Chapter 1

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I'm abruptly woken up by yelling "Oliver you're going to be late for class! Get up already! " I groggily rub my eyes attempting to wake myself up, turning to my side to check my phone. "Six-thirty" I mutter to myself... my first class starts at ten today... fun.

I plug my earbuds into my phone and turn up the music as loud as it can go... time to wake up. Some song by Nico Collins plays as I head into my bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready. Splashing some cold water onto my face attempting to become a morning person all of a sudden.

  "Nope I'm still tired" I groan to my reflection. Once I'm done in there I walk to my room and grab a white turtle neck and some high-waisted white washed jeans. I pause my music and mess with my hair until it fluffs up.

Quickly walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. "What the fuck are you wearing!" My dad shouts causing me to sigh. I go to grab an apple, but my arm is slapped away by my mom. "Don't come home tonight if you think you can just walk around looking like that" mom adds gripping tightly to my wrist before letting go and walking away.

I roll my eyes and head to the door grabbing my black and white checkered vans. Running out, not bothering to put them on. Once I get a block away I stop to slip my shoes on and slowly walk the rest of the way. She's the one that bought me these clothes I just styled them how I wanted to.

  "Don't cry, don't you dare cry.. they don't matter you can't let them get to you... please don't cry... you're supposed to be used to it" I whisper over and over to myself.

   It seems to work as I make it to Rainer college without any tears. I am majoring in art, even though I know it's going to get me nowhere. Looking around till I see Lily sitting at the base of a tree with her camera hung around her neck.

Her hair was messy, but her makeup was fresh and amazing as always. Her outfit all black besides the flaming heart on her chest and the checkered sleeves.

She spots me and stands brushing the dirt off her legs before strutting over to me, when I say strutting she literally started strutting.

It made me laugh and I totally forgot about what had just happened beforehand until she stopped strutting and quickly jogged over to me "what happened to my child" she whisper-shouts grabbing my cheeks..

   "You can't cry or it will wipe your freckles off" she continues laughing. I roll my eyes and groan "for the last time my freckles aren't fake and I didn't cry" I have tons of freckles and I don't mind them it's the exact opposite. I love them so much. I apparently got them from my grandma because nobody else in my family has them.

  "I know, I know now tell me what happened to my poor baby" she continues pinching my cheeks. "Just my parents, being mad at my outfit choice" I sigh while swatting her hand away. She puts her hands back to her side and a look of sympathy washes over her face.

  "Do you want to stay with me tonight?" she asks pulling me into a hug. I nod and smile. She knew I hated asking to stay over so if she didn't invite me over I usually stayed on the porch of my house.

"Let's go get some breakfast at the cafe... I'm paying" she shouts as we intertwine hands and she pulls me towards the Cruiser Cafe at the front of the campus. Lily stops and stares at something behind me.

"Oh my god, the new boy is so hot!!" She scoffs with a grin. I totally forgot there was a new student the town is so small, so of course, news traveled fast that a boy moved into the town and was coming to Rainer College.

  I turn around to get a look at him and my eyes widen in shock... he's so hot! He just looks mysterious. "Oh my god that's a daddy right there" I turn to Lily as she collapses to the floor now rolling on the ground "I said that out loud didn't I" I mumble as I help the dying Lily up.

It's a Small Town✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя