Chapter 51

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I left the room I had been staying in with my bag of supplies. Looking to the side, I groan. I was getting neighbors. Great. There were boxes and I walked past them with a sigh. Three months down today. Seven more to go.

It wasn't going so well, mentally I was doing awful and I went back to not eating anymore. Axel and Lily haven't called me in a week. No-one returning my calls. I just wanted to see my sister.

Taking a deep breath I make my way to the elevator. We had been moved out of the original hotel and into one of the other ones. It was still fancy as fuck and I didn't mind. If I got to choose I would have chosen this one. It's a lot quieter with fewer parties since there were fewer students.

The elevator door opens and someone steps in, but I was so in my own world I didn't bother looking up. "We need to talk" I look up in surprise to see Flint he hasn't bothered me at all, why all of a sudden?

"What do you want" I look the other way. "Don't get an attitude with me, you're going to do what I say. Or I'm telling the school about you punching me" he shouts. I look to the number at the top of the elevator planning on ignoring him.

He sees this and pressed another button to keep us going. "Do you hear me!" He yells shoving me back. "Keep your hands off of me. You have no proof first of all, so you can't do shit!" I yell at him poking his chest.

He grows angry but with a ding, the door opens. Not on the floor I wanted, but I was so fucking pissed. I pressed every button I could and jumped out of there leaving him to suffer. Fucking bitch. I'll take the stairs.

I hurry down the stairs not wanting to keep my ride waiting. I search for the red civic that was suppose to pick me up. Seeing it I run over. "Hello?" I call to the person in the window. "Hello, are you Oliver?" They ask and I nod. "Great hop in" he smiles and I get in the back before handing him my punch card, great advice from Willa.

The sad part is I've almost gotten through one punch card. I guess it's not sad, I have the money for it. Surprisingly money hasn't been a problem. As soon as I got here I went and looked for an easy job explaining my circumstances. 

I was just a waiter, and I was surprised by how easy I got the job. More than half the staff wasn't straight. I loved it. I get lots of flirty people, but I try to ignore their interest in me.

Besides that, I've been able to sell some of my art to smaller galleries. They weren't the big numbers but I usually got a couple hundred which made me happy. Lately, I've been searching for dance places back in Texas. At first, I thought maybe I should wait, but Lily would send me video after video of Evelyn dancing and spinning to Barbie sing alongs and cartoon theme songs.

It just felt like the right thing to do for her. "Oliver, you okay?" The man asked and I looked up to him, shaking myself out of my trance. "Sorry- yeah I'm good" I answer and he nods. "Well here is your punch card... have a good day" he gives me a little wave.

I grabbed the card and looked out the window. Shit I'm here already! Shoving the punch card into my wallet I hurry out the door. "Thank you for the ride!" I call back in before closing the door.

He sends me a thumbs up before driving off and I hurry into Matty's personal school. Going up a flight of stairs I work my way through halls, finally getting into class. The easels are up! Yes!

Since I was one of the first I set up in the back, scoping around the supplies. Oil painting even better. We wouldn't just oil paint though. We've already done it he's going to have a twist. I just know it.

Sitting on the stool, I pull out my phone to find no messages. I go to Lily and I's messages opening them. My message was seen four days ago. 'Hey, I miss you guys. Can we call? I miss Evelyn.' I cried typing that message I was in such a bad place that day and this was the response.

Going to Axels it was the same. 'Axel? I miss you. Let's call or something' read four days ago as well. I felt trapped. Putting my phone back into my pocket I huffed to myself. Maybe something happened. Are they okay?

I coughed into my arm and it hurt my ribs, I don't know what happen but I did something and I had a scratch on my throat, so I coughed until I got it out. Which immediately caused a headache. 

I was early so I just left my seat and made my way out of class, towards a private bathroom. Closing the door, I locked it before looking into the mirror. My cheeks, I look so chubby.

Lifting my shirt, I reveal my stomach and ribs cringing. Why don't I look good? I think I am getting skinnier but I still feel so overweight- I am getting weaker and it just seems to be bad.

How am I supposed to protect myself if I can't even throw a punch anymore? I let go of my shirt and try to cover my body as best as I can. Turning to examine me from the side. Cringing I grab my head.

"Damn it maybe I need to get some water" I grumble rubbing my eyes. Opening the door, I make my way back into class stopping in front of Matty, who was now at the front. "Hello Oliver" he greets me and I nod my greeting.

"Can I grab water from your fridge?" I ask and he nods. "Grab anything you want from there" he reassures me and I nod, grabbing a water bottle before heading back to my seat.

"Thanks" I call to him, getting comfortable on my stool. Students started getting situated in their spots as Matty moved up to his own easel. He coughs and the room goes silent besides a few dwindling conversations.

He gives them a raised eyebrow and they quickly shut up. "As you know we've already had our lesson on oil painting, so this one is going to be a bit different." He starts to explain looking over to the paints.

"Who remembers what's so special about oil painting?" He asked looking us over. I knew the answer but I didn't want to talk. I was just too drained. The simple answer was it took longer to dry.

"Dawn" Matty calls on her and the girls smile proudly. I don't know why but I've just gotten close to Matty and we get along together well, so I kind of just see him as a friend. Talking and asking for stuff. I've cried to the poor man. Others if he says their name they about pass out.

"Oh- er- um... I'm sorry. I'm panicking. The paint! Sorry. The paint drys slower" she finally gets it out and I sigh to myself. "Correct, so since it takes longer to dry, artists, take their time with the art. Sometimes artists are given a deadline though" and there's the catch.

"You will be given three hours to paint, but when the timer is done that's when you are done. You will be judged on how well it looks, the effort, and extra credit if it's dry" he explains and I nod along.

Well, that seems easy enough. I can use one of the blow dryers to spread the colors out and dry them. Then I'll draw a picture over. Just of what. Hitting my head to think I look up to the easel when it comes to me.

I would do a glossy rainbow look, with some white splotches.  A silhouette of a dancer in the center. Either ballet, hip hop, or tap? I feel like a ballerina would be more graceful, not to mention a hip-hop dancer I would like to add more details or probably just take a longer time. Ballerina seems like what everyone does- I'll do a tap dancer and add one of the cute top hats and canes.

I just started to get the colors ready when the door burst open. "Sorry I'm late Matty" Flint calls as he runs over to the easel. "Please don't do it again, three hours to paint" he earns a nod. Flint rushes to get his station prepped before turning to look at me. He was beyond pissed.

I hurried back to my painting knowing I was about to get killed. Not able to concentrate, my head killing me, I walk to the front of the classroom where Matty had already begun his own painting.

"After class, can you tell me to stay after," I ask and he nods not looking at me? "Is there a reason?" He questions. "No, just please keep me back" he nods again and I sigh.

"Thank you"

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