Chapter 44

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"Where oh where is Evelyn" I sing trying to get the pouting baby to be happy again. We accidentally ran into our brother at the store and she went to hug him. The bastard pushed her away and broke the poor girl's heart.

"Evelyn... I'm gonna get ya" I continue making my way closer to the corner where the teary girl was sitting, holding her favorite book and stuffed animal. I about broke down just seeing her so broken. I was surprised when she recognized him.

Lily had to go into her last class after our morning trip. I couldn't believe it was the last week of school and then I'm free for a bit. "Evie" I coo and the girl just continues to pout her bottom lip sticking out.

I stand next to her before sliding down the wall. "He's a meanie isn't he" I whisper and she nods crawling into my lap with her things. "Why?" She asks and I shook my head, only to stop. "It's because I took you, he wouldn't have done that if you were with mom and dad" I stammer before letting my head drop.

"I didn't do the right thing" I shake my head and the girl drops her book to grab my arm. "O is mama and dads!" She cheers bringing my hand to her stomach. I clutch onto her; rubbing her little tummy.

"I'm mom and dad?" I ask and she nods. "Bwoda too!" She yells and I kiss her head. "I'm mom, dad, and brother!?" I continue acting surprised, I mean I sort of was. I just wasn't expecting it from her.

"Best!" She cheers and I smile feeling instantly better, knowing she was fine with how our living situation was. "You know I love you, so much... you and I were the accident babies, but I personally think that we're little miracles" I chuckle tickling her stomach.

"Me!?" She asks and I nod as she pries my hands away from her little tummy. "Yeah, you're my little miracle" I repeat. Suddenly my phone rings, and I shift around keeping her on my hip as I go to the kitchen.

I grabbed my phone off the table, seeing that it is a random number. I hesitated to answer. It hit me that I was still waiting for a call from the person scheduling everything.

Answering I bring the phone to my ear, and look to Evie who had big eyes. "Hello, this is Oliver Slen" I almost chuckle to myself for being so formal.

"Hello my name is Sylvia Waters, I am Matty Mo's agent, slash secretary. Sorry for not calling right away- we had a bit of trouble with one of the other winners" as she spoke my heart rate picked up by the second. I could feel it practically beating out of my chest.

"Oh, don't worry about it- I'm just grateful for this opportunity" I admit and she chuckles into the the phone. "So much nicer than the last one. I must say though, I saw your work and you truly deserve it- anyways let's get started, shall we?" She asks and I have to remind myself to breathe.

I was so flustered by the compliment I froze. "Oh uh yes I'm ready- I mean no let me go get a paper and pencil" I frantically move around the house setting my sister on the couch. She pouted and I turned on the TV thankful it was already playing some kid's show.

Going to the kitchen table I grab my sketchbook and a color pencil that was laying around. "Right, sorry. I'm ready now" I sigh and I get her to laugh again. "Okay, so the plane ticket has been sent in the mail already. July sixth. You'll be coming to California and staying in an apartment complex on the fifth floor with all the other artists that competed and won" I hum along to what she says, writing notes down.

"You'll be staying for a total of three weeks, and then you will return home and we will discuss more details if you are selected to be taught by him" she finishes and I start to bite my nails nervously before pulling away.

"There is no dress code, we like to believe you can express yourself as you want... but please just wear clothing, some sort of clothing- we don't allow harassment of other students for their race, gender, sexuality, looks, religion, or any other things. You will be sent home immediately" she warns. I click my tongue along with the list.

"Got it, no being mean" I whisper to myself. I would never be able to do that knowing it would ruin such a good opportunity, that I worked so hard for. It'd destroy me.

"Art supplies will be given to you as needed for each particular lesson. You're more than welcome to bring your own though" she continues and I start to write more things down. "Once again remember it's hot, and you will be going through outdoor galleries as well as indoor" she reminds me and I bite my lip getting way too excited.

"Okay, thank you" I nod hugging my phone with two hands now. "Of course, call this number back if you have any questions. I will try to get to you as soon as possible. I will be there at the airport when you get there. You're in first class... forgot to mention that earlier. I will have a sign with your name on it- luggage will be taken from the plane to your room, so don't worry about it" she adds and I listen, actually wanting to remember every word she said.

"Thank you, once again. I can't wait for this" I laugh and she clears her throat, probably signaling that she had to go and was busy. "Well have a nice rest of the day" I hurry to say my goodbyes. "Yes you too, goodbye" her voice was still preppy and formal.

After those words, she hung up and I slouched in my chair. What if they are awful. Like horrible people. "Awe oo done?" Evie waddles her way over peeking into the kitchen.

"All done" I smile and she giggles before running to grab my legs. I scoot the chair back and pull her up and into my lap. "Thank you for being quiet for me, I didn't even have to ask" I thank her and she bounces on my lap. 

"I be good" she giggles and I grab her hands letting her dance around on my lap. "You're always good" I remind her and she giggles jumping up and down, almost slipping but I lift her and she steadies herself on my legs.

"We are towethah evah!" She squeals and I nod standing with her in my arms. "Yup me and you together forever" I smile before throwing her up. She screams and I smile before catching her near my chest.

"Again! Again!" She yells and I throw her over my head. Catching her, and repeating the action. She kicks her little legs around and I kiss her stomach before letting her down.

"Come heuo" she tugs my hand and I follow her into the living room. "What's up? Don't want to watch Mickey Mouse anymore?" I ask and she nods. "Otonots!" She bounces and I secretly cheer.

"I don't know if Octonauts is on right now" please be on! Please be on! Please be on! I cheer to myself. Going through the channels I pump my fist up as I click it.

"Here we go!" I cheer and she squeals running over to the couch. I join her putting my arm around her tiny body. "Octonauts to your stations" I try my best to make my voice match the polar bears.

The girl looks over at me with wide eyes. I lean over for the next words. "Barnacles, kwazii, peso!" I hum and she looks at me with wide eyes. "O! Say it!" She yells and I dance to the music. "Yeah I'm a pretty big fan" I admit to my younger sister and she dances with me to the music.

"Explore! Rescue! Protect!" I copy them again and she goes into a giggling fit. "Octonauts" I finish giving her little jazz hands. "Wow," she whispers jumping over my lap.

She stretches out her arms over one leg, and her legs over my other. I rub her back as the episode starts. "Ooo I haven't seen this one!" I get way too excited and she looks over to the TV. "Fishy!" She squeals in response and I tickle her sides. Getting tiny giggles.

The front door opens and a tired Lily comes in, making her way straight to the couch, she sits next to us with a yawn. Evelyn turns in my lap to face the screen, and I wrap my arms around her. Focusing on the cartoon in front of me.

"Ooo octonauts!"

"See! I'm not the only one!"

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