Chapter 39

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I walked right into work, which was not yet open. I am confident though. "Hey, Oliver? Are you working today?" Ty asked and I looked around at all my fellow workers. Most refused to make eye contact while others whispered and laughed. They knew I had a breakdown and they were proud to be the cause of it.

"No, not today" I whisper and he nods his eyes flickering to the banner rolled up over my shoulder. "Wait- is it done?" He asked and I nod. "Well let me see!!" He shouts running over.

"Tch, as if he actually has talent" one of them scoffs and the others try to hold back their laughs. I ignored them not wanting another episode. Either way, they started moving in my direction.

I rolled out the banner across one of our tables, pinning it down with some rocks I had put in my pocket. "What the fuck!" Ty shouts and I stand back surprised. "What?" I ask and he rubs his jaw.

"This is fucking amazing, I just didn't expect this at all I was thinking we'd get some stick figures or something. This doesn't even look right, it's so real" he walks over rubbing his hand over one of the buildings.

"I tried to make it realistic and then made the cafe bubbly and bright, those two people are colorful and bright being invited into the warm and inviting cafe" I try to explain and he laughs.

"It's amazing, even though everything you said was fake- this place sucks" he laughs and the others burst into laughter agreeing. "Okay I've got to see this" the chef I hated so much comes over.

"Woah-" he cuts himself off, clearing his throat as the others run over. "Um no, you didn't draw this" somebody else laughs and I bite my lip. "Sketched- then painted. Even got a rough draft" I correct whoever said that.

"I don't believe it, I can't" one of them laughs and I shake my head. "What's with the colorful people?" Another voice pops in and I try to hide my smile. These idiotic fools. I had the flag colors. Gay for me and Fluid for Lily.

"Are they just random colors? This is so confusing me?!" I laugh into my hands as they all take closer looks. Ty squints his eyes looking over to the people before putting a fist to his mouth trying to hide his laughs as well.

He looks to me and slowly inches his way over as the others gather around my work. "Flags?" He questions and I nod. "You bet" I smirk. "Gay and..." he trails off waiting for my answer. "Fluid- Lily changes sexualities every day of the week" I chuckle and he nods. "I get it" he purses his lips and I go back to staring at the people who were desperately trying to find the meaning in the colors.

"What if there's just no message?" Molly exclaims and they all look to each other like the idiots they are. "It could just be random colors" she continues and they seem to think it over. "Yeah you're right, there's no way the idiot actually put some kind of meaning behind anything" one of the cashiers laugh.

They seem to disband after that some dwindling behind, pointing out all the flaws. "I'll send it in later tonight" he chuckles and I take the stones off rolling it back up. "Please take care of it- I'm so scared one of them might wreck it" I whisper trying to stay out of earshot from the rest of them.

"I know what you mean, here come with me" he nods to the back and I hug the banner to me before following. Dodging past people and ignoring their gazes

He opens his office door closing it behind us. "I'll lock it in this cabinet" he chuckles reaching up to open the thing. I hand him the rolled up banner cringing. "Be gentle" I plead and he nods. "I will, thank you for doing this" he takes the banner out of my hands with a little bit of force. I was just scared to let go of it, to be honest.

He chuckles, lightly shoving the artwork into the cabinet. Putting a padlock around the two handles. "Do you just have padlocks everywhere?" I ask and he looks back at me with a smile.

"Actually- yeah kind of" he sighs into his hands. "Anyways come with me" he leaves the room and I follow. Turning he locks his office door. "See double protection" he crosses his arms and I nod sighing to myself.

I start to walk through the door but he grabs my sleeve stopping me. "If anybody even tries to get in my office- consider yourself fired, and your life over!" He shouts. The workers freeze and he gets pissed off answers, but they all agree. "There ya go, triple protection" he was proud of himself and I couldn't help but smile at his idiocy.

"Well I'm going to go now- Please take care of my precious child" I sort of joke. I fucking cried over that thing, I lost my mind, I got mad at my poor sister, I let my boyfriend fuck me on the stupid thing. Okay, technically it wasn't on it- because that's disgusting. I wouldn't be able to bring myself to turn it in. I'd have to start it all over again.

"I'm going to protect your child with my life" he holds his heart and I look to the back honestly terrified. "Maybe I should? Yeah just stand back there and guard it- just to be safe" I mumble looking back to the room with a worried expression.

"Go home, I got this. Don't you have a daughter at home? Go spend time with her. You're always here!" He complains pushing me to the door. "Woah. Woah. Woah! She's my little sister" I inform him and he stops.

"Wait? Seriously. Dang I thought for sure that a girl and you had a child" he chuckles and I shake my head. "Nope, she's my little sister and Lily is my best friend. Even if we were together she would never let me top her" I laugh and he nods understanding that.

"Well anyways get home to your adorable sister" he adds pushing me out the door. I take one last look before starting my trek back home. It was going to be so easy now, no long heavy banners.

I smile knowing I was going to have a little less stress. It's like a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. I was almost done with the school year and then I can focus on Evie and work for a bit. Maybe I could take her somewhere fun.

She deserves the absolute world and if I could I would give it to her. I tried to be as fast as possible making my way home. Lately, I feel like I've been doing nothing but making her cry.

I was so scared she was going to grow up to hate me. It was my newest and worse fear. I was actually tired by the time I got home because I had been walking so fast. "God I'm like one of the moms walking through the malls" I groan to myself but kept at the same pace, getting faster as our house comes into view.

Opening the door, I startle Lily. "Oh, we have company" I chuckle finding a red-faced Shea as Lily rolled her eyes. "Date?" I ask and she narrows her eyes shaking her head. "O!" My favorite voice shouts and the girl comes running out of the kitchen with a stuffed Donald Duck.

"Hey baby" I smile picking her up and pulling her into a hug. "I missed you" I whisper kissing her cheek. She giggles bouncing in my arms. "I miss oo!" She squeals and I hold her tightly looking at the girls on the couch.

"So am I taking the baby to the park again or are you just hanging out?" I ask moving the child to my hip. Lily wraps her arm around Shea and they look at each other before my best friend looks at me. Shea's eyes staying on her.

"We're just hanging out" Lily laughs making Shea give her a shocked look. "I thought you invited me over too..." she trails off and I look back to Lily setting my sister down.

"Maybe, I want to do more than just fuck with you" she admits and I take it as my cue to leave as both their cheeks go red. I scoop the child up, running into my room with her giggling self.

Closing the door with my foot, I lightly throw the baby on her back. She continues to laugh and I smile going over to tickle her stomach. "No! No!" She screams and I stop before immediately starting up again.

Once I stop again she sits up pointing out the door. "Who is dat?" She asks and I look back to the closed door. "That's Lily's friend, they like each other" I explain.

"Wove! Day wove!

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