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Dean's POV

It was mesmerizing, the moment she started glowing up. She looked angelic, divine. I had this feeling that I could never remove my eyes away from her.


As we crossed our territory, Grace said something about some blue light. I tried to look but I saw nothing.


She had been sleeping for 4 hours straight. She just woke up and started to rant about that blue light again. She seemed very happy to see that light.


Alyssa said that we should take a break. We all were hungry. I was a little tired too. I was driving for 7 hours.

We found a restaurant. As Grace was about to enter she stopped. She pointed towards something shouting "There...see there. Can't you see it?". She was literally jumping on her spot.

Everyone started looking at her and the way she was pointing and I could see what they all were thinking, 'she must be crazy'. Because there was nothing.

I looked at Alyssa. She was just as confused and a little frightened because this is not ordinary.

"Luna, we should eat first. You can tell us about this blue thing while we eat." I talked to her.

"Why you don't believe me? How can you not see such a beautiful and magical thing? It has been following us from our pack." She replied a little dejected.

"We believe you, Luna. You, yourself are very magical so it will be true what you are saying but we can not see it. So we have to find out what it is but before that se should eat something." Alyssa said

"Yes, that's what I meant." I backed Alyssa up.

"Okay" Grace said.

We all entered and ordered.

"So what it is like? And what do you think, why it is following us?" Alyssa was the one to start the falk.

Grace's face lit up with its mention.
"It is something blue. It flies so I thought it is a butterfly but when I looked focused it is just a blue light ball. It glows." She kept smiling. "It is not harmful, I have this feeling that it is here to help me. I feel this familiar feeling that I have seen it before." She was sure about what she was saying.

"We believe you. Let's see, if elders know about this blue friend of yours." I said. Then we ate silently. We all were in our thoughts.

We get in the car and started our journey again. I had to stop by a gas station and the ladies fresh-n-up there.

It was evening and we were crossing a very deserted road. There was no single car passed by in past one hour.

Grace was sleeping, I looked back and Alyssa was listening to something enjoying the wind.

"Doctor, I have... I have something to ask." I said. She opened her eyes and looked at me through the rear-view mirror.

"What is it, beta?" She called me by my rank on purpose as I did. "Why so serious? You only call me doctor when you want to talk about something very serious. So what's the matter?" She asked.

"The thing is... I... I didn't tell this anyone but... I think my connection with Luna is getting stronger. She is getting stronger, Eric can feel Sophia (their wolves). I want to stay with her all the time. I want to touch her, not erotically but just... I don't know how to explain this. I feel this desperate need to hold her in my arms all the time. I can not talk about it with Luna because she will freak out and Alpha is out of the question, no one will understand this. I don't myself. This is hard to explain but this is killing me inside that I am having this type of feelings for my Luna. Whatever the case is, this is just not acceptable. I fear that something will happen to her and this thought makes me go on my fours (turned into a wolf)." I said with so much going on inside me. The feelings I have been hiding well came out urging me to kneel in front of them. I looked at Grace, she looked angelic. I removed my right hand from the steering wheel and touched her cheek softly. She leaned onto my touch. She doesn't make things better. I keep on touching her face. She moaned in her sleep.

Goddess knows, what she must be dreaming right now.

"Dean, behave." Alyssa said. Luna's face scrunched because of the noise. I growled lowly to make Alyssa shut up.

"Dean, control. I can clearly see your wolf is taking over." She reminded me.

I took a deep breath but it was too late. Luna has started waking up. She was looking worried. I stopped the car and tried to wake her up.

"Luna... Luna... Wake up... Wake up... Grace." I felt my body started to get warm.

It is happening again.

"Grace you have to get up." I was shaking her. Alyssa pinched her ear and she woke up in a second.

She was dearly gasping air. She looked everywhere. She then saw me. Her eyes went wide. She jumped over me and encircled my neck with her arms.

Like I said she doesn't make it easy for me.

"They... They need us. We have to hurry." She started babbling about something but we couldn't understand her.

"Calm down, dear. Then tell us what are you saying." Alyssa said and just then we heard it.

Many howls together. Somewhere werewolves are fighting.

But it is normal for us werewolves but then why Luna is so tensed?

"Innocent people are dying." Grace tried to get out of the car. I get out too.

"No, you will not go there. It could be dangerous." I stopped her. I knew I was stepping on the line but her safety was more important.

She glared at me. Like really glared like she wanted to hurt me badly. It made me bow my head in front of me.

Her body started heating up. I could feel her wolf was itching to come out. "THEY ARE MY PEOPLE." She took one step with every word she said. She was standing just in front of me. I don't know why but I immediately went on my knee and I saw so did Alyssa.

"You will comply with your duty to protect me, and I will do mine to save my people." With that our Luna ran into the woods.

Before I could stand up she vanished in front of my eyes.

Right now, she was not the Grace I know. She was the Luna of that god damn prophecy but I had no other choice but to follow her.



Hye there.

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