The meeting

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Grace's POV

"You must protect them. I am making you accountable for them." I said to Mika. We were discussing how he will handle things after we leave from here. Dean was with us but he looked sullen about something.

"Yes, my Luna." Mika replied.

Dean growled at him. I looked at him confused. Mika looked irritated by Dean.

Something is going on between these two men.

They had been baring fangs at each other since yesterday.

"What is the deal with the two of you?" I asked.

"NOTHING." They said together.

"It's clearly not nothing. You two have been behaving like this since last night." I said.

Dean looked troubled. I hated to see him like that. I went up to him. I put one hand on his shoulder. He relaxed immediately.

"You are not his mate so how come you affect him so much?" Mika asked me.

"You, just mind your manners. You are talking to my Luna right now. Show some respect. She put her life in danger to protect your people." Dean roared at Mika. "You are clearly showing disrespect towards her. I won't give you a second chance for this." Dean corrected Mika. They both looked enraged.

"I really don't understand what is going on."  I asked again.

Can't you see that he fancies you? He was looking at you like...anyway, he wants to follow you everywhere. Like some lost puppy.

Dean told me telepathically.

So what? I have this same feeling too. I feel that they are my family. I need to protect them.

Dean growled again.

Why are you so upset? You don't want me to fulfil my duty? So, what if he wants to follow me or protect me in return? I don't mind.

You are mine to protect. I am your only protector. I don't want others to follow you, that is my job. I am enough to protect you. Don't you trust me?

Dean seemed very angry but don't know why I thought that it was funny. I started laughing. It was funny to see him fight over me like a kid over candy.

Dean looked at me dumbfoundedly. It must be strange to see me laugh out of nothing but it made me laugh even more.

I am sorry. How could you feel jealous of anybody? It's funny.

I sobered up a little. "You should know that you are one and only for me. I just need you to protect me and you are enough. I don't need anyone else. I trust you with my life. So does your Alpha." I said getting out of track. I looked down and suddenly I felt the pain.

It was very rare for mates to stay away for this long. Usually, no mate wants to stay away from their mate, not even for a single day. It's how strong a werewolf's bond is with its mate.

"Don't worry, he will join us soon." Dean comforted me.

"Your bond seems more than a bond between a Beta and a Luna." Mika said it was a little hurt. He felt that I didn't need him anymore. I don't know how but I could feel what exactly he must be feeling that moment. And not only his but everyone's feelings. I could feel all of them.

But how?

"Our bond is none of your business." Dean said, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Mika, you need to stay on guard until I find a way for you guys to be safe. We all are counting on you." I said.

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