Strange incident

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Grace's POV-

"Your voice. It has changed." I asked Dean.

"Yeah, because it I am his wolf. I will protect you well." He replied.

He has a sexy voice.

He chuckled. He looked at me and smirked.
"Thanks, my Luna." He said smiling.

I didn't say that out loud. Right?

"You must have forgotten, I can hear your thoughts." He replied to my unasked question.

Yeah, how could I forget that? But he gives a totally different vibe then Dean.

"What kind of vibe do I give?" He asked.

"Would you stop that?"

"Stop what, my Luna?"

"And that too. Stop it."

"What exactly should I stop, my Luna."

"First, stop calling me 'My Luna'."

"But you're my Luna."

"You can call me by my name or if not then just call me Luna."

"I should never call you by your name and I can't call you his luna or her luna. If I am talking to you, obviously I will say my luna."

"You know, what I mean. And secondly, stop hearing my thoughts." I complain.

"But your thoughts are about me, don't you think it is my right to listen to them, my luna." This time he said 'my luna' in the huskier voice.

I sighed. He is very difficult. As much Dean is sweet, his wolf was that much intimidating. I decided to let this topic go.

"So, our wolves can talk?" I asked curiously.

"How old are you, my Luna?" He asked.

"Why do you ask? Well, I will be 18 tomorrow." I answered anyway.

"How could you not know if your wolf can talk or not? You must have talked to your wolf for 2 years by now." He asked again.

"My wolf, it stopped talking to me after a few months, when she made her first contact with me when I turned 16." I told him.

"So when you transform, how do you control it?" He asked.

"I...I never turned." I replied with hesitation.

My heart started to beat fast. I was worried he will see me as a weak girl, who hasn't transformed yet.

"Why?" He asked. There was no resentment in his voice.

"Something wrong happened to me at my old pack and I didn't fight back. I was so tired of fighting for myself alone that I stopped fighting because nothing was going to change that. But my wolf, it wanted to protest but I suppressed my feelings, and so did my wolf. My wolf stopped talking to me and never surfaced again." I replied with all sincerity.

"I had a dream." He said out of blue.

"I think we had the same dream," I said as we reached a very big door. It was made up of iron.

There were a lot of people near it. Alyssa was leading them inside of that door. She saw me and bowed. "Luna, you are here." She addressed me.

Suddenly people started to stop and look at her then at me. My heartbeat started to betray me again.

I stepped behind Dean. He didn't mind. All of them started whispering about me.

'Is she our luna?'

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