I'm his mate

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Grace's POV-

Why I'm in the bed? I slept in my safe zone yesterday, under the bed.

I could smell disinfectant. From that I remembered that amazing smell, which was coming from that alpha.

His smell and his touch, made me feel something I never felt before.

First time I felt safe in someone's arm. Most of the time I get hurt, when someone tries to come near me.

This time, he saved me. I want to trust him. My wolf is trying to tell me something but I can't let my guards down, just yet.

I have got back stabbed so many times, that I can't take any more chances.

About my wolf, she stopped talking to me the day I stopped fighting for myself. When I was 16, some girls from my pack, took me into the forest forcefully. Those girls were used to bully me in school also but I always strike back at them. That day, they crossed all limits. They tore my clothes and took some photos. My wolf was ready to come out, but when they said they will post it on our school's website, I stopped myself. I can't handle any more bullying or name calling. So I surrendered, but that didn't stop them. They still post them.

I went to ask for help from my alpha, but he tried to take advantage of the situation. That day I ran away from that hell hole, thinking that now life can be a little better.

But that was my foolishness. After running away, I ran into numbers of rouges, and some other packs. Everyone of them was ready to hurt me, in one way or another.

Remembering that time of my life is hurtful. Oh! Right. I was talking about my wolf. The day I was saved from that dungeon was the first time after 2 years, that my wolf talked to me. She keeps on saying something to me. She said that I have to stay with this alpha. She keeps on saying something crazy, like we belong to him. He is mine. This is very absurd. How can an alpha belong to me?

I heard someone coming. I pretended to be asleep. If they know that I am awake, then they will start interrogating me. There were three different people in this room. One of them took my hand and felt my nerves. I think she is the doctor from yesterday.

"How is she?" Asked a husky voice. That voice made me shiver but not in fear, but in pleasure.

My wolf is getting agitated. He is that alpha.

"She is fine, but we don't know how is her mental health because we still haven't talked to her." The doctor replied.

My mental health means. Why are they talking about my mental health? If they find out that I can't talk what will they think? I think I should let them know that I'm awake.

I opened my eyes slowly. I felt that touch again. His touch, on my cheeks.

"Hey little girl. You are awake. How are you feeling? Are you feeling pain anywhere?" He looked concerned, genuinely.

"That's my job Alpha. Let me talk to her first." The doctor told him.

"I'm just asking. You know I'm 16 years late to find my mate. Still, I haven't talked to her properly." He replied.

'Mate'. I'm his mate. That's why I was having these feelings. My wolf, that's why my wolf said that we have to stay with him.

But he wants to talk to me. If he found out that I can't talk. Would he still like to live with me? I doubt that. He is alpha after all.

An alpha is the strongest in the pack, so his mate should be as strong. But I, not even my pack wanted me because I'm very weak. How could I expect him to accept me?

With these thoughts again, that I'm not wanted by anyone, my tears started to fall down. I moved my face to the other side.

It's okay, if they don't want me. I can live on my own. Hearing me say that, my wolf howled. The pain suddenly got unbearable.

"What happened doctor? Why she is crying like this. And her voice, why it is like this?" The Alpha was shouting at the doctor.

"I don't understand, she was fine just now. Her vitals are fine. I can't find the reason of her pain. Alpha, just hold her close to you. With you being here, she will calm  down a little. Then I'll check her over." The doctor told the alpha.

He sat on the bed, he pulled me in sitting position and hugged me from behind. My heart was getting out of control and the most embarrassing moment was when the heartbeat monitoring machine started beeping faster.

He said in my ears "Calm down little girl. I will not hurt you. And I won't let anyone else hurt you any more. So please relax." His calming voice soothed my heart and his touch ease the pain.

I saw the other guy's expression, who was in the room, from the start. This alpha is not this polite. No alpha I ever saw who is polite like this.

It's getting tiring hearing him say little girl again and again. So I took the notepad from the doctor's hand. I write my name on it. I can feel three sets of eyes on me. I can tell they are curious to see, what I am doing.

I showed it to him. He read it loud."Grace. Is that your name, little girl?" He asked. I nodded in agreement.

"Why did you write it? Is your throat hurting?" The doctor asked. I shook my head. 

"So what it is, dear?" Doctor asked again. I stayed quite.

"She can't talk." Said the alpha. I was looking down but still nodded. I was expecting that he will pushed me away but he hugged me tightly.

"It's okay, we will take one step a time. Grace." He said. He said my name. Hearing that made my heart beat faster, again. He could hear that. He chuckled at me.


Hello lovelies. That's all for this chapter. Hope you like it.

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