Chapter 9

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"I'm sorry we just aren't looking for any new staff at the moment" I bite my cheek getting sick of those words at the moment. "If you wouldn't mind rechecking, the sign outside says you are and I really need a job" I attempt to sound as polite as I can.

The person sighs dropping my resume onto his desk. "Listen, kid, I'm just going to be honest, this is a small town everybody knows everybody and if you work here I ain't going to get any business" he pushes my papers back to me.

I nod having heard those words many times today. Standing I push the chair in and walk straight out of the restaurant ready to commit arson.

"How hard is it to become a sugar baby" I grumble walking down the sidewalk. I was starting to get far from home which wasn't going to be good for me in the long run.

"If sugar baby doesn't work- stripper" I suggest to myself, immediately shaking my head. "If only I had some sort of talent- I could be on YouTube or TikTok or something" I whine, letting myself have a pity party.

If I reassure them that I'll stay in the back, maybe they will let me have the job. I won't ever leave the back! No customers will know I'm there.

I settled at a cafe that was about 20 minutes from campus and thirty minutes from home, not the most convenient but hopefully better than leaving town.

I opened the door with a ring and immediately eyes are on me. I watched people shift uncomfortably and it pissed me off. I'm not some sort of diease.

Getting over myself I walk to the counter getting the cashiers' attention. She put on the smile she's supposed to have with all customers and waits. "Can I talk to your manager please?" I ask and her eyes flicker down to my papers.

"We don't have any open positions" I keep the smile on my face but I knew later today I would be pretending her face was on my pillow and I was going to set the damn pillow on fire.

"I still want to talk to your manager" I laugh nervously and she seems to think about it before signing in defeat. "Somebody get Ty!" She turns and shouts into the back.

I step aside and wait patiently. A man in his late 20's walked out he had shaggier black hair along with a little bit of facial hair. He was overall an attractive man, tan, and even though he had brown eyes they were nothing but bland, standing out nicely.

"What's up Kate, we got a problem?" He asked leaning an elbow on the counter to look at her. She looks at me and he raises his eyebrows waiting. "Words not glares" he motions for her to talk.

"He wants to see you" she points to me and he looks up and over to me. "Well, what can I do for you, sir?" He asked moving over to talk to me letting Kate go to her work. Her glances over in our direction were obvious though.

"I saw the sign out front- do you happen to be looking for anybody to work?" I give up and just ask. Those are the words they had all been rejecting me with.

"Oh sure come back into my office" he nods pointing over to where they go behind the counter. I walked over and he let me in leading me through the kitchen and into a hall that held many doors. One of which held his office.

He sat down behind his desk, and flung his feet onto his desk as I set my papers down suddenly freaking out. This might be my only chance.

"So what's your name?" He asked the first question- panic. My name! "Oliver Slen" I gulp and he nods. "Mines Tyler but most people here call me Ty. Uh, my family runs the cafe, so I'm the manager" he explains and I nod along.

"Listen if this helps you decide easier I promise I'll stay in the back, no customers have to know I'm here" I rush out hoping he'll be fine with it.

"Sure" he drops my resume and that makes me cringe. He hardly looked at the thing. "So?" I ask clamping down onto the desk trying to take my anger out on it secretly.

"Well let's plan a schedule, it says you're taking classes right now" he grabs a pencil and a notepad. I'm about to cry. "I got the job!?" I shout standing suddenly. Completely knocking down the chair I was just in.

I run over to lift it apologizing profusely. "It's fine" he laughs staring and waiting for me to sit. "You'll start at eleven dollars an hour as a dishwasher and the better you do and the more you work the better position and more raises you get" he explains and I continue nodding. "That's perfect! I'll take as many hours as I can" I cheer getting way too excited.

It didn't take long for me to realize my schedule was going to be a weird one. We decided on meeting every Sunday during my shift to decide the rest of the week because Evelyn and school was still something I needed to do.

"Let me get you a uniform and then I'll see you tomorrow" he hands me my resume and I stand watching him do it as well opening a cabinet full of shirts and pants. "Size?" He asks and I look to the side embarrassed.

"Medium?" I just lie. I can use a belt. He nods handing me the clothes. "Also after 5 shifts you get a free meal" he clicks his tongue and I nod. I could totally use that for Evelyn.

I balance the things and Ty starts to lead me out the door and down the hall. "Another thing, tell me if they say anything... not all of us in this town suck, but we just aren't as brave as you and your friend" he chuckles patting my back.

I stare at him wide-eyed as he disappears in the back. I walk towards the front door jaw slacked. Is he gay? Bi? Pan? There are too many!? I need to know more!

I take one last look at my new job before starting back towards home... a nice thirty-minute walk. I better get good legs from this. Hell, I better get a butt out of this. Screw squats.

The walk took even longer than I expected I didn't want to just throw my resume away because what if I needed it. I could get fired so quickly.  So the whole walk home I was dropping papers and readjusting my uniform.

I still need to help pay bills. It's gotten to the point where we just don't turn anything on unless actually needed. The Tv is an exception, we suck at keeping that off.

Not to mention it keeps Evelyn occupied. I've got her watching these education leapfrog things, so hopefully that does something. I didn't even realize I was home till the door was open and the baby came running out.

"O!" She screams and I set my stuff on the ground to pick her up. "Hey!" I coo kissing her stomach. She giggles hugging my neck. "So?" Lily asked leaning against the porch fence.

"I got a job!" I shout and her face drops. "No! Really!?! Say bible" my excitement drops as I glare at her. "Did you really just Kardashian me?" I sigh and she nods before running over to hug me.

"I'm so excited though! Tell me where- I need to be there for as many shifts as possible!" She squeals and I rest my head on her shoulder. "Home Cafe" I shake my head and she pulls away with a weird look.

"Please tell me you asked why" she laughs and I nod. "So tourists will get that homey feeling when they see the sign and the people born here will feel at home" I repeat the words of a very unenthusiastic Ty.

She laughs at me as we make our way into the house. I set the baby down and she waddles to follow me as I set my uniform down and then packed it away in a drawer.

"Any cute coworkers?" She pops her head in. "The manager is a total babe" I cry and she bites her lip. "Okay get some" I listen to her laugh as she leaves.

"I'm home the rest of the day Evie! You wanna play something" I ask pulling her out of the room with me. "So after class, I'm going into work and I'll be back late" I inform Lily who gives me a worried look.

"Listen I know you're all about money right now, but with my side photography jobs you don't need to work that long- ugh just make sure you're able to spend them with Evie and me of course" she laughs nervously.

"Oh don't worry! I ended some dates earlier so I could see my little munchkin" I hum poking the girl's side causing her to waddle away. "I'll always make time for you guys"

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