Chapter 6: The Parcel. 📦

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I was discharged, and Sohail and I were on our way back home. Sohail turned on the radio and some romantic song started to play. I was too tired, so I rested my head at the chair and closed my eyes. "I'm sorry for yesterday." I muttered, the wedding happened in such a haste.

"You shouldn't be you did everything no one would have done, I was just being reckless when I said I'll pick anyone." Sohail replied.

"No, not about that. I'm sorry for not going to your place last night. It's just that I was-"

"What you did yesterday is not compared to anything, I don't care if I have to lie to people that were together and say that 'you didn't come because you are sick'. You are free to come whenever you want." Sohail said, and made a turn to my street.

I didn't quite catch up to his words but anyways I was grateful towards him. "Thank you." Was all I said as he parked at the car at my door. I stepped out of the car and bent down before closing the door behind. "Why don't you come inside, Dad would really like it." I insisted but he just plastered a small smile on his face that didn't even reach upto his eyes.

"I will, when I will have to take you with myself." Sohail said and nodded, I folded my lips and nodded back as I shut the door and he drove away. Making me wonder if I was being too rude and immature by not going with him?

I rung the door bell and waited until Dad answered the door and wrapped me up in a hug, before letting go of me. He shook me and glared at me. "Where have you been?" He shouted at me, gathering everyone in the house. "We have been calling you all day and your phone was dead.."

"I fell asleep without putting it on charging last night.." I reasoned and placed my strand of hair behind my ear. "Adam said, he told Ahmed. Didn't he tell you?" I asked.

"Ahmed wasn't home either, he said he had some meetings to attend." Mom replied.

"I fainted at the mall so Adam and Hira took me to the hospital. Apparently someone called Sohail recognising me as his wife so he was there with me." I said. It was indeed a very long day.

"You what? You fainted at the mall...why? What happened? Where is Sohail? Where is he then? Did you come home alone in a cab?" Mom fired questions at me.

"No, Mom he dropped me home and left." I answered.

"Why would he do that? At least he should've greeted us, he came here for the first time after your marriage." She said.

"Mom, he left his meeting for me. He had to leave." I excused for him.

"Still he is our son in law now, you should've forced him to come inside and have dinner with us." Mom said with a roll of eyes, disappointed in her daughter's manners.

"Why did you faint? Are you alright now?" Dad asked, "you look pale and weak." He added.

Mom stepped forward and placed her hand on my shoulder before she spoke. "Come inside, Have some food and relax.. yesterday must've been a tough day for you. You were forced to make a lot decisions in no time." The last one was for Dad, and Dad understood. He immediately turned and faced mom with anger.

"She my daughter, if once in life she did something for my sake I have no problem with that, am I clear?" He shouted at her.

"She is my daughter too, you don't get to make decisions alone. What if I force Mahreen into marrying Adam huh?? What would you feel like, that to in a night? We just went to attend a wedding and you turned it into hers." She snapped back, I was still stuck at Mahreen and Adam getting married and wanted to throw up again.

"I didn't have a choice. Samreen is my daughter and I love her too. The circumstances were different and Sohail is a nice guy. Its not that I have handed her over to a drug dealer. We couldn't have found a better guy than Sohail for her anyways.." Dad added.

"I knew you did it on purpose..  you were so upset when you heard about Sohail and Rania.. you have always wanted Samreen to get married to Sohail-" Mom shouted back. My eyes drew to Mahreen who just walked down the stairs and rubbed her eyes, probably waking up after all the screams.

"So what? Huh? I am her father I can think well for my daughter and I will until my last breath, Sohail's bride had ran away Ghana wouldn't stop blaming the poor boy for everything and I couldn't stand that."

"Then let us ask. SAMREEN, how happy are you with the thought of marrying Sohail?" Mom asked, all the eyes turned to me and I assumed I was suppose to answer their question. The question, I didn't really know the answer to.

I went silent for a couple of seconds until Mahreen cleared her throat to bring me back to earth. "I.. I don't know. I.." I stuttered

"You see, the poor girl can't even speak. She couldn't even spend her first night with her husband and had came home with us?? Why would a bride do that, do you know anyone who had ever done that??" She asked Dad.

Dad went silent. It was probably my answer that had shut him up, tears rolled down my eyes to see that my parents had been fighting and shouting because of me. Dad looked over at me and walked out of the house, Mom stormed into her bedroom and Mahreen and I dumbly stared at eachother.

"I should go" I said to myself. Mahreen walked over and hoped on the kitchen stool.

"They will be alright. It's just for today.. Mom is really upset with how the wedding happened. Her side of the family doesn't know anything and she was confused about how to break everything to them." Mahreen informed but that didn't help me.

"Sohail, is also having a hard time lying to people." I reasoned.

"I know, his Mom called saying all the guests that visited them today had been insisting on seeing you.."

"It was just one day." I assured myself.

"Apparently they had guests at home with surprises for the bride at your wedding night." Mahreen added making me feel even more shallower.

"Sohail, didn't tell me that." I muttered to myself and scratched the back of my neck wondering how messed up my life was after just one day. I should probably move inn with my husband.

"Chill Sam, they'll be fine. Wanna have some dinner?" Mahreen asked walking inside the kitchen.

I was disappointed at myself for being reckless but I didn't want to blame myself for everything that happened either. I was the one who was victimised. Why should I go around saying sorry?

Sighing in defeat and shooking my head in dismissal at Mahreen. I climbed up the stairs went in my room, changed into my night suit, laid down in the bed. I put my phone on charging and it eventually turned on. Rolling on my stomach I unlocked my phone and saw numerous calls from Mom and Dad, they must've been worried. Keeping the phone aside after going through it for half an hour I closed my eyes.

The notification sound on my phone, brought me back to consciousness. I rolled over to see a text from an unknown number. Which rode,

'Partly I did fulfil my promise. I have dropped a whole box of pulpy orange juice, some fruits and bread buns so don't sleep with an empty belly. Your well-wisher, your dearest husband, Sohail.' With a huge smile on my face I hurried down and received my parcel.

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