Day With Dad

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I woke up and I still felt exhausted. I didn't believe the fact that I actually got any sleep. I rolled over to see V still asleep facing away from me. I shuffled towards her and laid my arm around her. She looked over her shoulder her eyes slightly open. "Sorry," I whispered. She lazily smiled at me before snuggling into me, she laced her fingers with mine not saying anything. 

She went back to sleep pretty much straight away. And I guess I fell asleep too because I was woken up by mum. I felt like a teenager again. "Morning sunshine." She sang as she opened our curtains in the room. V rolled over to face my chest and hid from the sunlight. I kissed the top of her head, a habit I had adopted whenever she was close to me. "Morning," I mumbled blocking the sun from my eyes with my arm. "You're fathers on his way to take you pair to the stables." She told us. I still felt tired. "NayVee do you need anything ironing?" Mum asked. She was asleep. I chuckled. "What?" "She's asleep," I tell her. "If you're both too tired I can call your dad." "No, no... it's okay." I tell her. I don't get to spend a lot of time with my dad. "Nay come on," I tell her. "You want to shower first?" I asked her. "I'm not showering." "You need to." She mumbled from my chest. Mum laughed. "You two are bullying me." I joked making mum laugh more. "Your girl says you smell your shower," Mum told me as she left. 

The door closed and V lifted her head up to look at me. "So I'm your girl now huh?" She had a playful smirk on her lips. So I knew she didn't take it too seriously. "You didn't you know, she's already started planning the wedding baby." She laughed as she sat up. "Do I really need to shower?" "Yeah." She said, I hit her with the pillow that was beside me. "Hey, no fair." She said shielding herself from the hits as she tried to grab the other pillow. 

"You two get ready." More called in. "Bet she thinks we're having sex." "Probably, that's why she didn't come in." We both laughed more and I eventually got in the shower. V went straight in after me and we both moved around the room as we got ready. After staying with her a lot I know her routine so I tend to leave the mirror free for her as she liked to sit on the floor to do her make-up. 


"YOU PAIR? ARE YOU READY?" Dad shouted up to us. "One minute," I called back lacing my boots up. "You take forever," V said as she finished making the bed. "Not all of us are speedy." "You went in the shower first, you don't wear make-up, you didn't do your hair... what took you so long?" "I was deciding on what boots I should wear." "you were distracted by your phone more like." 

We went downstairs bickering but laughing as neither of us took it seriously. "Finally," Dad said clearly annoyed at us both. "Car come on." "Bye mum." "Bye Edna." She waved us off and we drove. Dad made conversation with Nay it was nice. He never really made conversation with my friends before. Paul came to visit with me once and my dad said hello and goodbye to him the whole trip... He must like NayVee... Paul's gonna hate that. 


We spent the day riding around the trails, Nay started off on my horse with me and eventually learnt the ropes and was able to ride solo. She got pretty good by the end of it. She was in the bathroom and I and dad were sat on the fence of the pen.

"She's a good girl Ian." "Yeah, she's pretty dope." "No Ian... She's a nice girl... A good girl someone that's good for you." I frowned... Of course, she's good for me she's my friend, friends are meant to be good for you. "You know the type you want to keep around." "Yeah dad, that's the plan... friends stick around." His face planted into his hand. "Come on boy have some more wit about you... She's isn't the friend type." I frowned. I believe she was, nearly two years we've been close friends now... she's defiantly the friend type.

"Your mother sent me the picture of the two of you this morning." "What picture?" "You were asleep and you were holding her." She took a picture... creepy. "And last night, she knew something was wrong. It was natural to her to comfort you." "Because we're friends, we know each other signs." "I'm your dad and I don't know that... What are you scared of Ian... I know you like her." "We're friends," I tell him jumping down as I see V coming over. 

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