She is in heat

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Dean's POV

"Please Dean... please make it stop." It had hands covering my ears. Her cry was heart-wrenching. I want to tear down the door and took her in my arms. But I am scared that things will not stop there. If I went anywhere near her my hormones would reach my head and I would do something that I would regret the moment this haze passes. 

Eric was fudging inside of me. He wants to come outside and ease her pain but he is a wolf, the animal side of me. If it is so hard for me to control so for him, it is impossible to control.

'Alyssa, where the hell are you? You should be standing here not me. My feelings for her are way stronger and now they are impossible for me to resist. Please, come here.' I mind linked her.

'I can not. At least not at the moment. I have ordered every single male to patrol the borders. Do you know, that even the rogues from the neighbouring forests are lurking around the area? I ordered everyone to stay alert. It's only one hour and this is what happens. What will happen in two days.'?

'What the hell is going on? What should we do?'

'I don't know for how long I can stop them. Her smell is too strong. Maybe because she is stronger than any other Female wolf. I have tried to contact Alpha Alexander. But I can not reach him. He needs to be here soon and complete the mating. Or at least...'

'Stop, don't talk.'

'What do you mean?'

'It's hurting.'

'What is?'

'My chest. It's hurting thinking of her with someone else.' I whimpered.

'Dean, get your head straight. It's your hormones talking. You will not get near the Luna. You are her protector, not her mate.'

'I SAID DON'T TALK.' I cut the mind link. I was in physical pain. I could feel something tear inside of my chest. I could tell that Eric was not feeling any better.

It hurts. He said

I know.

It should not.

I know that, Eric. I know that, but it still is hurting. It is the truth. How can I change that?

Can't we do anything for her? What is tearing me apart was her screams for help. Let's just do something for her. I can not bear to hear her.

You know we can't. We will not be able to control it. We have a special bond with her. We feel stronger for her. 

That's the thing. She is special to us. Important to us. We can never hurt her. But we might give her some relief. 


I don't know but I have this feeling that we should be with her. Not for this sexual need but to ease her pain. Just trust me.

I sighed. I don't know what to do anymore. I listened to Eric and opened the door. I could not find her. And to be honest, I haven't heard her cry for the last few minutes. I lose all colors from my face. I looked everywhere in the room but she was nowhere to be found. Then I went to check in the bathroom and only then did I take a deep breath which I didn't know I was holding.

There she was. Lying on the bathroom floor. She was fast asleep. Maybe from all the screaming and pain. I kneeled down in front of her. My body started shaking, her smell was heavenly. I could devour her. She is beautiful in every way.

I started to shift. Eric wants to come out. 

She doesn't want an animal to be lurking over her.

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