Chapter 55

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I cuddled up to the baby in my arms before slowly opening my eyes. With a yawn, I sit up taking the girl with me. She makes a little fuss but gets comfortable and stays fast asleep in my arms.

Lily was frantically cleaning the already clean apartment. Axel was on the couch half asleep. "Lily, she is not going to care about a speck of dust- she's going to be happy to see you" I remind her and she nods laying her head on the kitchen counter.

With that, I make my way over to Axel kissing his head. "Why don't you go back to bed, if it's too noisy go over to my room," I tell him and he lays his head on my shoulder. "I'm okay" he mumbles and I kiss his head again before shifting around to grab his hand and keep the baby sleeping.

"Come on, let's go" I tug him to his feet, which was a real struggle. "Oliver I'm fine, I just had a late-night shift" he explains but I don't listen pulling him back into his room where I had just been sleeping.

I put Evelyn onto the end of the bed, rubbing her forehead as she fusses to herself. "Get into bed" I push him over and he groans but doesn't complain getting underneath the covers.

"I'll just wake you up for lunch ," I tell him and he shakes his head looking back over to me. "I'm not sleeping that long" he chuckles and I just choose not to fight it.

"Go to bed I'll wake you up" I lean over kissing his cheek. "You know I love when you're all lovey-dovey" he murmurs reaching up to kiss me. "Yeah? Don't get used to it" I chuckle giving him another kiss.

"Guess I better get as much as I can now then" he sits up and pulls me onto the bed with him. "Axel go to bed" I groan and he nods hugging me, setting his head on my stomach to use it as a pillow.

I look to my sister to see her still fast asleep and sigh playing with his hair. He smiles and I can't help but run a hand down his back. My fingers ran over his shoulder before he randomly sat up. I gave him a desperate look just wanting him to sleep and he gave me an exhausted look back before pulling his shirt off.

"I'm going to be here a while, so can you move Evelyn over to the top of the bed? She might as well sleep comfortably" I chuckle and he nods tucking the baby into the covers. He kisses her head before laying back on my stomach.

I go back to tracing his now bareback, it didn't take long and I was tracing his tattoos. I could feel him smiling as he nuzzled closer and I continued to go over the ink.

He was soon passed out. Axel woke up once but I just continued to massage his scalp and back making him fall right back to sleep. Such a sleepy boy. I stayed there for a bit until Evelyn woke up rubbing her eyes.

She giggled when she saw us and started crawling over. I got out of his grip and reached over to grab the girl. "Good morning sleepy head" I whisper and she rests her head on me. "Good moning" she whispers and I lay her back down before moving over to pull the blanket over my boyfriend's shoulders.

He shifts a bit but stays asleep and I take my little sister out of the room. "Dear God" I quickly cover my sister's eyes when I find Lily on top of our guest on the couch. "Shit- I thought you went back to sleep" Lily cusses getting off of Shea who quickly sits up and readjusts her shirt.

I let the toddler sit up from my shoulder and she looks around confused and dazed. "She!" She yells seeing Shea. I let her down and she wobbles her way over to the flustered girl.

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