Chapter 21: The Jealousy.🤨

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"Excuse me, can I have a word with you?" I turned around to the gorgeous eyes boring into mine and sighed, Ahmed and Mahreen walked away leaving the two of us alone. But little did I know, Sohail was also watching us from a far. His stern eyes never leaving the two of us as Adam helped me out the door leaving Sohail more suspicious.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"It's about the wedding actually, I haven't told Amna about the theme as I wanted to surprise her but the decorators refused to come at such short notice." He informed.

"So you want to change the theme now?" I asked.

"I know it must be inconvenient for you, since I come up with a different theme everytime we meet but I'm sorry. The decorators refused, I leave it on you now. Do whatever you want. Whatever you like?" He added with a chuckle and I couldn't help but smile sheepishly at him, I didn't want to but when my eyes landed on Sohail who was standing out the door I realised how he had been observing the sudden gleam of happiness in my eyes. The spark was there when I had been looking at Adam, Mahreen always said my eyes were different whenever I was around Adam. What if Sohail had seen the difference too?

Sohail for sure didn't seem happy, he marched down the few steps, into the courtyard and furiously grabbed my hand, Adam was left staring at us. "I'm tired, we are going home." Sohail announced and forcefully dragged me to the car. He opened the door for me, I got inside without uttering a word, I thought he would push me inside but he didn't. He slammed the door after I was on the seat then he turned, walked over to his side of the door got on the driving seat and slammed the door even harder, making me flinch and shiver with fear.

My palpitation increased, I didn't even say good bye to anyone. The cake was yet to be cut. Sohail didn't know about it but I knew and Mom would be upset.

Just as I was staring his hands that gripped the staring wheel tightened everytime we moved further away from our house, my phone rang. I put it on silent with my shaking hands but upon third call I answered. "Where in the hell are you?? Mom is looking for you." Mahreen asked.

"Hmm.." I muttered.

"What hmmm...?" She asked more frustratedly.

"Uhmm hmmm" I said and wanted to hit my head on the dash board.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked. "Is that a code word, I don't know about?" She insisted further.

"Nnnooo..." I muttered. And dismissed her call as I started to type her a text.

Me: Sohail has fever, we had to go home. Excuse Mom for the cake. Just serve it as a sweet dish.
Mahreen: What no? We didn't even get to say good bye. You didn't mention about Sohail being sick.

The car sped up and soon exerted breaks, my phone slipped and fell on the foot rest. We weren't home yet so why did he stop in the middle of nowhere? Deafening silence casted over us, none of us said a word. He shut his eyes close and rested his head on the head rest as he took deep breaths.

I bit my lip and silently observed him. He didn't like the fact that I was talking to Adam, that too alone from everyone else. Should I tell him that we were just discussing the theme? But what if he refuses me to host his wedding, Adam will be hopeless. It's just a few weeks now.

Sohail lifted his hands up from the staring wheel and raked both his hand through his hair as he let out a sigh. He opened his eyes but refused to meet mine.

"I'm sorry. If you want I can drop you back at the party." He said. I was scared enough to answer him but I did not want to go to the party anymore.

"I'll go wherever you go." I said, but did I sound too desperate or was it just fine?

"Ahmed mentioned something about the cake, did you know?" He asked, his voice as calm as ice.

"Yes, Mom wanted the two of us to cut it but we can go home if you want. I'll explain them." He went quite for a second and then made a u-turn to go back to my parents place. "Thank you!" I muttered, scaredly.

We walked back into the house with fake smiles without being noticed except by those who knew: Adam and Mahreen. Everyone else was chill except the two, I felt Adam squeezing on his couch and Mahreen tip toeing towards me.

"Hey! What the hell happened?" She asked. I just brushed her off with a smile and walked towards Mom.

"Oh my GOODNESS! Where were you? First your husband now you? I just keep looking for you guys all the time?" Mom complained.

"The disappearing Couple" Mahreen muttered and my heart was enough to shut her up for a few days.

"Mom can you please hurry up with the cake. Sohail is tired from the meeting we have to go."

"Oh okay! MAHREEN! GO BRING THE CAKE!!" Mahreen went away and Mom hurried to dim the lights. Mahreen came up with a cake trolley and triple story cake on it.

Dad brought Sohail by shoulders and gently patted him after pointing at the cake. Mom did the same with me and ultimately we both were standing close to each other, behind the cake as Mahreem handed me the knife with cute ribbons on it.

Sohail had a huge smile on his face for everybody to see and I also plastered one. Sohail held his hand over mine as I held the knife, throwing chills in my spine. We both grabbed the knife and sliced the cake.

Everyone cheered, clapped, many videos were taken until it was time to say good bye.
We both walked to our car and I silently sat inside without uttering another word.

He stayed quite, started the engine and drove to his place. I walked out just as he parked, unlocked the door. The guard hurried up and held the door for me, I carefully walked inside keeping complete balance on the heels.

I was slow so Sohail walked past me without uttering a word and took the stairs. I just stayed downstairs, cause I was too scared to go upstairs. Aunty and Uncle weren't back from the party, no one would've drone faster than Sohail at this very moment so the house was empty and all to me. I carefully walked upstairs after gulping some water down my throat. I grabbed door handle and pushed it down, Sohail was not in the room so I assumed he occupied the bathroom. I put my heels aside, and took my dupatta off and placed it on the dressing table. Took of my jewellery and just as I was undoing my necklace, Sohail walked out of the bathroom and my attention diverted to him. Mistakenly I tanged a few hair strands in the necklace's hook and winced when I pulled my hairs a little too harshly.

Sohail came back all dressed up in his relaxing brown shalwar kameez, his hairs a little wet. His eyes speaking a numerous emotion when they settled on me. His lips folded into a straight line. He knew I was stuck so he walked over to me but I was disappointed when he walked past me and grabbed his prayer mat.

He put the prayer mat and started praying. I gulped the saliva down my heavy throat before I burst into tears though at last my eyes did water up but I swiped those droplets away with my middle finger.

I walked inside the bathroom and shut the door, the necklace still hanging along with my hairs. Tears flowed down my eyes as I stared into mirror and tried to get rid of the necklace but I couldn't. I used toilet with the necklace still hanging and also changed clothes. The worst was yet to come when the shirt I wore to sleep also got stuck with the necklace when I pulled it down my body. My shirt did cover me but still, it was half worn. Tears rolled down my eyes as I felt helpless and forced the shirt down. Still with no such progress I walked out of the bathroom. The shirt was on my face till my waist. "I'm stuck!" I announced. I could see from the fabric of the shirt that he was on the bed using his cell phone. I knew his eyes lifted up. After dumbly staring at me for a long ten seconds he got off the bed.

"Stand still." He said in an authorative tone. He sneaked his hand from the neck of the shirt through my hairs and unclipped the necklace. It feel from inside of my shirt to the floor, I was about to bent down and grab it because it fell but Sohail held me by hairs. I winced in pain. "I said, stand still." He repeated, then he untangled the hairs from the button of my shirt and put the shirt down for me.

My eyes landed on his as we were standing to close, his eyes bored into mine whereas mine kept shedding tears. "I'm sorry." I apologized to him, I didn't like seeing him angry. He is always the compromising one. We can't take this relationship anywhere if he turns his back on me.

He wiped my tears with his soft manly thumb and forced a smile. "Come sleep." With his hand on my back, he gently pushed me forward towards the bed, he was on his side and I was on mine and soon we both drifted off to sleep.

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