Chapter 53

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"You seem extra happy this week" Matty stops me as I walk into class. I nod smiling brightly. "My family is here, they're living next to me now," I tell him and he pats my shoulder. "I was wondering when they were going to make themselves known" he chuckles and I give him a shocked expression. "You knew!?" I ask and he nods. "Of course- they asked me for the room next to yours" I smile a thankful look on my face.

The door opens and a beaten Flint walks in. "Welcome to class finally- did you get in another fight!" Matty shouts the disappointment clear. He scoffs and walks by. "I'm done with the guy, it won't happen again" he mumbles and walks by no longer looking at me.

"I'm this close to sending the boy home" he quickly gains his composure putting on a calm face. "We need to talk about your newest painting" he puts his hands together with a big smile. "Did it get bought?" I ask and he nods the smile becoming brighter.

"Yes, we had the tour of our student's arts yesterday as usual and a buyer came forward for the oil painting actually" he explains and I nod giving him a confused look. "That one can't be more than a hundred dollars... if I'm lucky" I admit hating the painting. I just wasn't proud of it and I could have made it so much better.

"That's not what the buyer thought, she wanted to buy it for nine hundred dollars" he says causally, as I about pass out at the words. "Y-you're kidding" I stammer and he shakes his head.

"I'm going to cry... like sit down and rock back and forth kind of cry" I whisper and he laughs at me. "The money will be in your account tomorrow morning" he informs me and I nod walking to my easel a little dazed.

At least now I'm even closer to Axel's surprise. I already had enough for it, but now I was going to have extra and feel less broke when I buy it for him. The shit wasn't cheap either.

The class went by fast, it was mostly just making things 3D. Or adding dimensions. I painted some flowers making them pop out and look real, but I'm also going to add some fake flowers onto the easel so you couldn't tell which ones were fake or real. 

Sadly class ended too soon so I couldn't finish it, but I was actually pretty excited about this project and I thought it would do well. "Staying after?" Matty asked looking over my art. "Sadly no, I've got my little sister to take care of" I smile pretty proud of her and my family.

It felt good knowing I had someone and something to go home to. "Well I'll see you tomorrow then" he pats my shoulder and I quickly get to packing up. Pulling my phone out, I call Lily.

"Hello babes" she answers and I smile holding my supplies with one arm. "Hi, I'm getting out of class. I've got a ride coming and I'll be home soon" I explain and I hear a huff in the background. "Am I on speaker?" I ask getting a chuckle.

"Yes" she answers and I hear someone shifting. "Care to tell me why my boyfriend is huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf?" I snicker just to hear him sigh again.

"If only I had my bike... then I could pick you up" he whines and I shake my head. "Axel I'm sorry" I sigh and it's silent for a minute. "Don't worry about it, I'm just being dramatic" he chuckles.

I start to walk out the front. "So enrolled into college yet?" I ask Lily getting a groan. "There are so many to choose from- they all look so cool" she cheers and I just shake my head.

"Well you have to hurry if you actually want to graduate" I sigh and she pretends to cry on the other side. "Just get back to looking I'll be back soon" I try to be stern with her so she'll actually focus and do it.

"Yeah yeah. Bye" she mutters and I hang up getting in the car waiting for me. "Here you go" I hand him my punch card. He takes it punching a new hole. "You'll be needing a new one soon, would you like to buy one now or wait?" He asks putting the car in drive.

"I'll wait a bit, thank you" I reply and he nods reaching back to hand it to me. I take it and he immediately puts both hands on the wheel as I put the card back into my arm wallet.

The ride was very much silent, but I smiled the whole time. I actually ate a little bit of breakfast this morning, so I was pretty happy with myself. The car starts to slow down and we turn into the parking lot of the hotel.

Pulling up to the curb he parks and I climb out smiling wide still. "Thank you! Have a nice day!" I call before closing the door and making my way into the hotel. I went straight for the elevator pressing the button to my floor.

I was joined by a few other random people and tried to clamp my random burst of energy. It didn't last long and as soon as the door opened on my floor, I was out of there.

I ran past my door skidding to a stop at Axel and Lily's room. The door was propped open and I closed it behind me taking the prop out. "I'm here" I call getting attacked by a toddler.

I lift her and hold her on my hip. "Hi" I coo and she hugs me before answering. "Hewo" she giggles and Lily gives me a wave before going back to the phone. "Yes I'm interested in your photography course" she explains and I send her a thumbs up.

Looking back down to the child she was scoping out the room her hand near her mouth. I knew she wasn't use to the place yet and still got scared when she was alone and couldn't find someone.

"Do you know where Axel is?" I ask and she points down the small hall. I walk down it and stop waiting for him to point. "Dere" she giggles and I knock on the door.

"Come in" he calls and I open the door to his room. "How's my pouty baby?" I ask with a baby voice and he just pouts more before smiling. I hop onto the bed letting the baby go. She jumps around before Axel leans over to the nightstand grabbing one of her toys.

"Look what I have" he cheers and she gasps clumsily running over to him. "Yay!" She cheers taking the stuffie from him. I sit next to him putting my arm around his shoulder. "You seem to be doing better" he whispers kissing my cheek.

I nod leaning over to rub his cheek. "I'm really sorry about your bike" I repeat what I had been saying nonstop. "It's fine Oliver, I just feel weird not having it... we had lots of memories with it" he chuckles sadly and I sigh resting my head on his.

"We can make many more... okay?" I reassure him and he nods resting his head on mine. "I can't believe I'm in California" he sighs moving over to hug me more. "Are you okay? I can just never tell if you are actually upset or not" I finally ask the question that I wanted ask when I first heard him over the phone.

"I'm okay, it's just so overwhelming here for me, there's always people hitting on you, and you and Lily are so talented. I can't do anything. I work on cars and shit. What if you find someone better. Then where would I go?" He starts to rant and I focus on him besides my eyes flickering over to Evie every once in a while as she threw her stuffie down just to pick it back up. A wrestling match. Obviously.

Moving from Axel I pull him into a hug bringing his head into my neck. "I only want you, you are the only one for me, I doubt most people can say their significant other moved states to be with them" I laugh and he nods into my neck. Holding me tight.

"You're being such a softie today" I chuckle and he nods nuzzling closer. "I'm just stressed out" he admits. I massage his scalp moving us back and forth lightly. "I love you, Axel, you're the only one I want... okay?" I tell him and he looks up from my neck with soft eyes.

"You're being so cute" I mumble, kissing his forehead. He gives me a big toothy smile, and I lean over to give him a peck on the lips. "So cute" I repeat and he lets out a breath of relief. Then Evelyn lets out her battle cry. "I win!" She shouts slamming her stuffy down.

"Guess who got into college!" Lily cheers bursting through the door. Her face quickly drops after those words.

"Dear god I have to go back to school..."

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