I just got replaced

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We walked into the Villia we rented and it was jaw droppingly beautiful. The rooms were huge and there were different shades of blues that reflected the colour of the ocean which we was one minute away from. It couldn't be more perfect.

Oh and to up date you on everythign that has happened from planning Miama two weeks ago to now. We're not in Miama, we're in Barbados and I'm okay with it. It's going to be 1000% more relaxing. However I did have a longer flight to London but that's fine. And we are still chartering a boat for three nights. Which I'm looking forward to because I love being in the water and the yachet has a slide from the top deck... and I will be going down it. 

Kaylee was meeting us here her flight was a little later than ours so we arrived first. I couldn't wait to see her it's been around 11 months since I last saw her. I've missed her like crazy! I can't wait to just hold her again and have fun with her and act like crazy five year olds. 

"Everyone leave you lagague in the entrance and meet in the reception room." Candice said. We all followed orders and left our bags in the hall and went through. There were only two sofa's so we moved a few chairs and a few people sat on other people but we managed to fit. I was squeezed in between Nina and my sister, Kat was practically sat on my lap because Paul thought it was okay to sit with his legs wide open. 

"I want to go over rooms... Theres 6." Candice says. Which grabbed everyones attention. Her voice carried through the room. "5 double rooms and one twin..." She tells us. 

"Easy." "Easy?" She looked at me. "Ian and Paul, Dan and JoMo, Me and Kaylee, Pheebs and Claire, Micheal and Kat, Nina and You." I say. She looked at me in shock. "Everyone call with that?" They all nodded. "We'll take the twin." JoMo says. "No we want it." "Fight amoungest yourselves." I say going to take my bags up the stairs. Paul helped. I had two cases because of going to London straight after. They were pretty heavy too. "Thank you." I say when we got them both up the stairs. I wheeled them into one of the rooms, all the rooms were the same really. The master was slightly bigger than the others but I wasn't bothered about that. 

I began to unpack my clothes so they wasn't wrinkled because I didn't want to reiron aything. I lying I didn't even Iron anything when I packed so I was hoping with the humindity that the wrinkles will just drop out... maybe. 


We all took a room and began to unpack. Me and micheal got the twin room. We were the only room with mixed gender it was only fair. I unpacked my stuff quickly and changed and made my way downstairs just as Kaylee walked in with her bag. "Hey!" I say excitedly and hug her tightly. "How are you?" "I'm good thank you." She smiled in response. "Where is she?" "Upstairs, she shouldn't be too much longer." I tell her. 

She was a while. I have no clue what she was doing up there but she took ages. Everyone was unpacked and ready to go. I introduced everyone to Kaylee as she didn't want to go up and surprise her in the room. We heard V come down the stiars and Kaylee stood up in prepartion to see her friend after a year almost.  "Brace for teenage girl screams." I tell everyone.

"NAYVEE!" "KAYLEE!" They both shouted the minut they saw each other and dove into each others arms and then fell to the floor. I smiled, my sister was happy. Very, very happy. "They both knew they were coming way are they so-"She's not seen her since her birthday last year." I explain... Vee's birthday was the second day we were here mine the last... Yeah we were that close. Her the 1st of Spetember me the 5th... Birth week was always magical. And this was our first birthday without our mother so I wanted to make it special for her. 

The girls were still laid on the floor in embrace and everyone was still watching them. I had videoed their reunion... Well I live streamed it on Twitter so no doubt it will be everywhere now. People were asking if they were dead as they laid there. But I don't think they understood they were each others family on set. They didn't get to see their older siblings. They became each others siblings. They worked togeth for years! And the important years too, where they were developing their personalities and who they are as people. 12 months is a long time for them to be away from one another after being together for what? 7 years? 

The Graham SistersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora