Chapter 11

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"Lily where are the plastic bags?" I shout standing from the drawer where they usually are. "I gave them to Evie to give to you" she shouts leaning out of the bathroom, eyeliner on one eye.

"Oh no," I groan going to look for the child. "Evelyn!" I shout and that's when I hear the evil giggles. Racing into the living room I find plastic bags spilled out everywhere.

"Evie!" I scold and she looks up to me, her face filled with terror knowing she got caught. I mumble under my breath putting the bags back into the box. "We do not do this" I wave a stern finger at her and she hands me the bag in her hand.

"Say sorry" I look down at her again taking the bag gently. She pouts to herself grabbing my arm. "Sor-ry" I sound it out for her again and she furrows her brows not wanting to.

"Sowe" she pushes herself up and I stood stretching my legs. Going back to the kitchen. I put the box back taking one bag for myself. I then set it down and go to the fridge grabbing the baby carrots.

The baby waddles her way into the room stopping when she sees me. "I'm not mad" I assure her filling the small bag with the carrots as a snack for her.

I put the carrots back into the fridge putting the baby on my hips and the small plastic bag in my other hand. "Lily I'm going to the car!" I shout getting a muffled "right- shere!" She shouts and I laugh grabbing my wallet.

It's still warm out so as long as we get back before dark she shouldn't need her coat. Halfway out the door I panic and turn back, grabbing it anyways. Opening the passenger side door I throw my wallet in and move to the back seat setting Evie in her baby seat.

She looks around excited that we are taking a car ride and giggles as I strap her into it. Mentally cursing the eight hundred straps and buckles. She looks up at me the whole time and I can't help but smile at how cute she is.

I close the door just as Lily locks the house throwing the key turned into a necklace around her neck. I hop into the passenger side and buckle up checking my wallet for the money.

"Not much, but it's something," I tell the girl behind me. "O" she gurgles reaching for me. I reach back giving her my hand, throwing her coat next to her. The carrots under it. "Evelyn" I hum.

The driver's side door opens and Lily jumps in. "Okay let's go! I have everything- hopefully" she cheers going to start the car. "Keys I need keys" she groans disappearing once again.

It wasn't a long drive and we more than likely could have walked but we needed room for bags. I jumped out excited to do something for once. Patting my butt pocket to make sure my phone was still there.

I shoved my wallet into my other pocket and closed the door just to open the back seat. "Frocking fricking- fracking stupid straps" I groan finally getting the child free. Lily laughs at me shoving her own wallet in her coat pocket along with the baby's carrots.

I shut the door, readjusting the baby on my hip before walking towards the store, Lily on my other side. It's family-owned of course, so let's hope this goes well.

No greeting as usual from the employees but they greet the next people behind us. I sigh hoping Evie isn't shamed for growing up with me. Lily didn't even seem bothered as we made our way to the baby section.

Wasn't the biggest, but it would do. "We need a cart" I cry turning back. "Hey- don't worry I'll get it" Lily grabs my shoulder and starts to walk back. I nod but she's already gone. With that, I move past the clothes and to the diapers.

"You need to help brother- I have no idea what I'm doing" I chuckle sadly looking between all the brands. I didn't want to get the most expensive but at the same time, I didn't want to get the cheapest.

I settled between an averaged priced brand that happens to have the most. Grabbing one from the shelf I set it on the ground next to me. "I can't wait until you are potty trained" I groan getting a giggle.

We still have baby powder at home, so that's good. I look around the next aisle real quick holding the diapers in my other arm. "I don't really know... we have stuff for your hair at home.- oh wait" I move over to the end and scan through some kids-safe shampoo and conditioner, which helped remind me of everything else I needed.

I grabbed her a child's toothbrush with some fruity toothpaste. I've just been brushing her teeth with mine. I'm hoping to have some extra money for a toy or something.

Lily rushes past and skids to a stop when she sees us. Turning the cart around and making her way down the aisle. I set Evie down and she looks between all the things I had picked out so far. With my hands free, I pick the diapers back up and put them in the cart.

"They're so fucking expensive" I grumble and she nods picking up the toiletries I had picked out for my sister. "I already know I'm missing stuff, should I get her a binky or do you think she's too old for that?" I ask and she pulls out her phone.

"Says here you should try stopping from two to four years and Evie is going to be two pretty soon, it's not like she's a loud kid either doesn't cry much" Lily scrolls through her phone looking for more.

"Let's just go to clothes" I nod turning to pick the baby up. She waits for me arms raised and I set her in the cart. Letting her sit and kick her legs back and forth excited to be out and about.

I pushed the cart starting to get uneasy with all the stares. Lily seems to have noticed because she moved to my other side blocking them from my view. I hate this treatment, I'm just expressing myself. Aren't we raised to be ourselves?

I turn the cart into the children's clothes section and start going through it all. "For now a few outfits, some shoes, pajamas... and if we have enough I want to get her a T-O-Y" I spell out and Lily nods looking through clothes.

Once again I take Evie out of the cart, her dress, just one of my shirts. I hold her up higher closer to my chest. "How many months is she!?!" Lily shouts over some racks as I look up from the clothes.

"Twenty-one" I yell back and then I go back to searching. I chuckled at a shirt with the words Future biker girl on it. Taking my phone out I snap a picture sending it to Axel before moving on.

"Eee" the girl in my arms gets excited and I turn to see her pointing. Walking over to the display I check out the Mickey Mouse clothes. "Do you want one of these?" I ask pointing to the pajama sets.

She leans away from me grabbing at them. "Evie" I straighten her back up and start to look through them with her. She squeals as I pull back the Minnie one with bows to show Donald Duck.

They were teal fuzzy bottoms and a gray silky t-shirt with Donald Ducks grumpy face plastered right in the center. "You only like Donald Duck because he gets beat up all the time" I laugh taking it off of the rack.

She stares at it and touches his face with her hand giggling. "It's your body you wear what you want" I laugh handing her the hanger she stares wide eye before trying to bite it.

"No Evelyn," I tell her taking the hanger back. She reaches for it with a pout and I repeat "no biting it" and she stops, happily holding the pajamas in her arms as we make it back to Lily with the cart.

The girl had like thirty outfits in her hands and was struggling on which ones to pick. "How many can I get" she looks at me with worried eyes and I hold up three fingers about making her pass out.

"I'll just pay for two more" she grumbles and I go frantic. "Lily please don't" I laugh nervously. "Nope I must see her wear these" she goes back to panicking over decisions as I set the Donald Duck pajamas in the cart.

I let Evie down and she clings to my leg looking around. A ding from my phone makes me panic. Did I have work today!? I hurry to get to my phone and relax when I see it's just Axel.

He had texted me back. 'You have to get that for her' before I could respond he was typing again. 'If you don't I am lol' I laugh looking at the soft child at my feet.

'Guess you better go shopping lol' it goes through and I close my phone putting it in my pocket. I rummaged through Lily's jacket that was in the cart handing Evelyn her carrots and she waddled around the cart eating them happily.

"Dear god I need a cup- sippy cup- I'm so stupid!"

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