Chapter 3

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"Wake upppp" my annoying friend sings to me. I squeeze my eyes shut before shifting with a groan. "My neck" I hiss bringing my hand to the sore spot. Opening my eyes I'm surprised to find us still on the couch.

"I don't even remember falling asleep" I yawn stretching my arms over my head. "Yeah... I just remember talking crap about somebody and then you stopped responding " she chuckles as I rub my eyes, shifting around in my now uncomfortable clothes.

"I'm sore... and I didn't even work out!" I sigh before standing from the couch just to sit back down. "What time is it?" I ask not to wanting to go back to class. "Eight-forty something" she walks back into the kitchen. I stand and stay standing this time with a nod.

"I'm going to go steal some clothes" I shout, intruding into her room. I just grab random things that matched. She had lots of things that stood out, but I really didn't want that. I usually wear lighter clothes, but with Lily, it was either black or neon most of the time.

"My first class is at ten again! When's yours?" I questioned her walking into the kitchen. She had her head in the fridge with the most confused look. "You okay?" I laugh walking over to her. "I'm having a midlife crisis over whether I want oatmeal or cereal" she sighs standing from the fridge.

"Ooo you look cute!" She claps coming over to admire me. "Oatmeal," I tell her getting an aggressive nod in return. "Peach?!" She calls back. "Strawberry... I want some" I bud in. "Oh, you were going to have some anyways" her voice stayed the same as I roll my eyes.

I went to the bathroom and washed some water over my face patting it dry with a towel. Stealing the hairbrush I take it back to our two-person table brushing my hair as best as I could until she set my oatmeal in front of me, going back to grab hers.

As soon as she sits down she immediately looks up at me with evil eyes. "Wanna play footies?" She raised her eyebrows. "I'm going to throw my spoon at you" I remind her that I'm not a morning person. Getting a huff in response.

She finished before me and I handed her the hairbrush as she left to get change. I kinda picked at my food a bit, but manage to finish it all. It was easier when Lily wasn't there watching me. I just hate eating in front of people.

I took the liberty of cleaning our dishes setting them in the strainer just as my best friend came out of the bathroom. "To answer your question earlier, I only have a class at one today" she leans against the door frame suddenly taller. I don't understand how she could walk in those. Do they not hurt?

"What! Lucky" I pout to myself. "Well sorta but it also means I have Saturday classes" she crosses her arms. "Oh no the party animal not being able to party... whatever will she do" I pretend to faint. Lily hits me as she walks by checking her phone for the time.

"I'm done in the bathroom, so brush your teeth and we can leave" she reminds me and my eyes widen as I rush to the bathroom. "I forgot about that!" I cry grabbing my spare brush. "Yup, that's why I reminded you" she laughs and I stick my hand outside the door to give her a thumbs up.

I hated forgetting to brush. Just watch the one day I don't, I'm going to get kidnapped by some super hot gang members... I have problems. Such bad problems. Finishing quickly I meet Lily at the door.

"You have your key... right" I narrow my eyes at her. She proudly shows me the key and I watch her stuff it in her pocket.

By the time we were at school, I had an hour left. Putting my phone back into my pocket, I led Lily over to my locker already knowing I was going to have problems with it. Popping the key in, I listened to the click and with a sigh turn to the side.

"Ooo I'm going to ninja kick it!" She cheers backing up a bit. I take a few more steps back as my friend attempts to do some cool move completely missing my locker and hitting the one under it. "Do it again!" I cheer her on even though I know I shouldn't have.

Two friends with focusing problems has never been good for us. She about whips me in the face for her 'practice' kick. I take a few more steps back stumbling into someone.

I jolt forward and turn to the stranger. "I'm so sorry- I wasn't paying attention" I apologize only to be met by the one and only Axel. "Hey, it's fine don't worry about it" he nods before his attention is drawn to my friend doing her spin move. I sigh and walk back over to her. "Lily for the love of god just use your fist" I groan into my hand.

She freezes with a sad expression. "But you were just cheering me on" she looks to the ground. "That was until I realized you were putting a dent in every other locker" I point out the obvious marks.  "Maybe I was doing it on purpose" she snaps her head to the side.

"I don't like those people" she gives me the fakest laugh ever. "You don't even know who those 'people' are" I lean against the locker. A hand going to my shoulder. I looked back over to see Axel still there. His light eyes looking to Lily. "Well if they aren't you I hate em'... hello there" she smiles at him as if she didn't just say she hated all humans besides me.

"Hey, need help with that?" He asks pointing to my locker with his free hand taking his other from my shoulder. Just then did I let the gay panic set in. His hands... so big... he was so close I was touched by a god.

"Nope, I got it muscle man" she smiles slamming the side of her fist against it. My locker door pops open and I happily walk over grabbing my stuff needed for class. I had Form and Content first, so I scrambled to remember everything I had just learned a few days ago. I don't even know what we're doing in that class.

"Lily by the way and this is-" he cuts her introduction off as she goes to stand by me. "Oliver" he smiles down at me. As soon as we made eye contact I looked away. "Oh, so you already know my very single friend" Lily's mood changed in three seconds flat as she saunters over to us.

I'm killing her. Like she's absolutely dead. I don't know how, but I'm going to make her suffer. "Well not well, but I met him yesterday" he answers raising an eyebrow at her suspiciously. "You should definitely put that on your to-do list" she stands next to him. Her black platforms making her just a little shorter than him.

"On my to-do list?" He chuckles his suspicion obviously growing. "Yup," she answers bluntly. He seems pretty confused but nods anyway. "Okay, I think I can do that, am I allowed to be friends with you as well?" He asks putting his hand out for her.

We were both kind of shocked at those words. We were the misfits of this small town, nobody could or would be caught dead with us. Hell! Lily's parents moved, they were so ashamed. My parents just make it known they don't associate with me.

Lily shakes her head knocking her out of her trance, just to firmly grip onto Axel's hand shaking it lightly. "Fine by me, but once you hang with us good luck getting out" she laughs being her usual peppy self. I knew that once he left she was going to go crazy.

"Olive, shake the nice man's hand" she steps back and I send her a side-eyed glare. "Why would I-" I cut myself off as he turns to me his hand outstretched. Nervously I shake it, this wasn't going to end well. One way or another I'm about to be in a whole lot of drama I don't want to be in.

Is it too late to move and change my name? "You know, I don't think this is usually how people become friends" I inform them, having a hard time letting go of his hand. I swear to god I better not have a hand fetish... he just has really nice hands... I officially hate myself.

"Well I can already tell you aren't normal people" he looks between Lily and me. "You can say that" I mumble as Lily jumps onto me from behind laying her arms over my shoulders.

"I'm taking that as a compliment" she sings and I smile back at her positive.

"Holy shit I have class!"

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