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    "FLIGHT TO PARIS BOARDING. FIRST CLASS AND BUSINESS, please line up first for seating." the speaker above us announced. it was 5 in the morning, eren and i both woke up extremely early. my head was rested in between his legs as i sat on the lounge flooring. he slowly messed with my hair as we both listened to music in the same airpods.

    "come on, darling. that's us." he mumbled in my ear. his hands traced my forehead and i groaned sitting up. eren grabbed our carry-on's and held out his hands to lift me up. i took it and stood up tiredly, but eren never removed his hand from mine. we walked together to line behind the tape.

    "hello!" the person taking tickets called. she held out her hand as if she wanted our tickets and eren gave them to her. she smiled and typed on her computer. i slumped and laid my head on eren's arm. he brought his other arm to carress the side of my face and then lowered his own head to kiss my forehead.

    "i love you~" he purred quietly and looked up to the girl again. i squeezed my hand and cozied up to him more.

    "alright, you're free to go. please, enjoy the flight!" she cheered. eren thanked her and we began walking again. a man lead us towards the first class seating area and it was empty. the seats were long and had tv's in front of them. plus, beautiful views of the outside.

    "i want to sleep, eren..." i murmured. he snickered and set down our bags on a counter near one of the seat areas. he came back and hugged me.

    "let's sleep together, yeah?" he whispered. next thing you know, he swooped me off my feet and carried me bridal style. as he set me on the thin long seating, he slowly and carefully took off the shoes i was wearing, and the hoodie i had on. "are you comfortable? do you need anything?" he asked.    

    i nodded my head and he tilted in confusion. i smiled and grabbed his hand. "you!" i beamed. he smiled and wasted no moment to slip on his shoes and jacket then come and spoon me. (IM SORRY THIS WAS SO TERRIBLE)

    "that was really cheesy, but it was cute." he said. i giggled and fell asleep into the embrace of eren's arms.

    "y/nnnn." erens voice purred. i opened my eyes to see him smiling brightly. "you're awake, yay!" he said sleepily.

    "are we almost there?" i asked. he shook his head. his arm moved up, and i followed his movement with my eyes.

    he pointed to the tv screen in front of us. "4 more hours, almost there though." he replied. i nodded and yawned. "you must've been tired, you slept for a long while." he laughed as he sat up. eren lifted his arms above his head and letting out a little grunt as he stretched his muscles.

    "after all the work i had to get slammed last minute, yeah. waking up as early as we did didn't help either." i answered to him. i also sat up next to him. he looked over to me, and i looked to him. he smiled and then stood up. he grabbed my wrist and admired the bracelet i wore.

    "i really can't wait to visit paris with you." he squealed. he rose my hand to his mouth, pecking the knuckles. "make sure to show me some secret pretty places, okay?"

    "right, you're lucky that i actually have one of my favorites in mind." i laughed. "so, where is the food?" i asked.

    "i'll get someone to bring something, what do you have in mind?"

    "nothing too special, just something to fill me up until we get there." i responded and flopped back on the bed.

    "got it!" he exclaimed. i could hear the happiness in his tone of voice, truly one of the most adorable things. "so, are we staying at that hotel near the eiffel tower?"

★brunette bastard : e.jaeger ﹆🐟⨯Where stories live. Discover now