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"HEY Y/N!" THE FAMILIAR CHEERFUL voice exclaimed behind you. sure enough you turned to look, only to see the smiling blonde, followed by the other two of the trio. eren and mikasa.

"hi! what brings you here?" you simply asked turning towards them entirely to offer your full attention.

"nothing much, just wanted to come and say hi. we don't have classes right now." mikasa blurted. she looked amazing as always, long sleeved black crop top, high waisted black skirt and fishnets all the way up to cover her stomach. her short black hair was shiny and silky.

eren wore a dark grey polo with a white sweater peeping through, complimented by black jeans that hugged his hips and were buckled with a grey belt. he finished his look with white air forces, and his signature key necklace. of course his hair was in his usual man bun, with baby strands stranded miscellaneously.

"that sounds like fun! you guys should enjoy it." you beamed and turned on your heel. "i've gotta head to science. go eat or something!" your hand waved in the air. you had to get out of there, in that situation. all 3 were looking at you, which means eren was looking at your terrible "outfit", consisting of a oversized black t-shirt and some shorts. you didn't care of your appearance simply that morning. but of course you ran into eren.

you've always tried to impress jaeger. but not to noticeable to where he would think you're trying too hard, but enough to catch his eye a little bit. of course it didn't work most times, there would be a slim few miracles that it happened.

you began to head to class, letting out a heavy sigh and a shake of your head. luckily this would be the last class for awhile, but the professor makes class feel super long... hange. they were crazy about science, even drooled sometimes which people found a little concerning; definitely wasn't an understatement.

on your way to class, a familiar trio was fighting once more over food, probably. sasha braus, connie springer, and jean kirstein. you had science with them, but they did make it quite eventful, so you never complained over that. once you had avoided their conflict. sasha, connie, and jean were friends with eren, armin, and mikasa, but you yourself never took the time to really put yourself out there so you didn't mind anyways.  you walked in the classroom only to be greeted by the familiar brunette.

"y/nnn!" hange exclaimed your name from across the class and came to give you a large hug.

"good morning, mom." you simply replied.

"guess what, guess what!" they beamed. you tilted your head to the side a little, and raised an eyebrow. they took this as your 'what' and began to speak excitedly. "in last weeks exams, you got 100%! your mother would be so proud!" they hugged you again, this time more tightly. you were shocked but wrapped your arms around their body as well.

"thank you, i hope i make you and both her proud." you confessed. your biological mother died at the age of 9 from cancer, and your father had left when he found out your mother was pregnant. at that point in time, hange had taken you in as their child and raised you from there on. hange and you always had a great relationship and you trusted them as much as you would your own mother.

"oh, oh! and erwin's birthday is this weekend." they started, "we were wondering if you'd like to come and enjoy some dinner with us!"

you thought about the offer, and how it sat with your weekend, but of course, you had nothing to do. "i would love to come, where would we go?" you asked and began to place yourself at the front of the class.

"hmm, well we were thinking somewhere with seafood." they replied and began to walk to the front of the room as well. you hummed in response, and students began to fill the seats in the room. class was now starting.

★brunette bastard : e.jaeger ﹆🐟⨯Where stories live. Discover now