Chapter 49

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"Thank you for the ride" I thank the man who was probably paid to do this, as part of the competition. "Yup, no problem" he answers and I take the suitcases out of the trunk so he can drive off.

I saw Axel's bike in the driveway and started lugging my suitcases inside. The door opens and I'm tackled into a hug. "My baby!" Lily shouts squeezing the shit out of me. "O!" My sister screams clinging to my leg. Another pair of arms hugs me and I hug them all back.

"I missed you guys" I whisper and they just squeeze me tighter. "So did you make it!" The words I was hoping I'd have more time to prepare for come too soon. "Let me get my stuff in my room and we can talk" I answer and two of them release me.

I smile and lean over picking Evelyn up. She tears up and hugs me. "Gone- you gone" she cries and I nod hugging her tightly. "I'm here now" I whisper kissing her head. I take one suitcase to my room leaving one on the porch and two others on the front lawn.

Axel comes back with two and Lily with the other. I watched, the baby clinging onto me for dear life. I'm pushed onto the couch and Lily takes one side, Axel on the other.

Moving my sister to my lap, Axel wraps his arm around me. "Sorry I just want to hold you" he whispers putting his head on my shoulder. I smile and kiss the top of his head. Such a softie.

"So... did you not get in?" Lily asked not making eye contact. "No... I made it in" I sigh and both immediately perk up more. "Olive! Why are you sad, that's amazing!" Lily shouts shaking me as best as she could with the toddler on my lap and my boyfriend hugging me tightly.

"I told them no" I answer simply and both pull away. I took the baby off of my lap but she immediately grabbed onto me. "I'm going to go to bed, I don't think you are tired," I tell her but she shakes her head, clinging to me like a monkey. "I tied," she tells me with a nod and I sigh standing from the couch.

"Olive, sit down. This is a serious conversation you're not just getting out of it that easy" Lily goes into mother mode and I cringe sitting back down anyways.

"It's not that complicated, I stopped being stupid and realized what was more important to me" I explain looking between the two. "You're skipping something, why would you have to choose between us?" Lily mumbles also confusing herself.

"They aren't online classes like we thought, I wouldn't be going to college anymore and for school, I would be flown back to California. Two years" I tell them and it goes silent for a minute besides Evie cuddling into my lap.

"Oh" Axel was the first one to make any noise. "As much as it kills me to say this, go. You deserve it. We'll miss you but we did well without you here as well" Lily whispers and I turn to Axel who was also nodding.

"I'm not going" I remind them looking down at my sister. "I can't just disappear for months at a time and expect things to be normal" I stammer knowing the truth, no matter how much I wanted to go. I couldn't leave Evie.

"Oliver please don't give up on it, Evelyn will be fine. Lily and I will take great care of her!" Axel joins the conversation and I groan. "You're making this hard, I wanted you guys to make it easy for me to stay home" I huff.

"Oliver Slen. You are going and that's final. We will visit you and you can visit us- I don't care about money at this point we are going to make it work- but you are going" she goes stern and I look at her with a hurt face.

"Lily I can't-" Axel puts his hand over my mouth, both now against me. "He can't wait to go" he finishes for me and I send him a glare. "We still have the summer to hang out" he whispers slowly taking his hand from my mouth. "That's not enough time" I shake my head and he just looks the other way.

"Give me your phone" Lily puts her hand out and I stay still. "Lily Wrife I'm not going- I don't want to go back" I lie and she sees right through it. "Axel hold him" she rushes the words out so I don't have time to react. My arms were forced down to my side as the toddler turns in my lap wanting to be cuddled again.

Lily reaches back into my butt pocket and rips my phone out before opening it. She starts going through old calls and contacts before suddenly bringing it to her ear. "Lily! Stop! Axel... just let go" I turn back to him and he shakes his head moving his arms to hug me instead.

"Axel I don't want this" I cry, he shakes his head again. "I know you're lying. Trust me if I knew you didn't want to go, I wouldn't let you go" he chuckles sadly and I let my head fall.

"Hello?" Lily's voice sticks out and I look back up at her. "Yes- well no. My name is Lily, Oliver is currently taking care of something but he wanted me to tell you that he has decided he's taking the spot, and to once again say thank you" she bluffs and I open my mouth to say something before just shutting up.

I just need to deal with it. I relax in Axel's grip and he slowly lets go of me. "Yes thank you again" I ignore her and hug my sister. "I don't want to leave you, I promised" I whisper kissing her head.

"No weave" she turns and looks up at me before hugging my neck. "I'm not leaving yet, and I'm always going to come back" Lily hands me my phone and the baby takes it from me before sliding off the couch. "Let sweep! Sweep!" She cheers and I nod standing to join her.

I turn and grab Axles hand. "are you joining me?" I ask and he nods letting me pull him up. "I'm probably going to fall asleep, I'm mad at you right now, but I'll probably thank you in the future. Goodnight Lily" I whisper going to hug her.

"Night Olive, I swear I'm doing this for you" she tightens her grip before kissing my head. I lead Axel into my room and close the door. He moved Evelyn onto the bed, and I take my sweater off-putting on a t-shirt, changing out of my sweats and into shorts.

I join the two on the bed turning my phone on. I go to YouTube and put on something for Evelyn. She scoots under a blanket and starts to giggle to whatever thing was playing. I lay in between her and Axel, before flipping onto him.

Laying my head over his shoulder, his arms go around my back. "Cuddles!" He cheers and I nod. "Yup cuddles" I murmur. He kisses my head and I look up before scooting myself up.

"I missed you" I admit before kissing him. He nods and put a hand into my hair. "You don't understand how much I missed you" our lips were barely an inch apart and he quickly leaned forward pushing them back together.

"I need to tell you something" I whisper and he moves his lips to my neck kissing it lightly. I laugh at the ticklish feeling before sitting up. "Something happen" I continue and he pulls back before pulling me onto his chest again. His arms keeping me down.

"What happen?" He asks and I scoot forward placing my head into the cranny of his neck. "Flint the guy that asked me out, the day the girls spent the night. I went to get ice and he was there. He tried to touch me... stuff like that. I don't know but when he pinned me to the wall I sorta punched him. I just felt like I needed to tell you" I mumble into his neck.

His hand rubbing itself up and down my back. "Oliver... why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked and I sat up grabbing my phone to play the next video for Evelyn. She claps and I hand her the phone. "Dank you!" She shouts and I nod rubbing her cheek.

"I knew you would get upset- I was able to handle it" I assure him getting back into my comfortable position. "Did he do anything else?" He asks and I shake my head. "I thought for sure he would tell Matty or Ms. Waters about me punching him but he blamed it on himself. He would touch my shoulder a lot. I guess he did pull me into his lap at one point, but I just laughed with the girls and slid off" I explain and his other hand goes to my hair massaging my scalp.

"I'm sorry, I know you can protect yourself but it still scares me" he whispers and I nod kissing his neck lightly, which was followed by a yawn.

"Get some sleep, we can talk about this tomorrow. Thank you for telling me" he mumbles kissing my head. I smile and cuddle into him more. My hand being grabbed by Evie as she held my pinkie still giggling about her show.

"Please don't let her stay up too late" I mumble and he nods again.

"Oliver stop worrying and go to bed"


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