Chapter 30: The Lunch. 🍲

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I didn't know how I felt about Adam anymore. I knew my feelings for Sohail were increasing with each passing day off course my feelings for him were what confused me. Adam called me, I dismissed his call and went outside.

I opened the door and smiled at him. "Asalamualaikum," I greeted and placed my butt on the car's chair before shutting the door.

"WalaikumaSalam." Adam replied just before he accelerated.

"So where are we going?" I asked finally looking all around the car, after my eyes settled on him. His rolled up sleeves and hands gripping the starring wheel, just like Sohail's but I didn't stare longer cause he turned to face me.

"You've been so helpful the whole time with the wedding preps and everything. The least I can do is treat you to a proper meal, so we will be going to a nice five star restaurant." He said. I didn't want him to bother and the thought of going out on lunch with him, stiffened me. Off course people will see it as a regular date and I will have to answer them.

"It's okay you didn't have to bother." I said but he brushed me off as we silently drove to the five star restaurant he had booked.

The door man opened the door, we both stepped inside and walked through number of people to finally go and sit on our table. The table was especially reserved for us, with a new bright white table cloth, a small vase with two rose, two small salt and pepper bottles, two plates and two glasses on the both ends of the table, and small napkin with essential cutleries.

"Here's your table for two." The waiter gestured, Adam gave him a brief nod and took out a chair for me. I sat down before he proceeded to his chair. "The menu." The waiter tossed the menu booklet to both of us and swept off.

"Let's order something first." Adam said. I looked up at him wondering if this whole thing could've happened before, I must've had a different kind of excitement and glimmer in my eyes but there wasn't any at the very moment. I nodded to his suggestion, opened the menu booklet and scimmed through it.

I looked at the starters and wondered if it were winter I would've surely ordered soup but I just ticked out Salad for now, in the food section I battled between Alfredo pasta and chicken steak. Chicken Steak won!! "I'm done." Adam raised his hand up a little for the waiter to take our respective orders.

"I'll have a medium roasted meat steak with some french fries by the side,-"

"I'll have a chicken- or just make that two. I'll have the same." Adam told him, he gave a nod and left of with a chuckle. Adam and I were free to talk and that awkwardness was felt over the table.

I gathered up the courage to start up a conversation. "So? Nine more days huh?"

"I'll call that eight, cause the wedding is on the ninth day." Adam said. I nodded and once again we fell silent for another 75 seconds. "Did you feel nervous before your wedding, I mean how did the rest of days pass?" He asked, his question showed how nervous he was and it was normal after all it was a lifetime decision.

"Honesty I did not have time to think, I was just supoose to say yes." I chuckled, with a little bitterness. Every girl dreams a perfect wedding and like everyone else I wanted one to. I wanted to have the wedding shopping fun, songs and bachelor nights with my girls.

"Yeah! Must've been harder but I'm telling you this one isn't easier either. I have been in love with Amna, but still that little doubt in me doesn't let me sleep at night." Adam told me, I nodded and tentatively listened to his thoughts.

"I didn't know men had pre-wedding jitters." I was surprised at his baffled thoughts.

"Yeah! You women think we men are feeling less rapid dogs ready to rip your women skin apart." He chuckled.

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