Chapter 17

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"It's the worst- worst season of the YeAr~" Lily attempts to sing to a Christmas tune. I adjust the sleeping child on my hip and laugh. "Fall?" Axel asked and we shake our heads.

"Football season" both of us exchange looks. "Well, I assume that means no going to games to hang out?" He laughs and we both nod. "Wouldn't be caught dead there" Lily laughs while I look over the campus.

I had just walked from home and had to meet Lily so she could take care of Evelyn, when I went to class. "I'd rather go anywhere else" I pipe in and I get agreeing nods from Lily.

"Anyways I've got to get to class" I hum kissing my sister before handing her to Lily. She stretches and yawns before getting comfortable again. "I'll see you guys in a bit" my eyes linger a bit longer on Axel as I walk backward and he watches me leave.

Entering the building I turn to walk straight a big smile on my face. It's short-lived as I'm tripped to the ground. "Someone's smiley, did you think you were getting rid of us that easy, cock sucker" the familiar voice of the jerks from work ring in my ears.

I push myself up wiping my pants off before heading to class. "Come on fag you can't walk away from all of this" the one talking started flexing as the others laughed.

"Just let me go to class" I huff getting laughs. "You think we're just going to leave you alone?" One snickers and I'm shoved to the side against the wall. I blink surprised and turn back to them shocked.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I yell and they all stop and stare at each other. "What's wrong with us? What's wrong with you- have you seen yourself!?! You're fucking messed up in the head- you disease" they all start circling me and I gulp listening to their words.

"Just a damn pathetic cock slut" one hisses and I was sick of it. I turned to who said it and socked them in the face. They all seemed surprised that I actually fought back and I took that chance to slip past and run.

I ran down the hall and turned running as fast as my legs could take me. My arms were preoccupied with my school supplies. I didn't exactly have the money or time to get more.

At least I would get the fat one off me and the one I socked in the nose. That leaves three more. I got this. Just breathe easy. "Fucking fag" I'm smack to the ground with a gasp, my supplies were thrown everywhere.

I scramble to my feet and try to run again getting a fist to the back. I let out a yell of pain as the captain of their group grabs my hair holding me up. I swing my fist over my head trying to hit him.

With a cry, I claw at his hands and he lets out a shout releasing me. Hopping to my feet, I start to run again only to get smacked down again. "How the fuck are you still up" one runs in front of me closing in.

I panic and try to find a way out, their smirks growing as they realized they were getting somewhere with me. "Stay down" one shouts. I turn to the voice only to find his fist reeled back. I didn't have time to move and he punches me in the eye.

I let out a cry of pain but stay on the floor clutching my face. "Well that was satisfying" his voice echoed as he laughs. "I say we do a little counting thing" the other two seemed to have caught up.

"What the fuck do you mean counting thing, Max?!" One groans probably annoyed by his idiotic friend. "We knock him down once today, tomorrow twice and keep that going till he learns his lesson" he explains and the others laugh.

"Why didn't you say that the first time numbskull" their voices grow quieter as they walked away. Once their voices were gone, I hurry to my feet and grab all the supplies I could find before running to class.

I moved my hair over my eye and walked into class hurrying to the back. "You are late! How dare you interrupt me- why even try!" I'm immediately yelled at as I sit down and just take it. I just take it.

"I apologize" I sigh but she continued to lecture me for what felt like forever. By the time we got into ceramics, we were being dismissed. I hurried out of class and to my stupid jammed locker hitting it as hard as I could until it finally opened.

Throwing all my stuff in, I wasn't going to bother taking it home. I don't feel like drawing. I went to the bathroom next to the lockers and pulled back my hair revealing a definitely swollen and very black eye.

"Nice" I mutter covering my hair. You know it's okay to cry. Why won't I just cry? I should be crying, shouldn't I? I want to cry, I really do.

I shake it off and cover my eye with my hair again. Lily should be at home, makeup isn't going to cover this until the swelling goes down. I hardly made it anywhere before a hand is on my shoulder.

I whip around ready to kick whoever it was. Thankfully it was just Axel. He looked at me curiously and I gave him a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow" I give him a small wave and he lets go of me.

"Do you want a ride?" He asked keeping his hand on my shoulder. "I-sure" I was scared that he might see it. "Okay, cool," I think he could tell I was on edge though.

I hurried in front of him so he wouldn't be able to see me at all. "So are you working today?" He tries to make conversation and I shrugged. "I actually don't know" I laugh sadly. "I've got to go home and check the calendar- my schedule is pretty chaotic" I huff.

"Well you know I'll help you anytime" he continues going to help me put the helmet on. I make sure to keep my head down a bit just in case. He flips up the visor and I immediately flip it back down.

"Sorry- don't know why I did that" I laugh it off and he nods getting on his bike. I get on behind, hugging him tightly. Soon we were speeding down the road.

The wind beating on us. "I want to cry" I whisper confidently, knowing he couldn't hear me over all of it. "I want out of this town" I continued, just staring at his back.

"I can't leave Evie though, and I can't leave Lily... I don't want to leave you either" I was practically talking to myself but as soon as I was done I just rest my head on his back.

We finally got to my house and I slid off hurrying to get the helmet off before he could do it. I was facing the other way and only turned around once I adjusted my hair over my eye.

"Here" I hand him the helmet and he looks at it sadly. "Hey- um, did I happen to do something?" He asks and I look up to him with wide eyes. "No... why?" I ask and he moves his hand to the back of his neck.

"I just thought we had- you're acting a bit strange, have I been making you uncomfortable?" He completely changed up his words. "Oh you didn't do anything- I just had a bad day" I admit and he sighs putting his helmet on the bike.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head. "No I'm okay, I think I just need to get over myself" I give him a small smile and he moves a hand to grab mine.

"Okay- text me or call me if you want to talk, I'll drive out here or come get you" He whispers and I nod looking at our hands. He slowly lets go of mine and I look back up at him.

Without giving it a second thought I threw my arms around him for a hug burying my head into his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and I enjoy the comfort before turning back.

"I need to go check my schedule" I remind myself mostly and he nods. I walk backwards, and he watches me. Giving him a wave before disappearing into the door.

Hurrying over to the calendar I sighed in relief. I have to leave in thirty minutes which means less chance of Lily seeing this. I hurry to my room and try adjusting my hair to look like I styled it to cover my eyes.

"Woah you look like a 2007 emo" Lily gasps surprised. I laugh but roll my eyes at her bluntness. "Where's Evelyn?" I ask looking around for her.

"Playing with her new bear in the kitchen" she smiles and I nod. "Nice, glad she liked it" I cheer walking to the kitchen. I squat down in front of her and she immediately looks up. "Pwetty" the girl plays with my hair and I nod smiling.

"I have to go in for work again, I'll be back later okay?" I tell her and her smile disappears. "Go wid?" She asks and I shake my head. "No love, I'm going to be right back okay, don't worry" I coo kissing her head.

She hugs the bear but nods.


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