.

She lies on top of his chest and stares at him with her eyes wide open.

It looks like he has woken up some time ago. He rests his head on one arm while his other is grabbing her wrist. The blanket has him covered up to the midpoint of his chest, and his eyes carry a hint of laziness; he just looks so sexy.

"You're done kissing me just like that? How did I kiss you last night?"

Lisa pushes his chest away, "You were pretending to be sleeping!"

But the mentioning of last night makes Lisa recall the image of him planting kisses all over her body, not leaving a single inch untouched. His eyes are still staring at her deeply and he's not letting go of her wrist; as if wanting her to submit to his request. Lisa's face blushes. She lets out a "hmph!" and says, "How can I compare to you? I'm not as thirsty as you."

These words are too provocative. Jungkook's eyes darken as he pulls her wrist forcefully to make her lie on top of him just like the way they were last night.

"It looks like I wasn't working hard enough?" his deep voice says in a relaxed manner.

Lisa doesn't dare to provoke him again. She tries to flatter him immediately, "Yes, yes, yes! You worked very hard. You worked especially hard. It was enough! Definitely enough!"

Jungkook smiles. But he rubs her hand slowly and refuses to let go.

Lisa wants to call him a stinky scoundrel in her heart, but her mouth speaks like a speeding train on fire, "Furthermore, look. The surface area of your body is way bigger than mine, so how can I finish kissing it. How long would that take? You weren't kissing such a big area. Let's hurry out of bed and go eat."

But just like the saying: to dig one's own grave, the moment she finishes, Jungkook responds nonchalantly, "That makes sense. Kiss half of it then."

Lisa is speechless, "......"

Fine! She will kiss him. It's human nature to desire for food and sex after all. She looks at the outline of his body and has to admit that she is bewitched by him. She actually...... wants to kiss him to satisfy herself as well.

She glances at him sideways and decides to sit on top and straddle him. Jungkook's gaze changes immediately. He puts both arms behind his head and looks at her with hazy eyes.

Lisa lowers her head, places both hands on his chest and starts kissing his neck. But after just two kisses, he grabs her wrist and pulls her up.

"What's good about kissing this half?" he asks in a low voice.

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