Chapter 31: Dearest T (1 of 2)

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At the time of the sky being almost fully lit.

At the top of a condo building.

A man sits on a simple wooden table and smokes with his head down.

There's a wall in front of him. It's not decorated, but it's pinned with many photos, pictures, newspaper cut-outs, and printouts of replies on the White Crane of Yangtze BBS.

On his left-hand side, there is a large floor-to-ceiling window.

The following numbers are written on the glass: 1, 2, 3......all the way to 7.

And for the numbers 1 to 5, they've all been crossed out with a big "X". Only 6 and 7 are left, and these two numbers are written larger than the other ones.

The man lowers his head and inhales large breaths from the cigarette. He then puts the cigarette bud into a small sealed bag and throws it into the garbage bag beside his legs. He puts on a pair of gloves that are as smooth as skin, hops down from the table, takes everything on the wall, and dumps them into the garbage bag.

The wall is completely empty now. He turns around and wipes away the words on the glass window with a towel.

Afterward, he takes a look around quietly before he carries the long wooden violin shaped box on his back as well as the garbage bag filled with traces of him living here, and then leaves.



When Lisa walks into the office, she sees Cold Face standing in front of Chatterbox's desk holding a thermos and pouring him something; the scent permeates the air.

She goes over, "What good stuff do you have?"

Chatterbox answers right away, "Hot soup for hungover! I would never have thought that Cold Face would actually boil us hungover soup in the morning! You're too virtuous, Cold Face. I can't believe there's this side of you."

Cold Face doesn't bother entertaining him. His eyebrows don't even twitch. Instead, he looks towards Lisa, "Do you want any?" Lisa says, "Yes, yes, yes! Of course, I want some!" She holds out her cup immediately. She sighs as she watches him pour the soup, "I never thought that besides Taehyung, I would be able to meet another man who knows how to cook! Cold Face, your attractiveness has just soared up to the sky!"

Jungkook, who's sitting at his desk not far away, lifts his head and glances at her.

Bambam comes in carrying a big paper bag containing a strong smell of food.

None of them have eaten breakfast yet, so they all turn to look at him.

Bambam waves the paper bag in front of them like he's showing off his treasure, "I've always heard that the breakfast beef pies at the provincial station are the best. I lined up for half an hour and finally got to snatch five of them in the last batch!"

"Wow!" Lisa and Chatterbox exclaim in enthusiasm.

He takes the individually wrapped beef pies out one by one. He gives one to Jungkook first, and then the rest to the others.

Within seconds, the Black Shield Team's office is filled with the delicious smell of beef.

Lisa holds the pie with both of her hands and enjoys eating it bite after bite. When she raises her head, she sees that everyone is eating it just like her, except for Jungkook. His back is leaning against the chair as he sits, making him look tall with long legs. He's holding the pie in one hand while controlling the mouse with the other; his eyes are on the computer screen as he chews on the food at his own pace.

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