Chapter 6

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"So this is your house, it's nice" Axel takes in the view of the two-story house. "Old house" I correct him. "Yes sorry old house" he smiles as I open the door, surprised that it just opens... it wasn't locked? I check the driveway again and sure enough no car.

Shaking my head I walk through the door leading the others in behind me. "Hewo" Evie's voice frightens me and the baby wobbles into my view once she sees me. "O!" She shouts clinging onto my leg.

I stare in shock picking the baby up and bringing her to my chest. "Evelyn, are you okay baby?" I coo rubbing her back. She just lays her head onto my shoulder with a little sniffle.

I was beyond pissed. "Jeremiah are you home!?" I shout and feet are heard pounding down the stairs. "So you finally came back... and you brought more fags" he chuckles as I roll my eyes.

"I don't care if you hate me, but Evelyn was down here all alone for who knows how long!" I shout getting a glare from him. "If she needed me she could have gotten me" he sighs looking between us three.

"She's not even two years old she can't go up the fucking stairs!" I shout putting a hand over Evelyn's head. He scoffs and ran back up the stairs. "I'm calling mom and dad!" Jeremiah shouts making me panic.

You could definitely tell I didn't get along with him. Evelyn and I looked more alike anyways. She has short dark brown curly hair like mine with brown eyes, so pretty similar. Jeremiah on the other beside his brown eyes we didn't have any similarities. He was prep and proper his hair short and blonde. He had just turned sixteen but was mom and dad's little angel.

"Okay everybody follow me" I sigh running up the stairs. I went the other way to my room and set Evie on my bed. She had silent tears but wipes them away with her tiny hands.

"Are you okay?" Axel asks putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod while Lily frantically shoved my clothes into a bag. She was going full panic mode. She hated my parents more than I did.

"I'm fine" I bury my face into my hands. I don't know what to do. "Lily I don't think I can leave Evie" I whisper while she freezes. "Take her! You're over 18! Your parents already have their perfect Christian son!" She shouts.

I nod while going over to my clothes. "Let's just have fun while we can" I smile pulling the boxes out of the closet. The ones I had packed a few days before. "Woah have you ever actually worn this?" Lily laughs holding up some skimpy black shorts that were way to short. "Fishnets... clubbing- wait weren't you there! It's how I got in, we drove like three hours" I mumble which turns to me accusing her, as Axel goes into a coughing fit behind me.

"You okay?" I frantically turn around, finding him red-faced. "Yes- I yeah sorry" he goes back to packing things away. "Okay, so my parents could be here soon let's just get this load into Lily's car" I hurry everyone out.

"Da weave me!" Evie struggles to slip off my bed. With a sigh, I put the baby onto my shoulders. "Hold on tightly" I warn her going to pick up a box.

With help from the others, we were able to get some of my clothes in. Going in for a second load I pull Evie off of my shoulder and down to the ground. I start for the stairs but don't make it as a car pulls into the driveway.

I cringe and grab Evie hiding her behind me. The doors of the car slam and Lily stands in front of me protectively. Axel doing the same. "Not to make any assumptions but I'm assuming your parents aren't fine with this" he sighs and I let out a meek "yes"

The door opens and my parents come in completely enraged. "You! How dare you bring people into our house! We had to leave service! You ruined it!" Mother shouts and I cringe feeling the toddler's hands tighten around my pants. "You left Evie at home! Don't you dare yell at me!" I shout stepping forward.

"Jeremiah was responsible enough to stay home with her" my father steps forward giving me a stern look. "Yeah, sure! Responsible my ass! He's up there doing god knows what!" I was pissed. "Do not use God's name in vain! You're such a disappointment! I can't believe you are blaming your brother! For something like that!" My mother was furious.

"Get out! Get out! Get out of my house!" She screams her face red with anger as she points towards the door. "I'm not coming back! And I'm taking Evie with me!" I yell back picking the child up. "You're not taking my baby you selfish prick!" Father steps forward and I stare him down.

"When's her birthday?" I laugh honestly going mental. This shut them up real quick. The baby was sobbing, so I lifted her onto my hip and started for the door. Mom put her hand on my shoulder but I slapped her away.

"Haha fuck you bitches!" Lily shouts showing them both her middle fingers. With that I ran to my parents car, grabbing Evie's seat with my free hand. It was a lot heavier than I thought.

Axel takes it from me and I open Lily's back door, I scoot in with the baby. We needed to get out of here so for now she'll stay in my lap. "I'm going to get in the back with you" Axel whispers. joining me.

Lily hops in the front seat and we were off quickly. Lily hardly used her car because once again small town, saved money to just walk.  As soon as we were out of there, I felt the tears coming, but for some reason they wouldn't fall. Evie was hysterical in my lap and I didn't know what to do.

Axel wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I just turn and hide my face in his shoulder. Lily reached back and rubbed my knee reassuringly as Axel rubbed my shoulders. "We're right here for you" he whispers moving a hand to my head.

I pulled away and look at him with sad eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to see that , I didn't think they would be home" I apologize. "Oliver, I'm going to be here for you, I have this feeling I just want to protect you" he mumbles not really sure what he's saying. "Protect me?" I ask getting a nod.

"I'll protect you, Lily, and little Evie" he coos to the crying girl. I wipe my nose and shake my head. I'm a college student, I just want out of this town, but now I have a baby to take care of.  I don't know how to take care of a baby. "I need to get a job" I sigh resting my head back on his shoulder.

He ruffles my hair and nods. "Lily and I are going to help as much as we can" he assures me. "Yes, we will!" Lily shouts taking another turn. With this, I found myself calm enough to do the right thing.

"Evie?" I coo to the baby and she turns in my lap wiping her eyes. "Big brother is going to take good care of you, I'm going to take care of you" I repeat wiping the rest of her tears with my thumbs.

"I love you" I remind her and she stands in my lap hugging onto my neck. "I wove oo" she cheers bouncing up and down. With that, I hugged her close to my chest and closed my eyes. Axel continued to whisper reassuring words that actually made quite the difference.

I only opened my eyes as the car came to a stop and we pulled into Lily's driveway. He got out first and I followed behind holding a tired baby to my chest. "Lily I'm going to go put Evelyn on the couch, and then I'll help with boxes" I explain.

She nods and her and Axel go to the back of the car while I rush into the house putting the sleeping baby to the couch. I laid her on her back and took my sweatshirt off laying it over her. Wiping my tired eyes I will not to cry. "I've really screwed this all up" I whimper to myself before going to help the others.

It didn't take long and I signed realizing we'd didn't get as many of my belonging as we thought. I slumped to the bedroom floor and just sat there surrounded by the new boxes. "I know I should be happy, but I just feel depressed" I chuckled to myself.

Lily and Axel come into my new room and she sighs kissing the top of my head. "I'll make us lunch and we can all talk about this... Axel feel free to leave... our lives are kind of messed up" she groans leaving the room .

I wait for his footsteps to leave, but instead, he joins me on the floor pulling me into a hug. "I'm going to help, I've known you guys for what two months? I wouldn't change any of this for the world because in the end... that little girl out there is going to grow up just like you, and not like your brother. You are going to be so proud of yourself for doing that, for protecting her" he explains his words bringing the tears back.

"I- thank you... thank you so much"

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