Chapter 18: The Grandkids! 👶

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With both of my hands holding the cup of coffee in my hand, I stared out the window . The wind blowing past my hairs, as I placed a strand behind my ear.

I looked over back when the door was clicked close and Sohail stepped into the room. We have been married for almost two weeks or so, our behaviours and manners towards each other have changed. We weren't, or I must say, I would rather not avoid him anymore. I mean we did touch each other's hand when the other person had a bad day at work or a sad story to tell but beside that, we kept our distance.

All of my time, with him had kind of paid off. I knew his favourite colour was black, his favorite food was chicken steak, his favourite car was the one he already had, his favourite song was... well nothing in particular but he liked, I hate you I love you by Gnash. His favourite time of the day was our coffee time and surprisingly it was becoming my favourite too. It was just too comforting and stress free.

We both would just walk out in the balcony, talk about our day at work, and blah blah blah...

"Hey! How was your day?" I walked over, placed my coffee on the table and took his bag so I can place it inside the closet.

"You're drinking coffee without me, that's unfair." He playfully whinned.

"I'll bring you one." He nodded and disappeared into the washroom.

I went down. Prepared coffee for him and added my cup too cause I was almost done with mine and drinking again won't be much of a problem. Carefully pouring tea into two cups was fine until Aunty Laila walked into the kitchen and startled me, I flinched burning my finger with a little coffee. She rushed too me, "I am so so so sorry darling.. are you alright?"

I ran the tap water through my fingers and sighed. Plastering a smile at her, "I am, no problem."

"I came upon hearing the clattering of cups, if you don't mind. I wanted to ask you something." She stepped forward and studied me for a moment, like she was deciding whether she should say it or not and even if she does say it, how to put her words into a proper manner seemed like another hurdle in her mind. "Sohail is our first child, and now that you're his wife you're also our daughter." She paused, just say it woman. "I understand your marriage had been complicated but you know you both should get close to each other. You both are very distant and I can't wait for my grand child anymore." My eyes widened in shock. How could she say that to me? What am I suppose to do? It's important that we both get to know each other better before stepping ahead into this relationship.

"I.. I.. I'll look forward to that." I grabbed my tray, forced a faint smile and ran out of the kitchen. Hurrying upstairs, I pushed the door open and spotted Sohail in the balcony.

"What took you so long?" He asked, I looked away. Aunty Laila's word playing in my mind.

"Oh nothing much, so how was your day?" I placed the tray on the table and sat on my chair.

"Well, I had three meetings today and one of them didn't go right. Infact I suffered great loss." He said, so that is why he looked dim today.

"Why, what happened?" I asked.

"Rania's father walked in middle of the meeting, accusing me of her daughter's disappearance." He started, my eyes widened making me wonder that this Rania chapter wasn't over yet. "I dismissed the meeting and told him I have nothing to do with anything. If I was still into her, I wouldn't have married."

"You didn't marry because you were over her, you married for the sake of your father and reputation, because she ran away." I answered.

"Her father thinks I did something and she ran because of that and now she's missing." He said.

"You must be worried for her." I added.

"Well, surprisingly I am. I am still upset at her for dodging me but, she's too young to be wandering alone on streets.." he added, I partly agreed with him. He had a point, it was definitely unsafe.

"So what are you going to do now?" I asked.

"I have hired an agency who will be looking for her and tell me her whereabouts after they find her." He said.

"But what if she doesn't want to be found?" I asked.

"Well, in that case I will tell her father everything. At least he would no longer blame me." Sohail answered.

"Hmm.." I nodded wondering why Rania was planning this little game. May be she was still stuck up on Sohail and had recklessly ran off on her wedding day. Typical bridal doubts! But it wasn't Sohail's fault he had been more than sincere the whole time.

"What's got on your mind?" Sohail snapped me out of thoughts and when my eyes landed on him I was immediately reminded of the party.

"Yeah. Oh I forgot to tell you one thing." I started, his eyes raised up as he sipped from his coffee. "Mom called yesterday she has invited all of us tomorrow at her place. Her side of the family could not be a part of the wedding so she's throwing them a small dinner." I added.

"Oh that," he looked distracted for a moment but spoke by himself, I needn't have to ask him. "Actually I have a meeting tomorrow and I might not be able to make it." He reasoned. Mom would be so upset if I tell her that.

"Oh, Actually we are the chief guest since the party is for our honor." I reasoned.

"I understand, I'll try to reschedule my meeting if not than I'll make sure it ends soon. I might join the party late." He said. I was hopeless, mom would kill me if he doesn't show up. First the wedding and now the party... "I will try my best don't worry." He added and playfully patted my head like I was his daughter. Dad did that a lot as well and he just reminded me of him.

"Okay, let me go and get you some food." I stood up.

"No stay, I will just have dinner today. Its already 7 in the eve." He reasoned. I nodded and sat back on the chair. Sohail was the one who stood up this time. "I'll go and pray."

I wasn't suppose to pray so I used my phone instead to see I had gotten a few messages from our WhatsApp group, 'ASM Siblings'.

Ahmed: I heard mom called and invited your house for the party.
Mahreen: Adam and Amna will be there too.
Ahmed: Why would Amna be there, they aren't married yet.
Mahreen: Shit happens!
Ahmed: Hey! I'm the only one who isn't married or engaged.. I'm not even in a relationship. What is it with people hurrying it?
Samreen: You're the one who's late.
Mahreen: Hahaha.. told you.
Ahmed: It's not my fault that no body likes me.
Samreen: you're the guy, you get to pick.. see I didn't go running of to Adam. There might be a secret admirer for you too? May be a neighbour?😏
Ahmed: What??
Mahreen: Hahaha.. and mine too.
Samreen: I can't even pray for that! Anymore.

"Samreen?" Sohail called me, my eyes lifted up from my phone.

"Yes" I answered as I walked back into the room,

"Hey Adam's going to be there at the party too?" My eyes lifted up in utter disbelief. He was the last person I had expected to ask this.

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