She was abused

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Alexander's POV-

She didn't move for quite a time. I was really worried. I asked for the key, but they could not find it. So, I broke the gate with one kick.

She screamed and pushed her back to the wall. She covered her face in her arms. I stopped right there.

Why is she acting like this? I'm sure she can also feel the bond that I'm feeling. If she is my mate, she could tell it right away. Then why she is so scared of me?

I didn't know what to do so I bent to my knees. Dean, and some other alphas, who were there with me, were beyond shock. I, the most powerful alpha, is not on my knees in front of a little thing like her. Dean is closest to me. He understood the situation. He took all the others outside, to give me some space. He took all the prisoners too.

I saw she was still bleeding. I told her that we needed to take her to the hospital as soon as possible, but she didn't move from her place. I had to do something; I can't let her stay like this.

I know she is scared of me, but I have to take her to the doctor. I got closer to her; I was continuously telling her to trust me. As I took her in my arms, she tried to get away, but within a second, she calmed down. I think she realized that I'm her mate. She looked at me with wonder and shock like she doesn't believe that I exist. Just like me, when I first saw her, I didn't believe that the goddess gave me this gift. She laid her head against my chest, which was beating with the speed of a bullet train. I tried to calm myself. I don't want her to get scared again.

We exited the dungeon. One car was left there, for me. I sat her on the passenger seat and put the belt on. I walked around and sat in the driver's seat. I saw she didn't take her eyes off of me for a second. I started to drive. We were in my territory within a half hour. I sent the message to the pack doctor by telepathy. I parked in front of the hospital. The doctor and nurses were out with a stretcher. As they came near the little girl, she scooted towards me. I told them to step back. 

I got out of the car and walked to her side. I looked at her, asking for her permission. She just looked down. I got the answer, so I took her in my arms again. The doctors and nurses were following us. One of them directed me to the room, where she would be treated. I put her on the hospital bed and was about to get away when she held my little finger. I looked at her. The terror was visible there. She was looking at the doctors and the nurses present in the room.

"It's okay, little girl. They just want to treat you. You are hurt. You need their help." I tried to convince her. But tears started to fall down from her eyes.

"Okay, okay. I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere but you have to let them treat you. Deal?" I asked her. She didn't say anything but she didn't show any disagreement, so that means, she is ok with that.
"Can I stay here, with her?" I asked the doctor.
"Yes, alpha. It will be better if you stay here. She will be calm and the pain from the treatment will be bearable for her." Alyssa said.

Alyssa is the senior doctor here. She is the best at her work. She maintains this hospital best. We have everything in this hospital that is needed. It is a high-tech hospital.

Alyssa asked the little girl something quietly. I didn't hear it but her grip on my finger tightened. Which gave me the idea that it was nothing pleasant. Slowly she totally left my hand. That gave me a vacant feeling instantly, in my heart. I looked at her and then at Alyssa.

"I need to take some tests on her, privately. I want all of you out of here. Including you too alpha. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." Alyssa said. It gave me no room to say anything. I give the girl a last look. She was already looking at me. By her look, her question was clear, so answered her unasked question. "I'm just outside. I'll come back right after she is finished." She gave me a nod.

I waited outside. My wolf was restless too. I was worried as hell. I was pacing back and forth in front of her room's door. I can feel my mate in there. I can smell her scent too. That's the only thing keeping me sane. That she is in this room, not somewhere far.

Sam came to me "How is Luna? Is she fine? What did the doctor say about her?" He asked these questions so loudly that almost half of the hospital must have heard it.

I didn't want anyone to know about her right now. She is in no state to face our pack. I gave Dean a hard look.

"She is fine. Alyssa is still taking some tests on her. She can tell the rest." I said.

Just then Alyssa came out. She looked horrified, hurt, and sympathetic. I looked at her and didn't know why my heart was ready to break down.

"She... she got hurt in many ways alpha. Her body may look fine on the outside, but she is completely broken from the inside" As Alyssa was saying this, my blood was boiling.

"That's not it. I found out something more. I think she was abused for years and years. Because some of the scars on her body were old and healed. Some of them are very nasty. No doubt she is this terrified of the people around her. She barely let me get near to her to find out this much. Goddess knows what she actually went through. She might have some trauma. I want you to take it easy on her. She needs time to trust. She only opened up to you because you are her mate. You are the only link we have. Please control your temper near her." Alyssa said.

"Okay. Can I go in now?" I asked. I didn't know how to take all this in. I go into the room. I promised her that I'll be back to her.

I saw that she was not in bed. My heart stopped. I went to every corner to look for her, but she was nowhere. Her smell was very vivid which means she is still in the room but where? Dean ran in and asked what happened but when he saw the empty bed he understood. He also looked like he would lose his mind if he could not find her.

Alyssa also came in. She got worried too but then she stopped and looked under the bed. Due to the long bed sheets, the under the bed was not visible.

"Alpha. She is here." Alyssa said.

"Why Luna is sleeping under the bed?" Dean asked.

"To feel secure," I answered.

I don't know what she has gone through but I promise that from now on all of those memories will be forgotten. Making you the happiest will be my priority from now on.

I took her in my arms and put her back in the bed. I took her hand in mine and sat there with her.

Hello, lovelies.
This is it. There is much more romance to come.  Till then please vote.

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