Chapter 50

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The summer went by way too fast. I swear I woke up and the next thing I know I was getting ready for bed.

We were now waiting outside of the terminal where I would have to separate from them. My luggage had been taken care of beforehand, so I was good with that. Turning back to look at them I bite my lip. "Come here Evelyn" I squat down with my arms out. She runs over scared of the new place.

"O..." she whispers and I nod hugging her tightly. "I'm going to be gone for a while. Don't forget about me, please. I love you so much. My beautiful sister" I just continue to ramble leaving kisses all over her head. She giggles holding onto me tightly.

I manage to get out of her grip and hugged my best friend who had tears in her eyes. "You take good care of yourself, and her. Please. I love you so much. I'm so sorry" I choke out. "I love you too, I swear you better hurry and go or I'm not going to be able to let you go" she whispers a sad chuckle.

I pull back wiping her tears. "I'll be back in a few months. I'm going to try to visit- I really am. I worked lots of hours this summer just for extra cash" I remind her and she nods rubbing her nose.

I go to Axel next and he just stands there looking at me. His face seemed to be unsure of what he wanted. I jumped into his arms hugging him. "I'm going to miss you- so fucking much. I'm so sorry I'm leaving. Please wait for me. Please" I plead and his arms wrap around me squeezing me in a hug.

"Of course I'll wait. I love you way too much. Just please call me. Text me. I just want to stay in touch. I'm too in love with you, I can't just lose you so suddenly" he begs and I grab his face before giving him a big kiss.

We both pull away with a smile and I pick my sister back up. "I love you so so much, don't you ever forget it" I remind her and she nods kissing me. I chuckle as she giggles. "I wove you!" She yells and I nod playing with her little curls.

Lily was a crying mess and I gave her the child before going back over to Axel. Putting my arms over his shoulders, I turn us around so I could see Lily and my sister and he couldn't. "You want to squeeze this ass one more time?" I joke and he cracks a huge smile before nodding.

"You know me so well" he laughs leaning over to kiss me again. I bite his bottom lip as his hands squeeze my ass and I groan into his mouth. Axel pulls away giving me a quick peck afterward.

"I love you" I remind him and he nods letting me kiss his cheek. "I love you too" with those words I run over giving my girls one last squeeze. "I'll call you when I land" I whisper giving them each a kiss on the cheek.

"You better or I'm going to run there- don't you question me. I'll do it" she narrows her eyes and I nod chuckling. With that, I start to walk to my terminal the sudden feeling of not telling them I love them or saying my goodbyes hitting me. I know I did but it didn't feel like I did it enough.

My heart hurt and tears came to my eyes. I turned and ran back to them hugging Lily and my sister tightly rocking us back and forth. "Oliver you're crying" she whispers and I quickly wipe my eyes.

"I'm sorry" I reply before going over to Axel my head down because I couldn't control my tears. "Oliver don't be sorry, you just don't cry a lot" she tries to reassure me. "I can't do it, I can't leave" I broke down crying into my boyfriend's shoulder. "Oliver it's going to be okay, but you've got to go now" he tries to walk me away but I couldn't.

"I can't, please. I don't want to go. I can't leave you guys" I cry and he rubs my shoulder reassuringly. "You're making this really hard to say goodbye" he mumbles and I aggressively wipe my tears.

"I'm sorry, I'll go now" I sigh drying my eyes. "Don't be sorry. Goodbye..." he whispers putting his forehead against mine. I look into his eyes forgetting to breathe. "I need to walk away now, don't I?" I whisper and he chuckles a small breathy "yeah"

I nod towards Lily who bites her lip her eyes watering again. I start to walk again wiping my eyes. "O! No weave!" My heart stops as well as my feet. "O!" She yells again and I turn around the tears coming back again.

"I'll come back" I yell and the girl starts to tear up reaching for me. With a smile, I run back to my sister kissing her cheeks. "I'm going to be back, it will be a bit. I'm coming back though. We'll call when I get there! I have to leave though" I coo and she shakes her head as I tickle her little stomach.

"Bye-bye," she whispers reaching up to grab my head. I let her and she kisses my lips one more time, before turning into Lily to hide.

I walked away for the third time turning back to give them a smaller wave. Lily was attempting to calm my crying sister and Axel was staring at me with a longing look. "I'm so sorry" I mouth before turning away and going up the escalator.

Once finally out of their view I make my way to the terminal. "Maybe if I got hurt, like needed to go to hospital hurt I could not go" I try to make some sort of plan.

I ended up jogging the rest of the way realizing how late I was. "I'm so sorry" I hand them my ticket and they give me their signature smile. Do they ever get tired of being nice? I know I couldn't do it.

"It's alright, I hope you enjoy your flight" she scans my ticket before there's a buzz and I'm let through. I'm lead to first-class and immediately felt out of place compared to all the business women and men.

They all had formal wear, while I was in sweats and a sweatshirt. I went to my seat and immediately plugged my earbuds into my phone.   I opened my Spotify and put my hand over my mouth to stop my crying. "Baby shark?" I chuckle to myself.

We had a small dance party a few days ago and all I know is Evelyn is going to be a great dancer. I wonder if I can pay for dance lessons. I let my eyes wander out the window as I stared at the ground.

I can't do this. I can't leave them. I looked back to my phone searching through my many playlists, and ended up going through random ones made by others. I settled for a late-night trip with your best friend playlist, to hopefully make me feel better.

The song Out of My League began to play as I hum to the beat of it. I haven't heard this song in years. A girl up front instructs us to buckle up and I pop a piece of gum in my mouth as the plane starts to move.

I go back to staring outside the window desperately searching for my family. Hoping I'll get one more glance. I don't think my brain was coming to terms with everything. Ten months. I was going to go ten months without them. I was going to miss Evelyn's third birthday.

Axel was going to move on. Lily was going to find another friend and when I come back she won't even bother with me. Evelyn probably won't even remember me. My thoughts made me silently cry even to the up beat music.

The ground getting smaller and smaller just made it so much worse. I hated that town, I should be happy I'm getting away from it. For once it was the opposite. I wanted to go back. I had to quit my job. So that means I'd have to find another one.

"Excuse me, sir" a gentle voice is heard and I pause my music and thoughts as I quickly wipe my eyes and take out an earbud to look at the flight attendant. "Sorry, hello" I smile and she looks me over. "Would you like anything to eat or drink?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No thank you" I answer and she continued to smile. "Okay." She seems hesitant to walk away and then looks back over to me. "I love your freckles" she compliments me and I blush at the compliment. I just suck at taking compliments.

"Thank you... I really needed that" I admit feeling a little bit better about myself.

"You're welcome"

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