Chapter 45

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"Axel will be here in a few minutes" Lily shouts from her room, desperately trying to look good for Shea. We were all meeting up to get ice cream since I was leaving in a week.

"Technically a second date- double date even!" Lily yells and I shake my head at her antics. "Don't you guys have a date planned out for next week?" I ask and I could hear her giggling from here. Shea had finally asked her on the second date.

Squatting down in front of Evelyn who was on the couch with her teddy. "Are you ready to go get ice cream?" I ask and she nods. "Ah, you eaving?" She asks looking up at me with big eyes.

The last two weeks we've been trying to explain that I was going to be gone for a bit, and I kept promising I'd come back. She seemed fine, but the closer it got to the day the more she worried I was leaving her.

"We're going to get ice cream, and you're coming with us. I have to do something for my art in a week and then you and Lily are going to spend some girl's time together for a bit. I'm going to be back before you know it" I assure her and she nods jumping into my arms.

She lays on my shoulder and I stand as the front door opens. "Hello favorite people" Axel calls and I rub the baby's back walking over to him. "Hello" I smile pursing my lips for a kiss. He gives me a quick peck and I turn to see if Lily's ready.

"Hello!" Evelyn shouts when she sees him. I can't see him but I know he did his little wave followed by "hi Evelyn" she squeezes my shirt and I look into Lily's room.

"Are you ready?" I ask and she sighs before looking into the mirror. "I'm ready" she puts the smile back on her face and I grab Axel by his sleeve heading out the door.

"You can have passenger seat" I kiss him on the cheek and he smiles widely at the affection before getting in the car. Lily does the same and I strap my sister in, before getting in myself. She held my pinky as we made our way farther into town.

A small ice cream shop came into view and I could already see Shea's small black car in the parking lot. Lily pulled in and parked next to her and as soon we have parked Lily was out of the car followed by Shea.

I got out letting go of Evie's hand. She watched me her small body turning to follow as I made my way over to her side. I opened the door giving her a tiny smile. "Who's ready for ice cream?" I ask unbuckling her from her seat.

"Me!" She yells reaching over. I grab her and the teddy putting her over my head smiling wide. Closing the car door, I set the baby down giving her, the bear.

"Stay near me please," I tell her and she holds onto my pant leg. "I'll stay with you" Axel chuckles his hand cupping my ass. "I don't want you" I huff and he gives me a pout. "I got two kisses today, I was so hoping you were in a lovey mood" he whines.

"I'm sorry to disappoint" I poke his cheek and he smiles moving his hand to grab mine. We interlock fingers as Lily brings Shea over to us.  "Let's go order- we can sit at the table in the back" she hums putting an arm around Shea.

I double check that I have my wallet and phone. "Okay, Evelyn let's go" I whisper and she nods walking with us her hand gripping my pants still. Shea and Lily went first. Shea getting mint chocolate chip with a cone, and Lily a hot fudge brownie flurry. It was funny watching them fight over who had to pay. Lily won and by then the toddler was bouncing anxiously next to me her teddy dragging on the ground.

I let go of Axel's hand so he could go to order and he steps forward. Ordering a blue raspberry flavor burst before looking at me. "I can pay for myself, don't worry" I wave him off and he narrows his eyes.

"Order" he lowers his voice and I immediately step forward with the girl. "Uh, can I just have a medium twist, in a bowl," I ask and the women nods not taking her eyes off of Axel.

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